jennifermwb Member


  • I struggled with this. Then I decided that for me to keep it to myself I was placing shame where shame didnt belong. I was worried about being judged, about how others would feel about it. Then I realized that the only opinion that mattered was mine. I share my story with everyone. I talk about it here, I make freaking…
  • Hello everyone. My name is Jennifer. I had gastric bypass surgery on August 10th, 2012. I started at 350 pounds, lost 21 pounds before surgery. Day of surgery was 329. Today, almost 10 weeks later I weigh 269. Feeling good. No complications thus far. I was a diabetic, on 5 shots a day of 2 different kinds of insulin. Blood…
  • Have you ever been obese? I have been to no less than 20 doctors in the last few years. Every single one of them including the surgeon who performed my surgery advised me to go on a low calorie diet, not one of them asked me to track anything other than calories. So I know exactly what the medical community advises for…
  • No. You still are choosing NOT to read the important part of what I wrote. I HAD GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY. I do NOT have a normal digestive tract anymore. I can not absorb many of my nutrients. What is dangerous for ME, is not the same thing as what is dangerous for a normal person with a normal digestive tract. Sure.....its…
  • Not at all. For ME as a post weight loss surgery patient it IS vitally important. I can no longer absorb a good percentage of what I eat....because my surgery bypassed nearly 2 feet of my intestines. So for me the micronutrients are important...and are the difference between me being healthy, or me being deathly ill in a…
  • Because food became a drug for me. I can go completly emotionally numb halfway through my first slice of pizza...and then I dont want to feel, so I would keep eating until it hurt.
  • Trying to understand why exactly you quoted me on this and what your response meant. Can you please clear that up for me. Curious to know if it is because you agreed with something I said...or because you were using me as some sort of example.
  • I used to use it all the time.....because I was not tracking (and did not care about) and of the macros. All I was focused on was my calories. I dropped a lot of weight back then. That was a few years back. I had gastric bypass surgery 9 weeks ago. So now I am in reverse. I could care less about total calories. I can't get…