

  • Check out this site http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bbmainnut.htm are you taking any supplements?
  • As others have mentioned Protein is the key I have a Whey shake before I work out and they a Casein shake in the evening before bed. The Whey is a fast absorbing protein and the casein is a slow absorbing. I have been using it for 2 weeks and already see the difference in my muscles. I am not losing any weight but I am…
  • Thanks for all the advice and encouragement...! I guess I need to focus on how I am feeling physically and not the scale for now. I was shocked when my doctor said I was obese and if you look at the height to weight this is true....but when I was in the Army the tape measured me and said I could go over due to my build.…
  • Yea I took a day off from the gym yesterday and went for a 30 minute jog instead and I think I'll hit the elliptical machine instead of the bike this week.
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