

  • I do agree with that. It is one thing to offer some out of kindness, even when they know the you're going to say no, but getting feelings hurt when you say "No."....well, that's something else entirely. It can lead to arguments and fights, believe me, I've been there. My ex husband used to do that to me ALL the time. He…
  • This year sounds like a good one to me! I'm turning myself around as well. Admittedly, I hit a low point, but I'm fired up and optimistic that this year is the year to get my sexy body back! After 2 kids (1 c-section) and depression, it's time to get myself back in shape for the kiddos! Good luck and I will definitely keep…
  • I hear you, I think I will probably fall a lot too, hopefully I can get back up. good luck to you!
  • Hi, I'm from Houston, Texas...I've been a part of MFP since 2010, but I really never used it until now. I'd love to get into a support system because I have to admit it's HARD for me to lose weight, I have almost no strength. LOL. But I'm DETERMINED to do it now because last night, family and I went to Walmart to pick up a…
  • Sweetie, I know your pain, trust me. I was always teased when I was young, not because I was big, but because I was so small and thin. The rest of my family were all bigger and I was always told I was anorexic, bullemic, I even had my aunts constantly watching me to make sure I wasn't throwing up my food after I ate. But…
  • Girl, you are my hero! Good luck on your weight loss too! :)
  • I am in Texas too, and needing some serious help with this. Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm trying to lose about 50 lbs myself, so you're doing great! I've been a member here since 2012, but haven't really utilized it until I stepped on the scale last night to see that I SERIOUSLY need to lose some weight. I'm scared…