hannaheddo Member


  • I try to take my lo to the park, she loves swings and slides, and at 11 months still likes me to go on slides with her... that's stairs and running from bottom of slide to bottom of steps... walking to the park. Try going to get a drink from the floor upstairs instead of on your floor at work.. get off the bus a stop…
  • Hi :) I have an 11 month old daughter, finding that by keeping check o what I eat on here helps me to keep my eating under control!! hope we can all help each other x
  • If you look under snacks and search breast feeding, it should come up with the extra calories you need depending on how often you are feeding. I still feed 3-4 times a day, and it has allocated me 300 extra calories. You have to be a bit careful trying to lose weight while bf, as you don't want your milk to dry up.. try to…
  • Ryeb2u, can I ask how you add bf to the snacks? I can't work it out... not very computer savvy :( Thanks x
  • I have trouble with this too.. until I rem-ember the milkshake I had... or the bit of toast I had (cold!) while I was trying to clothe a wriggling child.... x
  • I am trying to get my baby girl into healthy snacks, she loves berries and other fruit, so I try to be a good role model. I do have 'baby crisps' but think they taste a bit bland so don't eat them!! I need to work out portion control.. think that is my biggest problem! x
  • Hi all :) I am an Aussie living in London, and I have a baby girl, just turned 9 months. I lost the baby weight pretty easily, but found it difficult to conceive due to PCOS, and was told to lose weight.. I am currently 65.5kg, (about 144.4lb) and want to get back to a healthy BMI, aiming to lose another 8kg and then…
    in Intro Comment by hannaheddo June 2012