superteetee Member


  • I had my doubts about the RK supplements, but I have been pleasantly surprised by them. I was stuck at an extremely persistent plateau for several months, but when I added the RK/GC supplement to my routine I finally started dropping weight again. Of course, I'm still counting calories and exercising, but at least now…
  • I log everything, personally. And yes, I do "obsess" (as you put it) about it, but that keeps me focused on my goals. If I don't obsess, I start slacking, and the next thing I know I've gained weight. Until I get down to a comfortable weight and manage to keep myself there, I won't be able to skip logging anything.
  • I do the pre-entering thing pretty frequently. If I know what meals I have planned, I enter them in the morning so I know how much leeway I have for the day. Then I adjust my diary as I go. :)
  • Welcome! I am in a similar situation as you. My weight has fluctuated for several years now, especially since my two pregnancies. In the last 10 years I've gone from 145 pounds to 226 pounds. A few months ago, my doctor found a spot on my liver. After a few grueling months of ruling out cancer and anything else that was…
  • Your weight goal needs to be based on how YOU feel about your body, not about how anyone else feels about it. If he loves you, he will be happy to sacrifice those extra pounds that he likes so that you can be happy, healthy, and confident in your appearance.