

  • Today I snacked on half a cup of nonfat cottage cheese mixed with about 75 grams of strawberries... only 105 calories!
  • Fruits in excess. "Fruits & Veggies" were basically the same thing in my mind. Of course fruits can be a great part of a good diet, but overdoing it on the sugar obviously isn't.
  • Excellent! So much of the weight loss process is mental... having the wrong attitude can really hinder everything. Setting reasonable goals helps the sense of achievement that is so crucial to staying motivated. Keep at it! :]
  • I too fell off the wagon not too long ago. Fell pretty damn hard too - fast food most days, drinking most days, sweets whenever they sounded good. I got super lucky and only put about 10 pounds back on after initially losing 40. But two weeks ago cleaned up my act, and here I am again just about back to where I was! It can…
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. It has been tough for me to not get stuck on a particular number on the scale... a residual complex from my teenage chubster years no doubt. Now it's time to really push myself and hit the weights it seems. Kudos on everyone's progress and best wishes in achieving future goals!
  • Definitely dairy! Particularly cheese... when I finally feel I've earned a cheat, it will definitely be a fat slice of supreme pizza