Garcinia Cambogia and Raspberry Ketones

cxdyer Posts: 105 Member
I went to GNC and bought Garcinia Cambogia and Raspberry Ketones, they seem to help with my energy level and appetite suppression. I don't see any particular weight loss from taking them but they are instrumental in keeping me on track with my eating plan. Do any of you take them? If so, do you buy from GNC or know where else to get as good of quality for less money?


  • WilBSkinee
    WilBSkinee Posts: 41 Member
  • ^bump
  • superteetee
    superteetee Posts: 5 Member
    I had my doubts about the RK supplements, but I have been pleasantly surprised by them. I was stuck at an extremely persistent plateau for several months, but when I added the RK/GC supplement to my routine I finally started dropping weight again. Of course, I'm still counting calories and exercising, but at least now those things are yielding a result. :)
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    I was VERY wary of GC b/c "Dr" Oz is so often full of ****... after much research I decided to try it, might not work, but might work, and can't hurt... I figured, eh, it's only $20 for the bottle... I don't think that it would help me if I'd just kept eating whatever I wanted or didn't exercise, but I do find that it helps to curb my appetite, but that's about it. I'll finish this bottle and likely not get it again. If you want something to get you started with eating less it's ok, but as far as the purported fat burning/metabolism boosting attributes and the mood elevating stuff... nah, doesn't work. Then, perhaps it has a placebo effect on me just making me think that it is curbing my appetite. Who knows. I also take Vitamin D, Chlorella, and Spirulina supplements. The Chlorella and Spirulina definitely keep me "regular". I know nothing about RK...
  • cxdyer
    cxdyer Posts: 105 Member
    I was VERY wary of GC b/c "Dr" Oz is so often full of ****... after much research I decided to try it, might not work, but might work, and can't hurt... I figured, eh, it's only $20 for the bottle... I don't think that it would help me if I'd just kept eating whatever I wanted or didn't exercise, but I do find that it helps to curb my appetite, but that's about it. I'll finish this bottle and likely not get it again. If you want something to get you started with eating less it's ok, but as far as the purported fat burning/metabolism boosting attributes and the mood elevating stuff... nah, doesn't work. Then, perhaps it has a placebo effect on me just making me think that it is curbing my appetite. Who knows. I also take Vitamin D, Chlorella, and Spirulina supplements. The Chlorella and Spirulina definitely keep me "regular". I know nothing about RK...

    I like to live by the motto "to each their own" which means I like to think that people will need to do what works for them and they don't need me or anyone else judging what they do or don't do. You seem to be really open too and not judgemetn on whether good or bad, that it may have worked or may have been placebo for you. Either wa,y you found out what works best for you. Awesome.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    waste of money
  • cxdyer
    cxdyer Posts: 105 Member
    I had my doubts about the RK supplements, but I have been pleasantly surprised by them. I was stuck at an extremely persistent plateau for several months, but when I added the RK/GC supplement to my routine I finally started dropping weight again. Of course, I'm still counting calories and exercising, but at least now those things are yielding a result. :)

    They worked for me too. I like the extra energy they give me. Glad you too found something that works for you.
  • NOT a waste of money at all! I have been on them both for a week and a half per my nutritionist and I am down 10lbs! I feel way more energized and they help with my food cravings. I was also given B6 to take. My friend, who is doing the same program I am, has lost 55lbs just by adding garcinia and ketones to a food grouping plan in only 13 weeks!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I think it is important to point out that all that are claiming "they work" are also stating that (a) it is keeping them on a meal plan (b) they are counting calories and exercising (c) and recognizing a placebo effect.

    If people want to waste their money until they can reach their goals without out it, cool. I just wanted to point out that it is not the pills, but other behaviors that are making the pounds come off, helping with cravings, increased energy, appetite suppression etc.
  • I have been eating the same for over a year and just recently added these things and have lost 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks...I think (for me) it is safe to say it is because of the garcinia and ketones. As for them working long term, who knows, but so far so good
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    waste of money

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I have been eating the same for over a year and just recently added these things and have lost 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks...I think (for me) it is safe to say it is because of the garcinia and ketones. As for them working long term, who knows, but so far so good

    My secret is an unopened box of Nerds in my pantry. Since I placed it there and never opened it, I have lost almost 28lbs. They're magic Nerds I think.

