

  • Ha Ha it is just one of the number one vegetables that can cause gas, and the really painful bloaty type! So, yes, if you are measuring your waste, it might measure bigger if you have consumed broccoli - or any of the other various fruits and veggies that cause gas. Beano helps - it is a natural enzyme that helps to break…
  • My heart rate is typically 160 when I am exercising and when I haven't worked out in a while it can easily jump to 180. If you feel like you are ok then that is the most important thing. When mine gets over 160, I will feel pretty out of breath so I know to ease up a bit.
  • Quinoa is fantastic! Similar in preparation to couscous and can be used the same way - such as making tabouli (tabbouleh). I think a basic preparation is two parts water to one part quinoa - two cups water to one cup dry quinoa. Then you can add whatever ingredients you want or just eat it as a side, like rice. It can be…
  • My body reacts the same way. Part of it is eating less, part of it is your body needing to adjust to the change. I have noticed that because I eat a lot more vegetables, I experience more gas, but it has subsided over the last few days. If you don't want to use a stimulant you can try dried fruit, especially dried plums…