203MrsB Member


  • I don't have an after since I am not at goal yet. I still have 35-40lbs to go.... after (well during.. ) 100lbs down.
  • This is very true! I see the same problem. And I hear this from lots of people as well. It will all even out. Just remember eating healthy, and working out besides losing weight, is a longtime, and lifetime commitment to a better life!
  • Well not to be snarky but less then the 140s is under weight. However many models are and maybe you shave a body like that. I unfortunately don't. Best of luck.
  • I'm 5'9 and have a larger frame. If I got to a lean and toned 185-180 of probably be very happy!
  • It is something my trainer does. After weight in he does that. I think it is because he doesn't want people to focus on the scale and realize your body fat can still go down. He said especially his female clients they are so focused on the number on the scale and not seeing the big picture. Especially with kettle bell, it…
  • I am a SAHM of 3 (1,3,5) and it is hard between taking care of them, the house and being up at 6am and not getting to bed after 10 to work in working out. However, leaving the house was the only way to get it out of the way. I bought an elliptical and I hardly use it. I signed up for kettle bell classes and I pay (a good…
  • I do the actual classes, but not the dvds. All I could think of is circuit training or calisthenics until I get an actual HRM which is def a must! Any more info or suggestions on KB or 30 day shred dvds would be great!
  • I've asked my husband this, and he says I lose all around. I shrink in size so I am so broad. But I notice it in my face and clavicle.