Jiruchan Member


  • I've learned a great deal of restraint over the past few months, it's gotten easier and easier to resist those treats. Although when it came to candy, I was pretty picky to begin with, so I would only pick out a few pieces that I liked, then give the rest to someone else. The only things that I found hard to abstain from…
  • I'm 5'5" and aiming for 125-130 pounds :smile:
  • Well I've been calorie counting/exercising for about 5 months now, and I've been pretty satisfied with the results. It isn't as complicated as I thought it would be. Since my journey I can't say that I eat healthy 24/7, in fact, I eat most of what I had, I just cut out on the things that consist of a lot of calories:…
  • Ah okie, wasn't sure ^^; This process is somewhat knew to me, although I've done tons of research
  • Exactly :) I just feel like I need to know my weight at least every week, I think it makes the process easier. I tried to do an every day thing, but my weight flucuates constantly, so instead I do it once a week at the same time of day
  • I'm 5'5". When I started off I was 216, and my pants size was a 16. I now weigh 184 and I wear a 14, although my pants are pretty loose, so I'm most likely a 12 or so xD My pants are loose, which is awesome, but annoying that I keep needing new pants lol.
  • Congrats, thats amazing! :D Results like this inspire many people, including me. My goal is pretty close to that, so I hope that I can do the same ^^ Thanks for sharing, truly an amazing accomplishment
  • evereadysmile: I would do that, but honestly I would most likely slack off and not lose as much. I like to be consistent with it, otherwise I may end up having to make up a month of gain. Knowing how much I weigh every week affects how I will act. For example, I would maybe work out an extra 30 minutes if I did not do well…
  • For me I guess it was somewhere around 20 pounds, although it can vary for different people :P People said that my face looked thinner and my legs as well. Don't give up if you dont see results right away, its totally worth it in the end! Good luck~