Starting 30 day Shed tomorrow. :)



  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    I'm only on Day 2. My apartment's quiet time is from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, and for two solid days I was busy during those hours. Bleh. But I got back on track today, and it feels sooo good.

    Does anyone else find the stretches really hard? I'm so inflexible that I can barely do them!
  • th1nkth1nmama
    th1nkth1nmama Posts: 158
    I guess today was day 1 for me again! ugh!! I did Monday and Tues but then my son and I got really sick and I took 2 days off... back at it this morning and it felt great!!!!!
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Didn't do yesterday because I went to the zoo with the kids and then my son had a baseball game till 9:30 last night. I do aerobics every Saturday moving so I am going to do day 5 tonight sometime. Really don't like that I am a day behind but it happens. Have a great day!!
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Ok so I did day 5 last night and day 6 this morning. I'm still having trouble with the first cardio part. I have to stop at least twice I am hoping it gets better.
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Just completed day 7! I am seeing and feeling the results already :) 5 inches lost! :)
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Completed day 7 too but nothing changed. Litteraly, no weightloss, no inches lost. It's very discouraging to be honest, I'm a bit down today.
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    But keep up the good work Cataclysm! That's great!
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Day 7 down. Might do some walking later too. Have a good day everyone
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Day 8 completed. Looked at level 2 last night and I am a bit scared of it. It looks hard.
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Day 8 completed. Looked at level 2 last night and I am a bit scared of it. It looks hard.

    Good job!
    And don't be scared, I bet level 1 looked a bit scary too at first and see where you are now. :flowerforyou:

    I will do day 9 without the cardio today because I think I sprained my ankle and I don't want to take any risks. No jumping jacks for me today, YAY!! :laugh: :bigsmile: I'm probably going to take a walk afterward to balance a little.
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    So I got up this morning dreeding having to do the 30DS and actually stopped at the push up part. Feeliing guilty about it all day. Went for a 2 mile walk and kept telling myself that was good enough for today. BUT I felt I had to do it. S0 while my family was sitting around eating popsicles and telling me to go faster :) haha! I DID IT!!!! Day 9 Completed!!! WOOHOOO!!!
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Oh where,Oh where is everyone? I completed day 10 this morning. Will be moving on to level 2 tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Oh where,Oh where is everyone? I completed day 10 this morning. Will be moving on to level 2 tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good day.

    Yay for day 10, good job! Ready for level 2 tomorrow? I'm going to start it today, I'm excited!!
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Good Luck!! Let me know how you feel. Not looking forward to L2 but got to change it up.
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    I'm done! Static lunges killed me!! :sad: Also I still need to improve some exercices that I don't do really well for the moment but it'll go smoother with the time.

    It's difficult, but as difficult as D1L1. And I got better with the time, as I'm sure you got too, so we'll be fine :flowerforyou:

    Do you eat/drink any sort of protein/protein shake after the workout? I see lots of people talking about protein shakes on here and I'm a little bit scared of that kind of thing.
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Going to do D1L2 later today my children are home from school today. I don't do any protien shakes or anything like that either I am also scared to do that kind of stuff. Have great day! :)
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Done with D1L2 wooohoo!
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    Done with D1L2 wooohoo!
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Done with D1L2 wooohoo!

    How did you like it?!
  • mishell4
    mishell4 Posts: 27 Member
    I actually liked it better than level 1. I am glad I made the switch. 9 more days to go.