

  • My first cat was named Catastrophe... My second cat was named Catatonic... My third cat was named Catapult... and I have always maintained that any future cat would be named Catalyst...
  • I'm 35 and been in a relationship with a 48yr old man for over 5 years - I think it's perfect because he's young at heart and I'm old and wise (even though it should be the other way around!) :wink:
  • He might be a Feeder!!! The world is rampant with Feeders... these are people who feed you so that you put on weight till you get so fat that you physically can't get out of bed and that way you become dependent on him and will never leave him... Just joking - that is extreme but less extreme feeders like big women because…
  • That's exactly why I just bought myself a set of kitchen scales... 25g of M&Ms is only a handful not half the packet!!
  • I have a drink or two every other night. I choose low calorie high effect drinks like scotch with soda water or vodka with diet soda but I always log it in my daily food diary and make sure I'm under in calories... Generally I can't have any snacks on a day when I'm drinking - just three main meals (usually meat and salad,…
  • The Weather Channel - Friday Forecast
  • People only cheat themselves when they rely on the excessively high calorie burns - I use the opposite approach. My treadmill has a generic calorie counter and I believe that it is well below what I have actually burnt due to the fact that I am well above average weight but I use those figures to post on mfp anyway. The…
  • Greek Coffee, lettuce, cucumber, (no tomatoes coz we grow our own), avocado, fetta, chicken drumsticks, lamb steaks, washing detergent, muesli bars, light rye bread, potatoes, maybe some cocacola (for my other half)... Having BBQ for dinner with greek salad.
  • I don't worry about the protein going over my limit but fat and carbs are the ones to watch out for.
  • I drink a cup every morning but I recently changed to black coffee no sugar when I realised how many calories the additives have... It takes a while but you do get used to the taste and now if someone puts sugar in my coffee I can't drink it because even one teaspoon tastes like sickly sweet. It takes about three days for…
  • Heya, I'm 35 from Adelaide - I work a million hours a week and so don't get out much... Please be my friend!! Interwebs friends is all I has ;)
  • That's a positive step - aim to be healthy instead of getting caught up in weight loss momentum =)
  • My personal opinion is that medications do make it difficult to lose weight because they mess with your system - NOT saying that you should stop taking any medication that you are prescribed but maybe explore other options with your doctor or reduce your weight loss goals... Maybe aim for 1lb per month instead of per…
  • I was doing everything right and sticking to the rules and just like you I wasn't getting anywhere until I tried a different tactic. I changed my eating pattern by only eating carbs for breakfast and lunch and removing wheat based carbs from my night time meal (so no pasta or bread) and now the weight is falling off... I…
  • I always track my alcohol cos its full of calories. It also makes a huge difference what you drink - I used to love a glass of wine or two when out and about but after doing a search of different drinks I found that a glass of scotch mixed with soda water was half the calories...
  • I like your style - I have started running but so far I am not up to miles... just minutes.... Am thinking of setting a new goal for minutes but I am nowhere near as brave as you - You Go Girl!!!
  • I'm on and off the wagon as well but I just keep trying everytime I can and slowly, slowly things have been getting better. Never give up! ;)
  • Heya! I'm South Aussie... Finding MFP to be the best way to cut the kilos... tried everything but MFp showed me the lighter side of life (Cut out the bad crap from my diet) .... This **** is almost too easy!!! Good luck on yourj journey =)