Laurenphipps85 Member


  • Hi you need a high protein diet aim to eat 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat in your daily calories (you can work this out, google TDEE) loads of heavy weights, low reps, heavy weights and watch your form, go on you tube and watch vids to help you can even fit goodies in :-) xx
  • thanks I have a park which is quite hilly on my doorstep and might try the stepper at the gym tonight xx
  • i'll post my before pic later on, then you'll see what I mean, definitely not defined in the slightest from just plain not exercising and cruising on the skinny ***** boat for too long eating what I want and not exercising xx
  • I have a lack of boobage too... explains why I'm lower on the scale lol x
  • yeah, i'm not overweight, just got flabby bits on the top of my thights and bottom of my butt, it's from years of not exercising and having no muscle and a skinny but wobbly butt! going to persevere with silly amounts of weighted squats and going to try the good mornings tonight also x
  • Just got to be strong and avoid it, my boyfriend is 6"6 and eats whatever the hell he likes and doesn't gain a pound, I often tell him to buy krispy kreme or sweets and just watch him like a slobbering dog..... then have a bowl of porridge with boiling water or I'll have a protein shake which I use as a dessert, PHD…
  • sumo squats sound good! doing lots of glute bridges and targetting my hamstrings, reckon if I try and build up the area at the top of my legs/bottom of my butt then it will hopefully make it look less flab lol so glad to have people to talk to about this, my b/f goes mad when I say i'm flabby he doesn't understand the…
  • thanks guys, doing loads of weighted squats, guess it's just gonna take time :-) little miss impatient should be my name xxx