

  • I am currently 5 weeks pregnancy, and although this was planned - it was definitely UNEXPECTED! I'm actually still getting used to the idea. Let me explain. I had my first (and currently, only) son 6 years ago, while a sophomore. Me and my hubby started dating during the pregnancy (LOL - not quite the way it's supposed to…
  • So (again) I'm at work. I am currently 5 weeks (and a few days) pregnant. I am also a bit on the pudgier side (5'5, 175 lbs) and most of my weight goes to my tummy. I wear this really really cute chevron blouse similar to this: Now granted - I have…
  • LOL! Baby Girl knows the difference! That's too cute. And if you fail the test, just be sure to explain the situation - perhaps they can give you suggestions on how to help! :wink:
  • So, I shared these names with my DH, and he shot down all except Julian and Olivia. He didn't like Marie or Miles, though. *Sigh* Point in why I started early...... :grumble:
  • Nope - I am 5 weeks and 3 days today, but I understand that TTC sometimes is very tricky. Mine was VERY unexpected as we had JUST started TTC during the Christmas holiday and was not expecting it to happen so soon. My mom gave me the advice of 'when it's least expected' - she compared it to watching water boil. :) But all…
  • It's crazy because originally, I bought them for my son's lunches but......yeah lol I'm buying a big jar next time to eat at home, too. I will definitely go with the no sugar added though.
  • I'm sure everything will work out! :) - Most of the time it happens when you least expect it - Sending baby dust back at you and DH!!!
  • Welcome to the group, congratulations on your pregnancy!!!! Wishing you the best :) Oh - I am 5 wks, 3 days pregnant with my second (I have a longggg way to go! But I plan to enjoy it!)
  • LOL @ your teacher comment - that is hilarious. Cute girl name! And you guys were able to come up with something the first time (beautiful, btw), so it'll come to you!
  • Too early to know what we're having yet (I'm only 5 wks) - but I've started early! It took me a short time for the girl's name, but a long while to choose the boys. For a girl, Leila Marie (or Leila Alexis), or Olivia Marie. For a boy, Christopher Jeremiah or Julian Miles. He/she will be joining Xavier Charles.
  • I went to a grand-opening at a Gold's Gym once and our instructor for Body Pump - Aerobics had to have been at least 7-8 months pregnant. Her stomach was HUGE. All I could remember thinking was......SHE. ROCKS. If she can do it....I can get my butt up and do it - it just pushed me to do more! :) I admired her so much.…
  • Totally feel you on the bloating - I don't remember having this sort of bloating with my first child (back in 2006), but MAN....I was about to call my doctor to confirm I was only 5 weeks (I can't remember when I had my period in Dec.) because my stomach feels like a BALLOON! But it goes away every now and then - only to…
  • I usually eat Kellog's Special K Flatbread sandwiches - however they are not my favorite. I may return to my oldie - Jimmy Dean Dlights. I love the croissant with sausage, egg, and cheese. Today, however, I forgot my sandwich and went to our Starbucks on base and purchased a small ceasar salad (it had SO much parmesan…
  • Hey there! Not sure of my due date, as I'm not due to the OB until 8 weeks, however, I've calculated and it's somewhere in mid-September (I can't recall my 1st day of my last menstrual cycle and it's irking me!) lol I had my first child back in 2006 and started out at 125 and ended up around 155. Yikes! With this…
  • womanizer (lol)