

  • Just completed day 7! I am seeing and feeling the results already :) 5 inches lost! :)
  • Evening for me! I am on day 4. My back is killing today so I don't think im gunna find it too easy! When does this get easier?! :P
  • I did my first day with very little pain, but a whole lot of sweat. I thought it was a bit strange that my gf who is a lot slimmer than me was crawling around all day and I was seemingly ok apart from a tiny bit of arm ache...... I did day two last night. This morning I can really feel it...It seems that I actually have…
  • I am starting today too! (May 9th!).....if you don't hear from me again, then I am probably dead on my living room floor (from exhaustion) :) Good luck!
  • Hi all! I am up 3 after too much belated birthday celebrations and ladies monthlies. Not going to beat myself up about it! I expect a bigger loss next friday. Good luck to everyone weighing in!
  • 1lb loss for me! 216.8 to 215.8 Not bad considering I ate so much crap! :)
  • A lot of people are talking about uping water intake. Does this aid weight loss?
  • Morning challengers. Let us begin! Cant beleive I set this up and actually forgot to post my weight! sw 217 gw 203! Anyone feel like a mini challenge this week? Maybe walking/running an extra two miles or something? Good luck!
  • Community>message boards>my topics :)
  • That is unbelievable!!! Well done you!!
  • Hi all! Thanks to the people who ahve taken me up on the challenge! I was wondering if there were any volunteers that would like to compile a list of losses each week for the members of the challenge? I did this on the last challenge I set and it kept me motivated. However, I am a busy trainee social worker going into a…
  • Great to see so many new faces! Feel free to add me!
  • Hello! First of all I would like to apologise for my absence over the last week! I have had flu :( I am really thankfull to all who have taken the time to participate in this challenge with me! The response was massive and I am amazed at the difference it has made to my weight loss! I havent hit 20lbs, but a whole stone…
  • Hi guys, Noone got back to me about weight lost this week, and not many people have lost anything from what I can see from the board so I have not compiled a list. If you want to check how others have done then scroll back a day and the people that are still taking part in the challenge have posted. I hope all is well, and…
  • Hi guys! Will post the list tomorrow evening as I am a little tied up with some uni work today! Hope all is well! Melissa
  • Ze List! twinsfan1976 3.4;bs MrsRios 2lbs miko412 10.6lbs (so far) jippygirl 1lb ley1 2lbs Heidi716 2lbs ickybella 2lbs twilightteamedwar 2lbs ferff3 3lbs janetay01 1.8lbs rayfromtx 2lbs lornawalker 3lbs Congrats to everyone! Anyone got any tips for restarting my weight loss? I seem to have plateued! really hoping for a…
  • Hi There, Just join in the conversations on the thread and post the amount of LBS you lose for the week over the weekend. A list is then put up on monday with everyones losses. Welcome to the challenge!
  • Hi All! Its great to see some old faces back on the thread with some positive results! I am compiling the list as always (to be posted monday)! Keep the good results coming :) I refuse to get on the scales this week due to aunt flo being in town! Speak to you all soon!
  • and MrsRios 1lb!
  • List as promised! Cataclysm 1lb ickybella 3lbs blindassassin 3lbs twinsfan1976 1.8lbs ley1 3lbs ferff3 1lb taz12 3lbs loveusa 3lbs RodgerBuckley 4lbs (in 4 weeks) lornawalker 2lbs Good luck to all! And thanks for your continued support
  • Hi All! Thanks for getting your losses to me! Keep um coming! Someone mentioned doing another challenge after XMAS. I suggest an intensive Valentines challenge (apprx 6) for maybe 14lbs? This will be my personal goal anyway! I have a lot more to lose than the 20lbs from this challenge and I find the support and motivation…
  • Hi All! Great to see a little more activity this week! I have moved my weigh in day forward and am plaease to report I have still lost 1 lb making that a stone since the start of the challenge! I was tempted to weigh in on sunday so I could report a higher loss, but fridays really are the best day for me! I guess it may…
  • Hi there! I started a challenge to lose 20lbs by xmas at the (10 weeks til xmas) feel free to join in! There are several people taking part. With 5 weeks to go, you could set your goal to 10lbs? Just a suggestion! Its under the general weightloss forum. Good luck to you!!
  • Weigh in day comes around too soon!!!! AHHHH! I am 0.2lbs away from losing a whole stone since the start of the challenge and am desperate to see my weight start with a different number! I had several compliments from people today telling me I looked like Ive lost a lot of weight which was FAB! :) I really need an…
  • My guess would be water retention! Or, could it be that you are putting on muscle? Are you exercising ect? Dont despair. Wieght is a funny thing! Maybe leave it a while before you get back on the scales? I normally refuse to even look at them a week before and during my TOM for fear that I might actually have a heart…
  • The List as promised! twinsfan1976 3.4 lbs twilightteamedward 2lbs Heidi716 5lbs brookeybaby_00 5lbs ickybella 5lbs ferff3 2lbs loveusa 3lbs rayfromtx 2lbs MrsRios 3lbs 614jaimee 12lbs total itsmewendylee 6.5 total arader61771 3.2lb NYIceQueen 4.4lbs cataclysm 1.6 lbs UCONNCOED 2lbs dlmarkley66 10lbs total vyseexe 2lbs…
  • Keep the losses coming! The list is looking pretty short this week, I hope I am not going to be alone by the end of this?! There are many people taking part in a 30lb challenge, so there is no reason why this isn't achievable?! Is it thanksgiving week this week? Maybe that could explain the lack of participation right now?…
  • Hi all! I hope the week has gone well for everyone! I am compiling the list so could everyone get their losses to me(or post on the board) over the weekend please! To those that have gained.... Keep going! We started with 10 weeks to go and we are half way through! Most people have been losing over 2lbs a week so that will…
  • You are officially crazy! Nothing is more satisfying than smarties! :) lol
  • Hello all! How is everyone getting on? It really does seem like the board is particularly quiet this week! I wonder if the change in thread has lost some people! Maybe we could each put the link to the new thread in our status, to remind our friends to post and keep motivated! We are getting some amazing results, and many…