sahmto4boys Member


  • Ok, ladies where has everyone been? I must admit. I am not having a good week with eating this week or exercising. My father-in-law is at his timeshare and doesn't know the meaning of eating well. With going there everyday and working I only got to exercise today. Of course I was swimming yesterday.
  • I have weighed myself on our bathroom scale, and it seems to be around the same (it's not a digital) i haven't weighed myself yet on the wii fit since being away last week. ....was really bad at kids camp...... i'll be happy just to not have gained anything from last week.... i got back on track with my calories yesterday…
  • Sorry ladies, I worked Sunday night and then left for kid's camp with my church for the week (i went as a nurse) it was pretty much impossible to keep track of foods, and they had a lot of kid friendly type meals, burgers, hot dogs etc.... I did a good amount of walking from place to place, but that's its..... now it's…
  • barbiecat- I really like that quote you have "the temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed." Awesome!!!!! congrats on your weightloss!!
  • I am hypothyroid so I take medication for that... I am bad with the weighing... i have been doing it like 2-3 times per week... next week i will be away at a kid's camp (i am going as a nurse) not sure how much exercise i will be able to do or how well i can eat... will try my best not sure that i will go at the end of the…
  • I ended up going for a walk/run last night... it was so hot..sweat was just dripping off of me. I did wii fit for 20 min. this morning and did a weigh-in again....
  • haven't exercised yet today and it's 6:30pm...i am exhausted and can barely keep my eyes open....i just don't want to let the day go by w/o getting in some exercise......
  • How is everything doing today? I didn't exercise yet. I have a ton of stuff to get done by Friday...hopefully this afternoon I will do some wii fit!
  • Glad to have you leanlioness...welcome
  • thought you were going to come here to weigh?? my regular scale isn't that good...but i like using the wii fit scale
  • awesome Mary!!!! keep it up!!!! Side note-my mother-in-law is taking 3 of my kids all week with her to her church's VBS.....ahhhh..quiet!
  • Hello!!! I did my weigh-in this morning...I have eaten under everyday (even with having some things I shouldn't have had)......
  • I think it's kind of funny how it says if ever day were like today you would gain/lose xxxxx in 5 weeks.... is that really true? are all our bodies alike in the fact that if we ate that same amount of calories everyday that is exactly what would happen? not sure that I am going to be able to exercise today... i am going in…
  • good morning ladies! I got my workout in already this morning. I have a dentist appointment so I wanted to workout before that. My shoulders and legs are sore too this morning....wii fit really does work!!! (besides the soreness i sweat like crazy too)
  • thanks for the link
  • Wonder if anyone else will join us? I think it worth it to figure out the calories in stuff you make esp. doing it the 1 time then it's done. I even thought of an easier way to do it then what I orginally did. Especially good if you are going somewhere so you know that you will have somethign there that you can eat and…
  • Hey, I see you!!!!
  • So awesome everyone!!!!!! Great job!!! Great job on the quiting smoking too...those tickers are cool! I am just starting this journey and have 40 lbs to lose! It's so great to see the before and after pics... maybe I need to go take a better before pic.
  • You look awesome!!! Congrats on the weight loss!
  • This is my 1st day on here as well. I also just bought the wii fit today. So far I think the website is great!!!! Great job on losing 47 lbs!!!!! momoftwo29