How do you know when you are at the 'perfect' weight?

I am 44 years old - 5'2" and currently #131 . According to my Boflex scale I am at 17.4% body fat. It hasn't gone above 18% body fat in months. I did Insanity for about 10-11 weeks and am on week 6 of Focus T25. The scale has fluctuated 1-3# up or down in the last 3 months. Nothing significant.

Is it possible that I am at the weight I SHOULD be at and that is why I am no longer losing weight? I eat 1400-1700 calories a day depending on what I did for a workout. My BMR is about 1309 if I use the BMR calculator on Fat2Fitradio

Am I under eating for how close to my goal I am? I wanted to get to #124 with wiggle room of up to #129.


  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    PERSONALLY I think a healthy weight that is easy to maintain for you is ideal as long as your bf is in huge range you want too.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    Sounds to me like you've found a weight you can easily stay at, and have figure out what you need in terms of maintenance calories. I guess if you wanted you could cut back a tiny bit on calories to create a deficit to lose a little bit more, but that would be your own personal preference.
  • STC1188
    STC1188 Posts: 101 Member
    I don't think there is an easy way to assess anyone's "perfect" weight.

    For instance, someone who loves eating without thinking may have their perfect weight at a much higher weight than someone else. Another person might feel their perfect weight is in the anorexic range.

    I guess it is how you define perfect. To you, it sounds like a number on a scale. For others, it might be a certain look or a certain feeling. I will say that you look bone-thin in your avi. If you don't do resistance training, you might want to bump up your calories and put on some muscle. Of course, that is just my knee-jerk reaction.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Perfect weight is a flawed concept considering a persons body composition will impact how they look at a certain weight. When I started losing weight, I was at what I will eventually consider the perfect weight. However, being somewhere around 25-30% bf meant that, despite my weight, I was unhappy with my body. When I get back up to that weight at 8% bf, then I will be somehwat content.

    So basically, when you look in the mirror and are happy with what you see, you are at the perfect weight and bf%.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    There is no such thing as a perfect weight. The idea is ridiculous. Look in the mirror, at your clothes, etc. If you see things you would like to change you can work on that but it has to do with body composition, not weight. Weight is just a number on a scale.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    The perfect weight for you would be the amount you weigh when you are happy with what you see in the mirror.
  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
    Simple! You(Opinion) Perfect (Subjective)...
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    When I've reached 20% or less body fat, then I'm at the right weight.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    My perfect weight will be when I sit down and still have a flat stomach.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    Congrats on losing the 31 pounds! To answer your question - How do you feel? How do your clothes fit? Are you energetic? How difficult is it to maintain? These are all measures you could use. It really is up to you ultimately. If you are happy at the weight/look you currently are at then that is your 'perfect' weight. The only thing to caution is that the scale will fluctuate (at any weight) and you will see differences in the number all the time. I would say always go with how you feel more than what the scale tells you.

    If you really want to get down to 124, then I would recalculate your loss to only 1/2 pound a week (or less) and understand that it is going to come off really slowly, but you will be eating closer to maintenance and may be more sustainable. Good Luck!
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Just peeked at your diary and it looks like you're actually netting below your BMR. That'll cause a plateau, for sure. I'm the same current weight and a little taller than you with the same weight goal. But I do nowhere NEAR as much cardio and I eat an average of 1975 cals a day to lose weight, albeit the slow and steady way.

    Check this calculator out. I think you may be really surprised with the number, but it works and it's sustainable!
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    The perfect weight for you would be the amount you weigh when you are happy with what you see in the mirror.


    I have a ton of weight to lose but I don't have a number, just ranges. I'm 5'9 with no health issues whatsoever right now. So if I get to 180 and look and feel awesome to MYSELF......well FTW or any percentages. I'll have lost almost over 150lbs and everything else can kick rocks. :happy:
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Just peeked at your diary and it looks like you're actually netting below your BMR. That'll cause a plateau, for sure. I'm the same current weight and a little taller than you with the same weight goal. But I do nowhere NEAR as much cardio and I eat an average of 1975 cals a day to lose weight, albeit the slow and steady way.

