itsgottago Member


  • I've been having a lot problems with siatica and I find modified pigeon pose to be really helpful.
  • yoga with adriene is fantastic. You tube won't regret it.
  • Home: I love being able to explore a pose at my leisure. Sometimes repeating a pose just feels good and I want to stick with it longer. I also agree, it's more meditative. Studio: Corrects my pose...I also work from home but I haven't found a studio that I love yet so that might have something to do with it also.
  • I really liked the yogagypsy blog. I liked her ab workout! Thanks for sharing.
  • This is a great topic. I know I'm coming in late but....better late than never! #1 goal (now don't laugh!) is to be able to transition from downward dog into lunge pose without having to drop to my knees. I want to be able to life my leg high in the air and then swoop it in with all the gracefulness I can muster. #2 goal…
  • Hi Guys, I have a DVD called Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss By Suzanne Deason (Gaiam) that had modifications for all levels that I like a lot. I also am a huge fan of Yoga by Adriene on You Tube. She has 2 beginner work outs, a 20 min and a 40 min session. I like them both. I have a AM/PM dvd each work out is 20 mins…
  • So nice to meet you all. I made myself a little yoga area (spare room) an I'm loving it. I haven't had a problem with any moaners or groaners. I can relate with the low calorie burn but I find that yoga is changing (hmmm I'm not sure that is the correct word) how I feel towards being overweight and food. I feel that I'm…
  • Thanks :)
  • Great article. Thanks for sharing.
  • I started using the video's on youtube. I found a great variety and the app is supported on my dvd player as well as my streamer which means I can access my play list in other rooms in my house. I browsed through Grokker and found a few beginner video's .... the first time I tried it I had difficulty with it stopping and…
  • I find adding salt to the water helps. I bring to a boil cover and shut off heat. Leave for 5 mins. Run under cool water then peel as soon as you can handle it.
  • That must be so frustrating! I'm not sure what level of exercise you should consider it. Things to look at are Are you drinking enough water? Maybe you need to shake up your exercise routine. Could you add a little more protein a little less on carbs. Keep the carbs more simple than complex. Reduce overall calories. Good…
  • I don't like the idea of a cheat day but I do like the idea of a day off calculating and recording. A day to not get on the scale. Just a day in the no pressure zone. My goal is to make real life changes and not just be on a "diet" so a cheat day is really just a day of poor choices.
  • I don't log in tea or coffee that had no creamer and I sweetened with truvia. Otherwise everything gets logged
  • Hi, I'm in my 50's and have been dieting for years. Last year I went on a restrictive diet and reached my goal. I felt great. I just couldn't stick with that restrictive diet. Here I am 12 lbs regained and I'm back to the drawing board. I am doing my best with calorie counting and when I stick to the plan things work. The…