Is counting calories and exercising enough?



  • seriouslypinkchick
    seriouslypinkchick Posts: 40 Member
    I try to have most things i really enjoy just not all the time i have the odd day where i go over my daily allowance but there are days when i have food i love and count in my allowance also exercise 5/6 times aweek, i think it be really silly to give up everything totally as longs as you eat in moderation and your still losing weight then fine - things i really miss is cereal and bread as when i eat these i tend not to lose weight but i eat the odd slice of bread and rather than have a full bowl of cereal i have 3/4 mouthfuls but count in my calorie allowance but i have this occasionally :) dont cut everything out we got to have some rewards sometimes :) xxx i have lost 76lb in 6 mths so just proves we can lose weight and still have treats :)
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I still eat ice cream, cookies, and the occasional candy. The only things I really cut out are bread and pasta, because they're not very nutritious and I'd rather spend the calories on ice cream, cookies, and the occasional candy.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    I haven't cut out anything - that would be an immediate recipe for failure for me. I just have what I want in moderation.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    My problem is that I couldn't stop at one cookie or just a few potato chips. I had to cut all of that out and "reset" my awareness of food using a food scale and a low carb diet.

    After a while, I don't really crave the stuff anymore. I'd like to say I don't ever touch it, but I'll be honest: I'll have a bite once in a while.

    It's all about, for me at least, relearning all of the stuff I didn't learn about nutrition growing up.

    ETA: Diabetes runs on my dad's side of the family and I've already inherited his hypothyroidism. It's working for me, and I RARELY feel deprived.

    I also use MFP's calorie recommendations, I just set my macros up differently.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    There are diets that will restrict or eliminate certain foods and some of them do work. But long term I know I am not willing to give anything up.

    So for me I do not restrict myself from anything. However I do track my calories every day - even on bad days. If I want a couple of cookies I know that I will needs lots of exercise to make up for extra calories.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    For me, to give up on something won't work. For me, moderation works.

    Yes, I can have that cheesecake, but its THE ONLY snack I may have.

    I can have that huny bun, but why? That's most of my calories for the day.

    Yet, I find if I can control myself than I do fine but like Dancingj2 said. That's how I do it too. If I am really bad day, than its to the gym with me. So I can work off calories...

    if only to eat dinner. It's working for me. Slow but it's working.
  • gil_u
    gil_u Posts: 165 Member
    I'm a big believer in earning your treats. For example, yesterday, I knew I was going to have a couple of slices of pizza at night. So I made sure I completed some workouts earlier in the day to offset the damage the pizza would do. So far, I'm four weeks in, and down 15 lbs. So i guess it's safe to say that it works for me.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    I have lost over 21 pounds since August and I haven't cut out a single thing from my diet. If I want to eat a cookie, I'll eat a damn cookie. If I want to screw up one day, I will screw up one day, and then exercise a little extra or pick myself up the next day, or the next meal even. I used to go into diets feeling like I was walking into a funeral or some kind of death sentence. Then I started here and, *lightbulb*, it can't be a "diet," it has to be a relationship with food. A HEALTHY relationship with food. If we are constantly telling ourselves that certain foods are "evil," it will make them forbidden, and it will make you want to stuff your face with even more of them. And you crash and burn and give up because you feel like a failure. If you even the playing field and put all foods equally, then a piece of broccoli is equal to a cookie is equal to a cheeseburger is equal to an apple, the "evil" foods lose their appeal. You start WANTING to eat a more balanced diet and more fruits and veggies because you realize you FEEL better when you stay within your calories!! You also start LIKING exercise, and LIKING to drink water instead of soda because of the same reason. I haven't felt this great since I was a kid!! I feel free!! And I feel happy! And I also feel like I'm worth it!! I feel like I NEVER want to go back to eating the way I used to. And I'm confident I never, ever will!! Take a peek at my diary. Some days are really crappy, some days are brilliant. And it's working for me. I never thought I could do it. But I am!! And you can too!!
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    So for me I do not restrict myself from anything. However I do track my calories every day - even on bad days. If I want a couple of cookies I know that I will needs lots of exercise to make up for extra calories.

