imhungry2012 Member


  • I use mine at least once a week (if not more) for zucchini noodles. I have the hand held "as seen on tv" version that was $10 and don't really think you need the fancy one unless you plan on spiralizing a lot at once and/or more than just zucchini. Shrimp scampi is my fav to have with zoodles but also do it with a sautéed…
  • Been in the exact scenario with Thin Mints. Instead of getting mad I wrote a letter to the girl scouts pleading my case that a serving size should really be listed as one box :flowerforyou:
  • I wear pants (jeans and dress pants) from The Limited and Express for the most goal was to be a size 4 in The Limited and a size 4 or 6 in Express (they seem to fit weird if you have any sort of thigh muscles). I weigh the same as I did when I was a tight size 6/8 respectively. Victory. Or I would suggest…
  • To answer your question on how to eat more calories - eat meals with/snack on healthy high calorie foods like: Almonds Almond/Peanut Butters (on triscuits, apples, bananas...) Avocados Salmon Full fat dairy products Use olive oil for cooking Dark Chocolate Protein Shakes can be good suppliments as well (make with almond…
  • I'm not really one to judge how much or little someone eats or jump on the "1200 calorie" bashing ban wagon....but strongly feel that you should start eating more than 700 calories a day...especially if you are working out. Find out your TDEE, eat less than that and change up your workout and I bet you will kick start…
  • Many hotels offer microwaves and/or mini fridges upon request. I was "on the road" for a off restraunt food killed (that and the drinking). If you end up eating out for dinner on a regular basis maybe consider chain restaraunts that offer "lighter" menu options or going to a diner as breakfast food can be…
  • He is just as pathetic as she is. I have been in your shoes and the only regret I have is that I didnt get out of that relationship sooner...and that I didnt listen to anyone who told me that until I realized it myself (3 years later).
  • Interval training - sprints, you have to practice running faster Strength training your legs I knocked 3 minutes off my 5k time by doing a combo of the two...not in 3 weeks though.
  • I use my food scale for nuts, cereal (it's so sad how little one serving actually is), cheese, meat., and fish. While I use it everyday, I don't think it's obsessive...just being aware of how much I am consuming.
  • If you are working out while you are still on the clock, technically you are stealing from your company. While I would not rat this person out I would not put myself in a situation where I could potentially get written up, verbal warning or fired. I would go in early to work out, work out over lunch or workout right at the…
  • SHE is not directly contributing to obesity or harming anyone...we are all in control over what we eat/dont eat. I am not obese and I freaking love a good pastry and thank your friend for her culinary skills which allow my taste buds to to enjoy such pleasure.
  • My boyfriend and I just joined together, I am on my last fundamental training session...taking my first official class on Friday. I'm already hooked and so sore today but cannot wait to go back. Just what I need to break my mental and physical workout plateau.
  • My perfect weight will be when I sit down and still have a flat stomach.
  • I only eat red and purple skittles, I throw the rest out
  • Your total daily calorie/energy expenditure (TDEE) is how many calories you burn in a day. Eating less than that creates a defecit. For example my TDEE with exercise is roughly 2100, a 20% defecit for me is eating 1680 calories daily. Note: MFP calculates a defecit for you by default but you can adjust it if you want/need.
  • I vote spandex/booty shorts
  • Some people are just MEAN! Awesome job on 4 miles!! Whoop Whoop! :drinker:
  • You havent had any up and down fluxuations since you started? They are normal, especially when you eat things you dont "normally" eat as others mentioned retaining water likely is contributing to the temporary gain on the scale...I highly doubt that you gained 2 lbs of fat overnight :) Weigh again in a week and you'll…
  • Working your muscles to failure is tears the muscle more making it stronger as it rebuilds. Or so I'm told...
  • You can't out exercise a bad diet. Your sugar intake is likely sky high. I suggest eating your exercise calories back. To me it just makes sense unless your overall caloric intake is really high (ex. my BF's is 3000 calories a day, he doesnt really eat much of his exercise cals back). 4 weeks is not that long, don't get…
  • I made these last night: 1 box Pillsbury Perfectly Pumpkin Cake Mix 1 can of pumpkin pure Compbine until moist, bake as cupcakes (12) per the package instructions. 145 calories. Yum.
  • I happen to love the pink on the uniforms and the shoes...regardless of the color, I think it is awesome that an organization as large as the NFL commits to raising awareness each year. Maybe you should not watch football in October if it bothers you that much.
  • It's worth it. Do it. A month from now you won't regret it and will probably be feeling a lot better after each workout than you did today. Today is the day you could start changing your life.
  • I switched to plain chobani (or any plain greek that is on sale) because I realized the same thing. I add my own berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries - whatever is on sale:)) which makes me feel better about the sugar b/c it is coming from fresh fruit. There is still some sugar in the plain, has…
  • I'm wearing a new skirt today...SIZE 4!
  • Great job!! That is a great time. September 2012 I did my work 5k in 31 mins and this year (last weekend) I did it in 28 mins! That is my fastest.
  • 1) How much would you pay for a fitness kit? I probaby would not pay for a fitness kit. I opt to bring a work out DVD with me on the road, use the hotel gym and/or my Nike Training Club app that was free. Also, I rarely check a bag so space is tight anyways...depending on how much space the kit would take up make be…
  • Awesome. People need to calm down, she IS taking care of her body :)
  • Not disagreeing with you, I wish I had started my current strentgh routines sooner! For me, it was really hard as a beginer...possibly similar to OP...I feel like you have to start where you are most comfortable, which unfortunately for me was not free weights and I dont think there is anything wrong with that.
  • For all of you strong ladies suggesting there is no use for machines, your first day at the gym did you head straight for the squat rack? Did you never use any machines when you started? If you did that is awesome. I only use a select few machines these days as I found found love for free weights and the barbell. However,…