
Hello everyone my name is Keena, I am new to this site. I live in MD I am a diabetic and I take 6 shots of insulin a day I currently weigh 210 pounds. The doc says I need to get my weight down so that my sugar number is decrease. I have recently joined a Spinn Class and so far so good. I haven't gotten on the scale just yet to see how much weight I have lost I want to wait at least a month before doing so. I started with just 1 spin class a week and now I have kicked it up to 3 times per week. My goal is to get back down to 160 pounds. I am sure I can do it although others tend to say to much working out can hurt me which I disagree. I am young and still energetic so I am good. I really like this site its very helpful and it is making want to eat better so that my entries look good and I stay under the goals and that motivates me.


  • congratulations!

    Moderate exercise is enough, and more doesn't create more weight loss according to what I read, but it might help you feel better and work off stress - so go for it!

    I am 46 and wanted to lose 45 pounds.. 245 down to 200.. My son is a bodybuilder who just did the same thing a couple years ago. He went from chubby to fit, so he is encouraging me.

    He said a pound a week is a good goal. I said what? That's 45 weeks! But I think he's right so I am following.
    So far in 2 weeks I have lost 9 lbs, but that is to be expected. More loss early.

    My goal is to stay with the plan and track food and exercise instead of weight. He says the numbers don't lie. If I stay with tracking calories and do some exercise, the weight MUST come off sooner or later...

    I'm in this for life.

    Good luck!
