avianamity Member


  • I've never been a huge fan of myself in pictures but I knew that it was more just me being picky because, yeah I could lose 20 lbs but that was all and I was active and really in great shape... than I went to culinary school, met my husband and stedily gained throughout the process. When I got pregnant with my son, I…
  • Thats how I am, long run outside- tired but good, short run on the dreadmill (love that) and my legs are killing me and im winded super fast I would prefer to be running outside but between scheduling (single mom, mid divorce, living with my parents and grandmother who watches my 3 years old during the day so i dont want…
  • 5'5" sw was 250, has now crept to 271 :noway: stupid divorce stress... anyway, goals are as follows: 250 200 180 *MFP goal 175 165 *my ideal weight... help me keep myself going please, because i cant lol
  • Im around 1400. I have a toddler to chase and a gym membership that hasnt been used yet (ive only had it 3 days though lol) but Im in an office so to counter the fact that I sit basically all day I keep it low but if I have a super active training day then I'll up it within reason
  • I used to be a dancer and a park naturalist/zoo keeper so I was constantly busy and outside working. Then I went to culinary school and pretty much ate whatever i wanted- no bueno... I went from 180-260 then I got pregnant with my son and dropped to 230! woohoo! Then I got lazy and went back up to 257... I'm trying…