    Check this calculator out. I think you may be really surprised with the number, but it works and it's sustainable!

    I thought I might be eating low (I do have 2 really LOW days a week because I work afternoon shift and don't really get a lunch break) On those really low days, I try to eat more the day after (zig-zagging the calories).

    According to the schoobydoo site, 1600-1700 is what I should be aiming for - which is what I try to do. Maybe I'll just try to eat a bit more.

    This is definitely slow since it's taken me 9 months to lose #14 that I had gained from my initial weight loss.

    Although my scale says 17% BF, I still feel I could lose more fat in my belly area. It drives me crazy.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    What I thought would be perfect for me (my goal weight), was not actually it. Since calling goal I've continued to lose weight after transitioning into maintenance, (listening to my body's cues and not counting calories anymore). Here I am now, 15lbs under my goal weight and at my lowest weight ever as an adult. I feel good with where I am, but I'm still losing and realize that anything below what I am now is NOT ideal for me, so I'm working on upping calories right now. I started last fall at my highest, 173lbs/size 14 jeans. If you had told me last fall this is where I'd end up in one year, 119.5lbs/size 2 jeans, I would have laughed at you-never ever thought I'd look and feel my best in the weight range I'm at now, but here I am :smile:
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    "Perfect weight" is best defined by body fat percentage. See the chart at:

    I'm 5'2, 126 lbs, and over 30% body fat despite having considerable muscle. But then I'm also very small-boned.
    You must either have big bones, or body-builder-worthy muscles if you really have only 17% BF. And maybe you do. Height doesn't tell the whole story.

    However, I would suggest checking your body fat with a different method-- calipers work and they are cheap and available on the internet. I don't trust BF scales.

    But if you really are 17% BF, or even simply under 25%, and like the way you look, don't worry about it. Do you have kids? If so, the little belly flab could be loose skin, which sadly, may never go away without surgery.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I am 44 years old - 5'2" and currently #131 . According to my Boflex scale I am at 17.4% body fat. It hasn't gone above 18% body fat in months. I did Insanity for about 10-11 weeks and am on week 6 of Focus T25. The scale has fluctuated 1-3# up or down in the last 3 months. Nothing significant.

    Is it possible that I am at the weight I SHOULD be at and that is why I am no longer losing weight? I eat 1400-1700 calories a day depending on what I did for a workout. My BMR is about 1309 if I use the BMR calculator on Fat2Fitradio

    Am I under eating for how close to my goal I am? I wanted to get to #124 with wiggle room of up to #129.

    Wow you must have a lot of muscle!! I don't know my body fat but I'm taller than you and weigh a bit less but I know I'm a lot higher than 17%.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    "Perfect weight" is best defined by body fat percentage. See the chart at:

    I'm 5'2, 126 lbs, and over 30% body fat despite having considerable muscle. But then I'm also very small-boned.
    You must either have big bones, or body-builder-worthy muscles if you really have only 17% BF. And maybe you do. Height doesn't tell the whole story.

    However, I would suggest checking your body fat with a different method-- calipers work and they are cheap and available on the internet. I don't trust BF scales.

    But if you really are 17% BF, or even simply under 25%, and like the way you look, don't worry about it. Do you have kids? If so, the little belly flab could be loose skin, which sadly, may never go away without surgery.
    I did get calipers with Insanity and according to those, I am 13% body fat - which is why I'll go with the 17 - sounds more realistic.
    I do have children - 2, 15 and 4 ... which were both delivered via C-section.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'd ask you to consider the following by Steve Troutman. For me weight is 5th on the list of priorities after health, functionality and physique and performance.
    "I simply don't think it's worth worrying about what your weight should be. Rather, worry about what your health, functionality, performance, and physique should be. Weight will settle where it needs to be once those things are optimized."
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    "Perfect weight" is best defined by body fat percentage. See the chart at:

    I'm 5'2, 126 lbs, and over 30% body fat despite having considerable muscle. But then I'm also very small-boned.
    You must either have big bones, or body-builder-worthy muscles if you really have only 17% BF. And maybe you do. Height doesn't tell the whole story.

