

  • Tammy, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, i'm past 50 and half way to 60. My mom turned 90 this year and has kidney disease and memory loss, its made me realize how important being healthy is.
  • Sooooo at the lake this weekend and managed to undo a whole week of hard week, weighing in at 179.8 more than I have been in 3 weeks. Tough to watch my weight loss go from 13 to 9....Sad face! But today back at it and on track with food and excercise. Not being on fitpal for the weekend really let me lose focus.
  • So I'm up 2lbs after a very snacking Sunday, stress eating is my weakness, so I dusted off my old Callenetics and did the whole one hour and today my backside actually aches when I walk. Tonight I went for a 3 mile walk unfortunately the 2 lbs won't come off as quickly or easily as it went on.
  • Yes, I'm looking forward to posting after pictures! Together we can do this!
  • My start date was May 26 at 188.6 and today my weigh in was 175.2. I really didn't believe I could lose this much weight when I started. I always used to stress if I didn't see big losses every week and then head to the kitchen. But even if you don't have a loss don't give up and turn to food. Get up from the computer;…
  • thats funny I did the same chant when I was out walking and wanted to turn around! Thanks for the support, knowing your all here at the end of the day makes me want to work harder.
  • I started at 193 in June and I'm now at 178 hoping to drop another 40.
  • I'm Tammy, I'm 53, have four daughters(19-32) and one grandson(12), I'm a manager at a bank so I sit on my butt waaay to much during the day. I live in Saskatchewan.
  • My goal is to get back my old self. I have 40 lbs to go and I find Fit Pal has really made a difference since I started.
  • 53 and from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan