

  • love the darth vaDER knitting... lmao
  • I totally agree. The best thing for me has just been to notice what I eat. Makes me want to make better choices. But... There are times I am afraid to write things in my diary, mostly because I don't want to admit I did that.. But not being honest or even caring about what I am putting in my body is how I got here. I would…
  • Hey I was inspired to do this by my son who was chubby and then decided to become a weightlifter and got into it. Now he's ripped - got the results. But he says that all the diet hype is just that - hype. This works because it tells the truth. Calories. If I eat too much I am going to gain weight. Period. If I am in a…
  • I have been told that the metabolism thing is just hype. Makes sense.. There is a book that describes cleansing your liver which is supposed to help But I am just looking at calories. My trainer says if you stay in your calorie range you could lose eating ice cream. He would know. He does that. Breaks all the rules. eats…
  • Yeah its not a SHEEEE. Its logical so its probably Vulcan.
  • Still not working today. Food diary is working though. and so I am fine. Yeah I'd like to have a chart, but I am tracking progress and getting in shape whether or not I get see charts Thats my story and I'm sticking to it
  • congratulations! Moderate exercise is enough, and more doesn't create more weight loss according to what I read, but it might help you feel better and work off stress - so go for it! I am 46 and wanted to lose 45 pounds.. 245 down to 200.. My son is a bodybuilder who just did the same thing a couple years ago. He went from…
    in Hello Comment by blackschecter June 2012
  • Book called Fat Flush Plan helped me cleanse without starving or having cravings too bad. I have also heard that eating a tbs of peanut butter helps when cravings hit.. But I agree that detox is best. Get it out of your system for awhile
  • hey me too... My son graduated from high school and got on a health kick and went from being chubby to being a body builder. He encouraged me to do this. I was 190 at one time but was at 245. Yeah I look like I am pregnant. Just don't like it. He said wouldn't you like to have a six pack? I would like that but more…
  • Oh yeah I like bell peppers - red. Sometimes with peanut butter. My daughter eats them too like candy
  • Just went to the store tonight and bought a bunch of greens - collard, mustard, spinach and parsley. I am beginning to enjoy lots of variety - especially fresh herbs like parsley. I make a salad with Newman's Olive oil and vinegar and good quality tuna, garbanzos, lemon juice sometimes, and tomatoes, avocado, olives or…
  • I have been thinking about this... sometimes I have calories left over at the end of the day. That means weight loss. That is my goal. I am losing weight because I don't want to die of cancer or heart disease, #1 and #2 killer in the US. Eating a cookie isn't worth chemo later or getting cut open right down the middle of…
  • congratulations! you are doing very well. My son is a fitness guy and he just found this a couple years ago and changed his life around. He was probably 40 lbs overweight... But he is getting me started on this. His best encouragement is that calories are calories. If you watch what you're doing you can lose weight. So…
  • Hi, I am glad you are willing to try alternative methods. There are several doctors in California that have created cancer solutions with diet and exercise and other approaches. They do get results but less attention than traditional medicine. There is also a website about doing a master cleanse. Just look up master…
  • Hey.. congratulations on taking action. Me too... I want to lose about 45 pounds. My son is encouraging me with this site. It is helpful for me just to track what i eat. At least it is honest. I catch myself wanting to eat something and then thinking - I don't know how to figure out the calories... by then the urge is a…