

  • Oh he's still a youngin! :) congrats to you as that wasn't too long ago! i like your "pre-daddy" comment. hehe.. tough getting comfortable with someone! (: my friend who has 3 kids also gave the advice to sleep when the baby sleeps, it's nice hearing from multiple people! i will definitely do that and the fact that I get…
  • Thanks so much! do you just have the one? I am a former chubby girl so gaining this extra weight isn't my favorite part of this entire thing, but it'll be worth it! :) I'm not going to be working full time, so I should be able to have a session with Shaun T daily no problem at all :)
  • hello there! just dropping it to give the heads up that I won't be doing INSANITY anymore as I found out a couple days ago I was pregnant and have to make sure I don't exert my body too much so nothing bad happens!! but hopefully this post keeps on going for when I done and can get back on it! gotta lose that baby weight…
  • I don't know much about heart rate monitors, so I'm not sure. there are a couple girls on here that use them and can probably help you out. :)
  • welcome!! :) i definitely think it will help you off your plateau.. i mean obviously I can't guarantee it ;P but if you stick to it and don't skip any days and push as hard as you can, you'll be golden! let us know how the first day goes!
  • woohoo!! welcome to the group ;) glad everything went well with the surgery!! let us know how the first day goes!! once the first week is done, you'll be hooked!
  • I suppose that's a really great part of the equation ;) thank you!
  • that's what the insanity booklet does say. I didn't mistype.. if you don't want to use that one then just go by what you have been doing the last 3 rounds of stuff you did...
  • it's off the insanity nutrition guide.. you did insanity so you must have it right? it's right in the book. i'm not sure.. maybe i have a typo? i was just being helpful posting what i read.
  • what is turbo fire? hmmm.. i will have to look it up!! sounds fun!!
  • calorie calculation: 655+(4.35 x weight in lbs)+(4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years) take this total and subtract by 500.. use that number daily to lose weight while doing insanity:)
  • getting to week three is definitely a huge accomplishment!! maybe we can all push each other to get through the entire thing! :)
  • high fives on the first round of insanity and on to the P90X kick!! :) I was a fan of P90X.. didn't get through the entire thing.. think i might do the 30 day shred after i'm done with this round just to switch it up and try something new, then hop onto P90X after that.. i noticed taking pictures for a reference is better…
  • yay welcome!!! how long have you been doing it? what week? first round?
  • hope your weeks been great too!!
  • I just made my own exercise and kind of guessed. i don't own a heart rate monitor either. but in the nutrition guide for insanity it tells you how to calculate your daily calorie intake so even though I do log and put about 500 calories an exercise I try to keep it in the range of the total I calculated from the book..…
  • Oh no! I didn't get on here in time to give you a kick in the rear! i hope you got the motivation and did your insanity yesterday!! :)
  • it took me awhile too! i thought when I hit reply on the person's response, it would do the " " thing.. but i figured it out half way through my responses. this is my first response as well. :) You are definitely a busy one! i tried work and full time school. that was tough.. throw a baby in the mix and I wouldn't know…
  • yea i did hear about that new one! but wasn't it the asylum one? I was thinking about trying that one out. my brother actually mentioned it this past weekend... I'm thinking I might try it too if there isn't too many things I will have to buy in order to do it.. i have heard of hip hop abs, but i've never done it. have you…
  • Sometimes having people to come and chat with helps keep you motivated!! at a higher weight you will lose more quicker! when you decide to hop on the INSANITY train you can come here and keep us updated! :)
  • :) haha! yea.. you could have made it up and I wouldn't be able to call your bluff ;) I'm going to look it up after I type this! Yea.. those weeks where you don't do much in between workouts gets tough! I am going to go straught from INSANITY to either P90X or another round of insanity.. yesterday was my day off, which was…
  • as long as you plan on trying it today then you are on the right track!! just keep pushing play!! :)
  • yes! that calves were the WORST! i am so glad my house isn't two stories or i would have been in trouble. i'm fine now. i'm thinking after next month it might get worse for the first week of my max interval training then eventually get easier as I go.. I like the week in between the two 4 week periods.. forget what the…
  • isn't it a good feeling? i mean the hard to walk thing kind of sucks, but in a good way! haha! i work on the second floor and when i did it the first time i had to take the elevator for the first 2 weeks :) i was better this go around though!
  • I think she would be perfectly fine.. IMO.. Shaun T goes through the steps thoroughly.. my husband has done it before and his coordination isn't the best... you guys should definitely hop on the INSANITY train :)
  • it's a workout program :) will direct you there!
  • those vacations!! they are evil! ;) i start P90X and got about 3 weeks into it then went on vacation to florida and fell off! good luck with insanity!! at least you know what to look forward to! :)
  • I feel the same way! I miss it when i'm on my day off! tomorrow is my day.. this is my first day that i'm actually staying within my calorie budget.. not sure if i want to keep eating my exercise calories.. how do you guys do it when logging on mfp?
  • you are getting into an incredible workout! be prepared to push yourself!! my suggestion for the first time around is to try to finish the first couple days at your own pace.. instead of trying to go as fast as the people on the dvd instead of stopping!! you'll be in pain a couple days and when your legs are in pain, the…