    This too. LOG, LOG, LOG, EVERYTHING!!! Don't lie about ANYTHING in your food diary. I've even logged cough drops before. One time I logged 3 M&M's. Lol.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    The majority of the food that I eat is healthy meats, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Sometimes I eat ice cream or other sweet treats. I stay within my calorie range and I make sure that I burn a good amount of calories throughout the day by wearing an HRM. If I find myself at a plateau I change my goals accordingly and I try not to snack as much. I drink a ton of water throughout the day. I'm not finding it hard to lose weight with the system that I'm following. My diet is kinda what I call Neo- Paleo :) I am Paleo for most of my week, but then I have snacks every so often. I keep an eye on my weight to see what foods affect my weight. I would love to go 100% Paleo, but I work in the Culinary Field, I taste different foods frequently and I work in a great place that gives us food somedays, I'm not going to deny a FREE meal. hahaha. I'm doing great though. I've lost 35 pounds in less than five months.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I absolutely think it's enough. I have lost all of my weight by eating smaller portions of most of the same foods I ate before. I didn't really give anything up completely, except for Red Bull. That I gave up a few months before I joined MFP anyway because I was drinking at least one 16 ounce can a day and it was just ridiculous! Anyhow, right now I am eating at maintenance and not exercising due to health issues...and counting calories on it's own is working!
  • SunnyLuc87
    Two years ago I lost 35 pounds by counting calories and jogging. I ate reasonably healthy, but my diet consisted of a lot of carbs because I just plain love carbs. I had the occasional treat as long as the numbers worked out, including sweets and beer. I kept up my exercising even after I lost that weight and I managed to keep it off (for the most part) for two years.

    I recently started trying to lose weight again and did the same exact thing. This time I could not lose at all. In order to start losing again I had to change what I am eating. I can't eat all the carbs and sweets that I love so much. What changed? I have no idea! But I have had to start eating a lot cleaner, eating more lean protein and less starch & sugar.

    I think all you can do is listen to your body. Ideally, your diet should be something you can live with for the rest of your life if you had to (maybe not the amount of calories, but the kinds of foods). So you don't want to be so deprived that you won't ever stick with it, but you don't want to indulge so much that you get zero results.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have not given up a single thing. I have lost my weight by hitting my calorie (for weight loss) and macro targets(for body composition) by portion control and planning, and by moving more.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I have lost, maintained, & bulked etc., all with calorie counting and exercise. I have very good control based on learning how to accurately track both. Works for me is the short answer. 140 lbs in 7 months.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Healthy lifestyle and exercise is enough. You need to look at this as a lifestyle change that moderation fits into.
    I have never deprived myself of anything, becuase I know I won't stick to it. If you know you will binge if you give up bread, DONT give up bread, that isn't a lifestyle change... that's a crazy fad diet you won't stick to.

    Maybe it works for some, and kudos to them, just be honest with YOU. You are the only you and know what you can handle.
  • Jiruchan
    Jiruchan Posts: 14 Member
    Well I've been calorie counting/exercising for about 5 months now, and I've been pretty satisfied with the results. It isn't as complicated as I thought it would be. Since my journey I can't say that I eat healthy 24/7, in fact, I eat most of what I had, I just cut out on the things that consist of a lot of calories: sweets and fast food for example. Can't cut pop out though lol, I tried that, it's too addicting to me. Although I replace it with Arizona tea at times.
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    I am doing a combo of mfp and weight watchers online. So I figure if I can keep under my daily calories on this site, and keep under my points on weight watchers I am doing good!!! Now there are days that I do mess up and so I get hard on myself to really watch what I eat!!! But if I can manage myself point and calorie wise I feel I have done a decent job.
  • yggdrasill2005
    So grateful for your feedback. MFP is quite the community. I'm glad I decided to reach out today. Thanks so much!
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    I love bread- once a day, sometimes twice. sweets I eat them. I didn't give up anything. I try to watch things w/ sodium more carefully but, thats about it. I will still eat it if it fits.:happy:
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    your mindset is perfect, if you deprive yourself of anything, it is going to be hard to succeed, when i want something extra, i do a little extra exercise for it.