real1 Member


  • That calculator is really cool. According to that my entire pizza was probably about 820 calories, so my 3 pieces were probably less than my guess of 600 calories! Thanks!!
    in Veggie Pizza Comment by real1 July 2011
  • I just found this very interesting calculator:
  • Thanks for all the feedback! Just wanted to share some interesting info I just looked at on my FitBit reports. According to the FitBit I've been burning an average of 1900 calories a day over the last month or so (I bought it in mid June). So maybe what I should do is increase my calorie intake to 1400 per day. That will…
  • I'm 5' 3" and my current weight is 149, goal weight is 130. I looked on Shape Magazine's site and they have a formula that says I should eat like 1690 a day to lose a pound a week. That seems like a lot to me since I'm now only losing a pound a week at 1200 (or less).
  • It's an activity tracking device you wear. And it automatically uploads your data into their free database. Here's the link, it'll explain all the details better than I can: It's not as in-depth (and probably not as accurate) as the body bug things they wear on Biggest Loser, but it seems to provide a lot of…
  • Thanks for the quick replies. I might try to check it out at Best Buy today. It looks really useful. Even if it's not 100% accurate, it would be interesting to know exactly how much time I spend being sedentary every day. Might be a good wake-up call. Thanks again!
  • Thanks! That helps.
  • My name is Lisa and I just joined too, today is day 5. I've had the app on my phone for a while, but it's so much more fun logging in on the computer. Going well so far.
    in happy Comment by real1 June 2011