Cracker Barrel low carb menu issues



  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Honestly, if you can't find the nutritional information on it then I wouldn't eat it.

    One thing I would like to know is why do so many people assume because someone wants to know the carb count in a slice of bread that they are atkins, when in reality there's many of us that have to be hyper-aware of all carbs because of diabetes.

    I cannot eat two slices of regular bread if I want to keep my sugar under control, but if it's a low carb, high fiber bread I can eat two slices. Huge difference to a diabetic between 20g of carbs and 40g of carbs.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    OP, are you just watching carbs or doing a keto diet? If you are doing keto, definitely avoid the bread. Some sausage has more carbs than you would think from the fillers (especially smoked and link sausage it seems), so I would be wary of it too.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I also eat low carb....But I would not be ordering that! I eat healthy foods. I pick a egg white omelette with veggies and a little cheese. Not toast, but a side of berries or mellon. I have worked to hard to waste my calories on one meal!

    Good luck.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Breakfast is my biggest meal of the day so I have all day to work off the calories. I just love Cracker Barrel bacon and sausage and it would be nice to have bread more often if it's true.

    It doesn't matter what time of day you eat the calories. In is in. The notion that things you eat earlier in the day get burnt off and what you eat before bed time turns right into fat has been debunked. I've got a few articles somewhere.....
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Low carb and bread don't go together. Bread is a carbohydrate concept.
  • MFitzRN
    I know that Healthy Life brand makes extremely low net carb breads. You can get them at Kroger and Walmart. It comes in 5 and 6 net carbs. Also if you want low carb options, Ole makes tortillas that are 5 net carbs and they are awesome for sandwiches. I hope this helps.
  • KristenAFL
    I asked them to show me a loaf of the low carb bread because I was skeptical and they brought me the regular bread with 24 carbs a slice. I asked again and they said it is the only bread they have so 'low carb bread' at Cracker Barrel is a big lie and I always tell them to leave it off. Beware!
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    Dont eat's not low carb! I used to work there (at 3 diffrent ones actually) and its just plain old wheat bread, nothing low carb about it....and-have them make your eggs without OIL--its disgusting :) hope that helps
    yep... I worked there too. its just the same wheat bread they serve period.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    call cracker barrel they have to have a phone. Call the restaraurnt and ask them to read the label to you. It has to be there. I'd lie a little tell them you are a sensitive brittle diabetic and have to know the exact amount of carbohydrates or you can go into insulin seizures right there and then if it's too high.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Dont eat's not low carb! I used to work there (at 3 diffrent ones actually) and its just plain old wheat bread, nothing low carb about it....and-have them make your eggs without OIL--its disgusting :) hope that helps
    yep... I worked there too. its just the same wheat bread they serve period.

    oh lord that is some messed up false advertising I wonder how many unsuspecting diabetics have had to increase there doses of insulin thinking they were getting a low carb option! You figure out it's what only 3 net carbs but really it's 8x that high! Damn someone's gonna make a lawyer rich.

    OMG so if the bread they are serving is 24g a slice then that means someone would get (including tomato) about 50g for a meal!! That's ridiculous more than 3 servings of carbohydrates for a meal and not including any extras someone would add. You could really shoot a person's blood sugar sky high, and then they'd have to double dose for lunch if he/she was on insulin just to cover the mysteriously high blood sugars.

    No way is 50gm legally considered low carbohydrate.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I've eaten at Cracker Barrel in the past. I don't think there are ANY healthy options there! Best to eat somewhere else, I think.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    When I saw the title of this thread, I thought "No way Cracker Barrel can pull this off."

    They didn't. The bread is just high fiber, not low carb. The bread they serve as "low carb" is 20 grams of carbs per slice. That is, if the cooks served you the high fiber, whole grain bread. If the bread was white, chances are it was just plain old french or sourdough and even higher in carb grams.

    The lowest carbs per slice bread I've been able to find is Dave's Killer Bread, Sprouted wheat at 17 grams per slice. Just keep in mind that low carb bread just doesn't exist. The idea of "net carbs" is a marketing gimmick used to show that a product is high in fiber. I feel that listing a product's net carbs should be illegal as it is very misleading.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    When I saw the title of this thread, I thought "No way Cracker Barrel can pull this off."

    They didn't. The bread is just high fiber, not low carb. The bread they serve as "low carb" is 20 grams of carbs per slice. That is, if the cooks served you the high fiber, whole grain bread. If the bread was white, chances are it was just plain old french or sourdough and even higher in carb grams.

    The lowest carbs per slice bread I've been able to find is Dave's Killer Bread, Sprouted wheat at 17 grams per slice. Just keep in mind that low carb bread just doesn't exist. The idea of "net carbs" is a marketing gimmick used to show that a product is high in fiber. I feel that listing a product's net carbs should be illegal as it is very misleading.

    This makes me so angry when you think about the people who have an honest to God disease that can affect their life, and these companies dont care. They do the same thing with gluten, and put the lives of those with Celiac's at risk every day.

    So angry that's why education on nutrition is so important, so you can break down what's really going into your mouth.