lindar11201 Member


  • That's a great plan - enjoy your day!
  • We are having a BBQ for my son's graduation on Saturday. So with Father's day on Sunday also, this is going to be a rough weekend!
  • I take a mix of classes at the gym and have been going 5 days a week for an hour each class. I'm trying to be consisent with 6 days, so I am working on that. I keep saying that one of these days I will start training for a 5k run because it looks like fun! BUT I am horrible at running, so the thought has been daunting...
  • Thanks, Sherri!
  • Hi my name is Linda. If I could lose 20 lbs by the end of summer, I will break down and cry!!! :smile:
  • 161.2 today. Gained, but that was because I didn't track at all during the weekend. Will work on that this week. Challenges: Water - met Mileage - 7/10 but did other exercise as well. Onto week 2...
  • Great job, Morgan! :happy:
  • How is everyone doing on the challenges for this week? I'm drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, and I've managed to do 5 miles on the elliptical so far. 5 more to go!
  • Hi All! My name is Linda R. I'm 48 years old and I live in Antioch, California, which is about 45 minutes away from San Francisco. Looks like the opposite direction from our captain. :happy: I have always been slightly overweight, but really gained during my pregnancy. I have about 35 lbs left to lose and am looking…
  • I just joined yesterday and have about 35 lbs to lose myself. I'll add you as a friend and we can cheer each other along! :happy:
  • 06/04/12 SW - 161.0 This is my first day on MFP, and I'm already joining a group! I want to be successful!!! :happy:
  • Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
  • Hi Kimberly, congrats on losing 16 lbs so far! I am new here, and today is my first day so I hope I can follow your example. Love your ticker picture! :happy: Linda