sparklefrogz Member


  • The trend is calculated on an exponentially smoothed moving average. See here for the reasoning and methodology behind that: The actual way the calculation is performed is described here: TL;DR/I'm Not a Math Person…
  • Here is a thread that lists vegetarian and vegan sources of protein by caloric and protein density: Weight loss depends only on total caloric intake. How much is fat vs lean muscle depends more on the protein intake and whether you are doing resistance-based…
  • Jeans and a baggy t shirt will also make you invisible after you lose the weight. But an even better shield is standing straight, walking with a purposeful gait, and being alert and looking actively at your surroundings. Seriously. People can sense your lack of self confidence/insecurity in your posture, gait, and facial…
  • What about creamy soups? With full fat dairy, or full fat coconut milk? (Extra points if you can get full fat cheese into the mix.) Also, good quality protein shakes may help? I don't use protein powder personally but I'm given to understand that as long as you watch the ingredients, you can find one that's not overly…
  • To get an average size for poultry pieces, you can use the USDA food database. They list raw chicken legs with meat and skin here: According to them a whole leg, with skin and bone, weighs about 344g. Their chicken thigh info is here: If…
  • The first two pictures are chicken thighs. The last picture is a chicken leg, which includes both the thigh and the drumstick. Each thigh will weigh a different amount depending on how big the bird was that it came from.
  • Your stomach looks flatter and your waist is more defined. I've seen some personal trainers on these boards state that when you start a new exercise program it can take 2-3 months to really start seeing effects visually, so maybe keep that in mind. Are you measuring yourself with a tape measure once a month too? Do you…
  • Don't thank me, thank Miss Manners. She's full of these kinds of nuggets (or was, back when she wrote all her own stuff before she started getting ghostwritten).
  • Every time she says something, smile warmly and reply "how kind of you to take an interest!", then immediately change the subject. Repeat ad nauseum until she realizes this is the only response she will ever get; she'll get bored and move on to trying to find other topics and ways to get a rise out of you.
  • I had another thought since you mentioned eating out of boredom. Does the texture of your food matter to you a lot? I find that variety in texture (like, creamy and crunchy together) is very important to how satisfying a meal is to me. If I end up eating very "boring" meals that don't have that kind of textural or visual…
  • Re: eating out of boredom. I second the advice to not keep food in the house if you know it is "food with no brakes" for you. I also second the advice to physically put the food where you cannot see it (out of sight, out of mind), and to distract yourself by doing something else to engage your body (like walk, or swim, or…
  • Because it's only too late if you give up. If you forget to log something, make a note in the comment section or estimate as best you can once you realize it. If you eat a dozen cookies and half a pizza by lunch, log it and figure out the most nutritiously impactful, filling, and least calorically dense thing you can eat…
  • I'm like that, actually. Average lifespan of a new interest or hobby is 3 weeks. :) But here's why it could be disordered eating for the OP in my (totally worth what you paid for it) opinion: she feels shame or embarrassment around her eating behaviour, to the point where she tries to hide that behaviour from others.
  • Just take it one day at a time. One meal at a time, if you must. You will never be perfect at this, none of us are. The secret to succeeding is just to get back up one more time than you fall down. ;) ETA: the language you're using tells me you don't trust that you'll succeed. You "hope" you "can"; but you feel "stuck".…
  • This. I had a stomach bug about a month ago; lost 4.6 lb in under five hours! :P Just start watching your diet and exercise again and expect your weight to go back up to around where it was before the illness before it starts trending down again.
  • Or 4) I'd just prefer to spend my calories on the sauce, a fattier cut of meat, or a big *** salad instead of the pasta or bread. ;) Especially since I've never been able to cook pasta properly to save my life, good bread is expensive 'round here, and I love salads and steak.
  • No. It can help your overall health, energy levels, sleep quality, joint pain/inflammation. But CICO is fundamental. (Some people may naturally burn a lot less or a lot more than others, but that's just an adjustment to the value of calories out and doesn't negate the equation.) When switching from a regular diet to low…
  • +1. "Guys, I really appreciate you taking care of me while I'm down here. I thought tonight I'd give you a break and I'd cook something!" Or just show up with the food and start taking over the kitchen (works for my mom's side of the family). For the rest of the visit, realize that some of that weight is probably water…
  • Paragraphs. Paragraphs are definitely a good start. As for your question, which I think is "how do I quit craving junk food"? The only thing that worked for me was to stop eating junk food entirely for a few weeks to reset my taste buds. Fruit substitution is also good, but I would add a bit of fat and protein in with them…
  • 1. primarily, leftovers from lunch/supper the day before (meatballs with zughetti, hamburgers on portobello 'buns', beef parmigiana, etc). 2. sausage link or patty with vegetables/fruit and a fried egg 3. hard boiled eggs, fruit, yogurt 4. ground meat skillets/hashes with vegetables 5. omelets and frittatas with lots of…
  • I typically eat three meals a day. What I eat = protein + veggies + a bit of fat at every meal. Usually I have dessert after supper, but sometimes I have a midmorning snack instead. It's successful for me; I grew up on the "three squares a day" schedule and never was much of a snacker. My meals are typically 4-5 hours…
  • Welcome and congrats on your impending wedding! This thread will help you get started and give you all the basic info you need to know to succeed: It's a little long, but full of really good info, so I recommend bookmarking…
  • And the way to sort it out is with a qualified professional. If you talk to your doctor, the doctor can't even tell your husband without your permission. If you're worried about how to explain it when you have appointments with the counsellor, I would look deep and hard at WHY you are worried about this. If your husband…
  • Not all producers treat their animals this way! Find smaller scale, local farmers by visiting the closest farmer's market and ask them questions about what they feed the animals (and why), whether they give tours of the farm, and so on. These people care about the product they sell and, as a consequence, the animals they…
  • To cover the rest of your original post...the only points that I follow as "fact" are #13 and #15. You don't even have to do #13 to lose weight and keep it off (I lost the majority of my weight without counting calories or measuring food). And I follow #15 because it helps me feel fuller, longer. You may find some helpful…
  • LOL @ imagining a 5.8 inches tall person. You said you go to the gym 5 days/wk for a little under an hour. That puts you at the high end of 3-5 hr/moderate. A good place to start is the 2223-20% = 1779. This is actually what my intake usually ends up being around that activity level. Much less than that and I get grouchy,…
  • I think you must have made a typo when inputting your data. I went there and put in your weight, height, and age you listed at the start of this thread, and it tells me your BMR is 1434 and TDEE to maintain on sedentary is 1721?! (For reference, I'm 5'8.5", 29 y/o, and 147 lb and my BMR comes out to 1474 and sedentary TDEE…
  • As nutmegoreo mentioned, a caloric deficit will eventually lead to weight loss. The speed at which that weight is lost, and the side effects it will have on your health and general wellbeing, will depend on your current metabolism and overall stress levels. I'd be curious to know what that typical day's meal you mentioned…
  • My understanding from your post is that you've only been doing this for a couple of weeks, which isn't a lot of time to see results. When I say weight loss is non-linear, here is what I mean: That is a graph of my weight loss over the last 10 weeks. The red line is an average…