    Anyway, there's no such thing as a miracle substance to help you lose weight. I think you just have a second wind in regards to your regular food intake and are more conscientious about what you're eating because of the nonsense stuff you're taking (your mind WANTS it to work). But hey, whatever works for you, even if it is a Dr. Oz marketed placebo. You'd lose the same with or without it.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I have been eating the same for over a year and just recently added these things and have lost 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks...I think (for me) it is safe to say it is because of the garcinia and ketones. As for them working long term, who knows, but so far so good

    My secret is an unopened box of Nerds in my pantry. Since I placed it there and never opened it, I have lost almost 28lbs. They're magic Nerds I think.

    Anyway, there's no such thing as a miracle substance to help you lose weight. I think you just have a second wind in regards to your regular food intake and are more conscientious about what you're eating because of the nonsense stuff you're taking (your mind WANTS it to work). But hey, whatever works for you, even if it is a Dr. Oz marketed placebo. You'd lose the same with or without it.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I tried raspberry ketones. I was $20 lighter and that was it.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I tend to steer clear of AS Seen On TV products.

    I checked the ingredients in GC and found that Chromium is the second ingredient. Not good. Low levels of chromium can lead to increases in sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol within the bloodstream, which increase the risks for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In high dosages, chromium has caused chromosomal damage in animal studies.Extremely high doses of dietary chromium can inhibit the effectiveness of insulin and cause stomach upset, irregular heart beats, liver and kidney dysfunction, itching and flushing. Long-term effects over many months or years are unknown.

    I found the same thing in RK. There is actually a shocking amount of chromium in RK, enough to cause some serious health problems if taken long term.
  • They work for ME!!!!!!!!! They may not work for everyone. She asked if anyone had had success. to each their own..thanks for making fun
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I've lost 84lbs since October 1st, the same time that I got a second Bernese Mountain Dog!!! I believe that the abundance of black hair on (and in) everything, is responsible for this loss. I certainly wouldn't want to give MYSELF any credit for my own commitment to maintaing a calorie deficit. :tongue:
  • You know i'm always wary of diet pills, caffeine boosters, hunger suppressers too, but I've tried them before. The RK doesn't necessarily "suppress" my hunger, but I feel I eat better portions and actually feel full eating half the size meal i normally would. To test out the "placebo" effect, i gave them to my bf to take twice a day, telling him they were gummy candies instead of RK supplements. 5 days later, he tells me, "you know call me crazy, but lately I haven't been feeling as hungry...". So blind test there, shows that the stuff actually DOES work, it just depends on the person and how your body reacts to it.

    Secondly, most of the people commenting "waste of money" are men. (How ironic), but we live in a world where sometimes paying for change, paying for hope, paying for a solution, .. is worth TRYING to achieve a means to an end. For those of you who are great at sticking to the diet plan and working out consistently, GOOD FOR YOU, but there are those that need MORE help, whether it's mentally to motivate them, or physically with a friend or trainer. People go to the extreme to LOOK and FEEL healthy/lean/thin/etc (i.e. plastic surgery, lipo, weight watchers, gym trainers, gym memberships, workout videos, workout equipment.. blah blah blah) Many "methods" can cost tons of money, so if this RK works for some people and they are $20 dollars poorer, i say that's a good deal compared to the tons of money they could have spent on other things. Besides, for all the people that said this was a "waste of money", i'm sure you've spent $20 on that bottle of wine, restaurant date, movie night, or heck, maybe even the drive thru line at McDonalds. ; ] BUT to each his own.

    RK works for me as far as portion control, which helps me keep my calories where they need to be. I do agree that my weightloss and body fat percentage loss is attributed to my diet and workout not the RK. To everyone who's found success, more power to you. I wish you many more positive steps to reaching your goal. To those of you who "wasted your money" on buying this, if you had bought it from GNC, you actually have 30 days to return the product regardless of how much you have consumed. So stop your whining.

  • Thefivelees
    Thefivelees Posts: 12 Member
    How much do they take each day and when?
  • Thefivelees
    Thefivelees Posts: 12 Member
    They come in gummy form?