

  • I asked them to show me a loaf of the low carb bread because I was skeptical and they brought me the regular bread with 24 carbs a slice. I asked again and they said it is the only bread they have so 'low carb bread' at Cracker Barrel is a big lie and I always tell them to leave it off. Beware!
  • When you make the gel out of them do you use the same amount? For example, a serving on seeds is 1T so if I soak them 1T with 8T water overnight do I still just use a T of the gel in my shake?
  • Hard to make suggestions if we can't see your diary. I would guess make sure you're getting at least 60g protein a day for starters and drink your water. But that's just basic stuff.
  • Well, TOM for me usually means a temporary weight gain due to retention. It will probably come off a day or two after TOM ends.
  • I do 8oz of unsweetened almond milk, a splash of heavy whipping cream to make it more 'milkshake-y', 1 scoop of Jay Robb Vanilla Whey protein powder and shake in some S/F Jello in whatever flavor I want that day. YUMMY!!! Or you could use S/F pudding mix or crystal light....
  • My NUT has me between 70-80 but would prefer 80
  • I had a lap-band for 3 years and lost 90lbs. Had it unfilled for a tummy tuck and gained 30 back. Couldn't get the band to work after that, was either overfilled or underfilled, so I had revision surgery and got the band removed and had the sleeve done 5/9 this year. I've only lost 8.4 lbs but I'm so much happier with the…
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