    However, I would suggest checking your body fat with a different method-- calipers work and they are cheap and available on the internet. I don't trust BF scales.

    But if you really are 17% BF, or even simply under 25%, and like the way you look, don't worry about it. Do you have kids? If so, the little belly flab could be loose skin, which sadly, may never go away without surgery.
    I did get calipers with Insanity and according to those, I am 13% body fat - which is why I'll go with the 17 - sounds more realistic.
    I do have children - 2, 15 and 4 ... which were both delivered via C-section.

    You must lift a lot!!
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member

    I did get calipers with Insanity and according to those, I am 13% body fat - which is why I'll go with the 17 - sounds more realistic.
    I do have children - 2, 15 and 4 ... which were both delivered via C-section.

    I had a C-section too-- the only stretch marks I have are around the incision scar--I bet the Dr. stretched the skin when he took the baby out. He should have made a bigger incision! (it was a big baby). Anyway there's a little pocket of stretched, flabby skin around the scar which I never could lose, even when I once got down to 102 lbs. If I ever get rich enough that I feel OK blowing money on such things I'll get it "fixed".

    Anyhow-- if you really do only have 17% BF, you probably would be better off not losing any more fat. Frankly, women over 40 usually look better with a little fat left under the facial skin. My opinion, anyhow.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Are you happy at your current weight? Is it a sustainable weight? Do you like how you look? Then that's probably the perfect weight FOR YOU.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member

    I did get calipers with Insanity and according to those, I am 13% body fat - which is why I'll go with the 17 - sounds more realistic.
    I do have children - 2, 15 and 4 ... which were both delivered via C-section.

    I had a C-section too-- the only stretch marks I have are around the incision scar--I bet the Dr. stretched the skin when he took the baby out. He should have made a bigger incision! (it was a big baby). Anyway there's a little pocket of stretched, flabby skin around the scar which I never could lose, even when I once got down to 102 lbs. If I ever get rich enough that I feel OK blowing money on such things I'll get it "fixed".

    Anyhow-- if you really do only have 17% BF, you probably would be better off not losing any more fat. Frankly, women over 40 usually look better with a little fat left under the facial skin. My opinion, anyhow.

    No stretch marks here- my son was #9 11oz. No one would ever see my incision - it's very low. I guess I just wonder if I even really have anymore 'fat' to lose?
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Are you happy at your current weight? Is it a sustainable weight? Do you like how you look? Then that's probably the perfect weight FOR YOU.

    It must be sustainable, since I've pretty much been the same for many months! I do like how I look, but wish my thighs were a little smaller - but they are muscular,not fat - so I guess that's okay, I'd rather be muscular than skinny
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Are you happy at your current weight? Is it a sustainable weight? Do you like how you look? Then that's probably the perfect weight FOR YOU.

    It must be sustainable, since I've pretty much been the same for many months! I do like how I look, but wish my thighs were a little smaller - but they are muscular,not fat - so I guess that's okay, I'd rather be muscular than skinny

    Muscular is good. :smile:
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    If you're female, it's easy. Just watch men. If they check you out often, you're at your ideal weight/fitness level. If they glance at you and look away quickly, then you're probably too thin or significantly overweight. Protip: Men think we're more attractive when we aren't stick-thin. :drinker:

    Or you could go by your clothes. When the clothes you like (that aren't stretchy) fit you comfortably, you're in the right weight range. :glasses:

    Basically, you know you're at the perfect weight when you're looking at your life, not the number on your scale. :bigsmile:
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I don't know about the "perfect weight"...I'm more interested in the actual shape and body composition.
    To me that depends more on BF% and inches. I guess I'll just have to wait till I'm there. :wink:
