Insanity buddy!?



  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    calorie calculation:

    655+(4.35 x weight in lbs)+(4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    take this total and subtract by 500.. use that number daily to lose weight while doing insanity:)

    Are you sure this calculation is right? It puts me at a little over 900 calories and that's not right...
  • SJB016
    SJB016 Posts: 38
    calorie calculation:

    655+(4.35 x weight in lbs)+(4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    take this total and subtract by 500.. use that number daily to lose weight while doing insanity:)

    Are you sure this calculation is right? It puts me at a little over 900 calories and that's not right...

    it's off the insanity nutrition guide.. you did insanity so you must have it right? it's right in the book. i'm not sure.. maybe i have a typo? i was just being helpful posting what i read.
  • SJB016
    SJB016 Posts: 38
    that's what the insanity booklet does say. I didn't mistype.. if you don't want to use that one then just go by what you have been doing the last 3 rounds of stuff you did...
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member

    Oh ok I see now. After you do the calculation, you multiply times your level of activity. If you're doing insanity, you would multiply times 1.7, then subtract the 500. Makes sense now! Thanks!
  • SJB016
    SJB016 Posts: 38
    I suppose that's a really great part of the equation ;) thank you!
  • spayne_4
    spayne_4 Posts: 34 Member
    Starting Insanity today and I am way EXCITED!! Great thread you started! After having my gall bladder surgery and being on vacation I am ready to get back into the swing of things and get rid of the 5 lbs. gained and keep going towards my main goal! Hoping for motivation but sure I'll find it here :O) Excellent work everyone!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm starting Insanity today! Ahhh! I'm so scared!!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Ugh double post.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Ashley - don't be scared!!! It is a fabulous workout, but it will keep you motivated because you'll see results! Take pictures today, and take your measurements. I can guarantee you that you'll see major changes in your body! I didn't lose too much weight, but lost alot of inches and noticed changes in my body. Good luck, keep motivated, and get ready for have your butt whooped! LOL
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Ashley - don't be scared!!! It is a fabulous workout, but it will keep you motivated because you'll see results! Take pictures today, and take your measurements. I can guarantee you that you'll see major changes in your body! I didn't lose too much weight, but lost alot of inches and noticed changes in my body. Good luck, keep motivated, and get ready for have your butt whooped! LOL

    I just got finished taking pics and my measurements. You think this will get me outta this damn plateau? Scale has not moved in about 4 weeks now and I was hoping this would sort of get it going. I have about 45 more pounds to lose!
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    It might! Make sure you are eating enough calories. Whatever your calorie goal is, make sure you are netting that, or getting darn close to it. It's been super hard for me, but you just have to plan your meals and snacks. Also, drink TONS of water, do all the workouts as much as you can. The simplest way to notice a difference is in the % of the video that you complete. My first fit test was horrid!!! But you will see that you can do more pushups, jumping jacks, etc with every passing week. I can tell you that the 3rd week was the toughest for me. Just stick to it, you won't regret it!!!!
  • SJB016
    SJB016 Posts: 38
    Starting Insanity today and I am way EXCITED!! Great thread you started! After having my gall bladder surgery and being on vacation I am ready to get back into the swing of things and get rid of the 5 lbs. gained and keep going towards my main goal! Hoping for motivation but sure I'll find it here :O) Excellent work everyone!

    woohoo!! welcome to the group ;) glad everything went well with the surgery!! let us know how the first day goes!! once the first week is done, you'll be hooked!
  • SJB016
    SJB016 Posts: 38
    Ashley - don't be scared!!! It is a fabulous workout, but it will keep you motivated because you'll see results! Take pictures today, and take your measurements. I can guarantee you that you'll see major changes in your body! I didn't lose too much weight, but lost alot of inches and noticed changes in my body. Good luck, keep motivated, and get ready for have your butt whooped! LOL

    I just got finished taking pics and my measurements. You think this will get me outta this damn plateau? Scale has not moved in about 4 weeks now and I was hoping this would sort of get it going. I have about 45 more pounds to lose!

    welcome!! :) i definitely think it will help you off your plateau.. i mean obviously I can't guarantee it ;P but if you stick to it and don't skip any days and push as hard as you can, you'll be golden! let us know how the first day goes!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    The fit test was hard, to say the least. I woke up sore from it this morning! lol I just completed day 1, plyo, and I'm kind of upset that I had to take so many breaks. My HR was steady at 185 pretty much the whole time. He kept saying to check your HR to make sure it's safe but never said what was considered safe. Anyone know?
  • SJB016
    SJB016 Posts: 38
    The fit test was hard, to say the least. I woke up sore from it this morning! lol I just completed day 1, plyo, and I'm kind of upset that I had to take so many breaks. My HR was steady at 185 pretty much the whole time. He kept saying to check your HR to make sure it's safe but never said what was considered safe. Anyone know?

    I don't know much about heart rate monitors, so I'm not sure. there are a couple girls on here that use them and can probably help you out. :)
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    The fit test was hard, to say the least. I woke up sore from it this morning! lol I just completed day 1, plyo, and I'm kind of upset that I had to take so many breaks. My HR was steady at 185 pretty much the whole time. He kept saying to check your HR to make sure it's safe but never said what was considered safe. Anyone know?

    I don't know much about heart rate monitors, so I'm not sure. there are a couple girls on here that use them and can probably help you out. :)

    I'll piggy back on this ... I'm on the search for a good HRM/calorie counter ... if anyone has suggestions, I'd fully appreciate it!
  • I do not have a HRM, for now I am just counting my pulse for 10 seconds and multiplying it by 6.

    I found this on webmd, you enter your age and it tells me how many beats you should have and what not to exceed:
  • I'm LOVING insanity! Just started week 3! I've already seen a big improvement between my first and second fit tests!
  • hello there! just dropping it to give the heads up that I won't be doing INSANITY anymore as I found out a couple days ago I was pregnant and have to make sure I don't exert my body too much so nothing bad happens!! but hopefully this post keeps on going for when I done and can get back on it! gotta lose that baby weight some how! :) good luck to all you ladies doing it! insanity is so much fun!!