Hi! I'm new and nervous!

Hello all! I have to tell you that I am new to this site and nervous. It looks promising but I have been trying to lose weight on and off for years and have not met with much success. I am the typical yo-you. Then I get really discouraged so I eat all my favorite stuff, add 10 more pounds, end up being mad at myself, and start the cycle all over again. This time is a little different though. I am 50 pounds overweight and pre-diabetic. My weight gain is around my middle so I am a nice menopausal lady that looks like I am about to deliver a 30 pound baby. ERGhhhh! So anyway, my story is I really want to make this work and I really do need some support. I think (I hope) that it will be easier this way because I am anonymous - I am not sure why that makes a difference.

I am looking forward to making some friends, being supportive to those of you that need it, and learning to live a healthier life style.

A little more about me - I am a wife (my honey is the best!) and mother to two grown children. My son is nearly 25 and my daughter is 21 and a college student. I am a teacher, working in a middle school and love my job. Teachers are the best. I love to garden, I'm an avid readaer, and a total movie junkie. I will watch anything. I like to think I get more exercise than I probably do.

Anyway, I am looking forward to meeting you!


  • DebGaDavey
    DebGaDavey Posts: 20
    Welcome a great site to join!
  • Good luck! I just started a week ago with my mom and really like it so far!! Feel free to friend me if you want some extra support.
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member

    I am a teacher too. I teach first grade. I have been on my weight loss journey for almost 4 years. It has been slow going, but I am down 109 lbs. I will lose and then just sort of level out for a while. I just joined mfp a couple months ago I hadn't been losing and thought I needed something new. I have lost 7 lbs. I find it very motivational. You will get lots of support here. I have sent you a friend request.
  • Lenoremik
    Lenoremik Posts: 3
    Welcome. I really like this website as I never knew how many calories I was eating in a day. I have now learned to control what I eat and manage to stay under my calorie goal each day. I have also started exercising to give myself something to do other than eat. I am glad to say I have lost 27 pounds so far. Hang in there, and good luck.
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome!! You'll get lots of support and motivation here on MFP!!
  • kuarta
    kuarta Posts: 65
    Hi. Feel free to add me as I too was a yoyo dieter. I have tried everything: Atkins, Weight Watchers, Fit for LIfe, and the list goes on. I have hd the best success on this site. Weight loss is slow BUT IT IS CONSISTENT!!! And that is what you want..

    Good luck and keep tracking calories where calories in is less than calories out - that is the secret (for me anyway).
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    Hi there! Nice to see you here! This community is so supportive and helpful - you will not find ANY judgement here at all. I've been sticking to my workout for over a week now thanks to this site, and that is saying ALOT for me - I have not done that in years. We are all shapes and sizes here and what we want to achieve may be different, but we all are working toward the same thing in the - sticking to it and being healthy and happy. Everyone is always glad to help and offer encouragement. If you would like, you are more than welcome to friend me. Take care! :)
  • Welcome...All I can tell you is don't think that you are on a diet. You are making a lifestyle change. I have been doing this site for almost a year and am down over 100 pounds. Good luck. If you are really ready you will be successful.
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    Welcome on board, I havent been on very long but it is a great site with lots of support! Joining is a good step. Keep up your dedication and the weight will come off. Id love to help motivate, friend if youre interested.
  • twotfluty
    twotfluty Posts: 51
    Welcome! You CAN do this. Its seems like you are at that moment where you are really ready to make the changes needed to make this happen-and for life. I am also a teacher and have great coworkers that are so super supportive. I truly believe that life will give you what you need and want when you are ready for it. I would suggest taking the initiative to start a walking club or some sort of activity club with some of your coworkers. Nothing crazy-just 20-30 minutes of walking around the perimeter of the building for a solid chunk of time. If it's rainy, pace the inside of the building. Just that will make such an impact. Take this summer break to find out what you are able to do. Log your food every day. I have it on my phone, too, so even if I'm out I can track it. Your food habits can be broken and you will learn to make better decisions and you will end up craving that food instead! Just stick with it! If you are stuck for some healthy alternatives I've found "Eat Better America" website has what they call "healthified" recipes where they take something unhealthy and swap out alternative ingredients. Cooking Light also has some great recipes. Good luck! You can do it!
  • Kimbersway2thin
    Kimbersway2thin Posts: 5 Member
    I am new to the site as well. Your story sounds so familiar and we are about the same age with kids the same ages. I would love to network for support. Look forward to chatting.
  • superteetee
    superteetee Posts: 5 Member

    I am in a similar situation as you. My weight has fluctuated for several years now, especially since my two pregnancies. In the last 10 years I've gone from 145 pounds to 226 pounds.

    A few months ago, my doctor found a spot on my liver. After a few grueling months of ruling out cancer and anything else that was life-threatening, my doctor explained to me that I had a fatty liver, and that the only thing that would relieve my symptoms was losing the extra weight. Something about being terrified to leave my family kicked me into high gear.

    I had signed up on this web site before, but I had never really used it consistently. This time, I signed in and got serious. Now I'm halfway to my goal, and for the first time in my life I can't wait to go to the doctor so she can see my weight!

    My advice to you is to stay serious, don't let yourself get discouraged when you plateau (and you will plateau), keep at it even when it's most difficult, and always remember that there are plenty of us right alongside you!

    This site has been my #1 weight loss tool EVER, and I'm certain it can be the same for you. :)
  • jessicarn76
    jessicarn76 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! This is a great supportive site. Lots of tools to help you on your journey and lots of help, motivation, tips from fellow MFP members.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Hi im new to just got here about three days ago. I to have kids one 23 one 21 and I have lost 70 pounds at one time kept it off along time but i got lazy and the last 5 years gained 40 back. I just quit exercising so hopfuly we can motivate each other. Id love to be friends i need all the support i can get n hope i can help you also.
  • Jodi_O
    Jodi_O Posts: 32
    Movie junkie? I LOVE movies. What was the last movie you saw? Feel free to friend me.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Good for you i love to hear stories of success, it shows it is possible
  • Welcome lw, this is the place to be for continued support,motivation from real people who are on a mission to live active healthier lives. It's free and no boring classes. Friend me if you would like to.
  • crr7
    crr7 Posts: 17
    You will love MFP! I DO! I started using it in january but did not friend anyone or post on any blogs. I just used it for the calorie counter. That was great but now I have found that it is so much better to "friend" people and use the support system that you can get on here.

    BTW, I too am a teacher - high school math!

    good luck and hope that you find MFP to be as much of a support as I do
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    Hi there, you can add me if you would like. I would like walking with you in your journey. I have been on the site about 3 months. I have lost 16 lbs and 6.5 inches. I have tried losing weight the last 23 years and this is the first thing that has worked. You have to be committed to log all your food and drink lots of water and be a bit active if you physically can. You can do this!

    I am a mom of 3 grown children- 25, 24 & 22. My husband and I have been married 28 years this month. We have 6 grandchildren under the age of 4. 4 boys and 2 girls. I love to garden too!

    and YOU rock for being a teacher!
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    I am new to the site as well. Your story sounds so familiar and we are about the same age with kids the same ages. I would love to network for support. Look forward to chatting.

    hey I am also looking for folks in my 'age bracket' - :-) I have 3 grown kids and 6 grandchildren. I will send a friend request. Its always nice to meet people at the same stage in life...