KAR1959 Member


  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Oct 31 Goal Weight - 163.2 Sep 30 ending weight - 166.2 Oct 1 - 167.2 Oct 10 - 164.0 Oct 17 - Oct 24 - Oct 31 - The loss is definitely due to stress and no appetite. It will probably come back. Kathy
  • Ladies I wanted to let you all know that mom passed away Sunday afternoon. She fought for three years but her body couldn’t take anymore. We’re heartbroken but happy she isn’t suffering anymore. She’s with dad who coincidentally passed away on Oct 8 while she passed Oct 6. Please pray for my family as we prepare for her…
  • I did another 15 minutes on the recumbent but couldn’t do another workout this evening. Tomorrow is another day. I’m so tired physically, mentally and emotionally. Kathy
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Oct 31 Goal Weight - 163.2 Sep 30 ending weight - 166.2 Oct 1 - 167.2 Oct 8 - Oct 15 - Oct 22 - Oct 31 - Got up this morning and did a full body stretch and 15 minutes on my recumbent while mom was still sleeping. I haven’t worked out in weeks but I’m determined to have a…
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0 Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6 Sep 1 - 168.0 Sep 9 - 166.4 Sep 16 - 165.2 Sep 23 - 166.0 Sep 30 - 166.2 Up and down month but it could have been worse in so many ways. Going to start stretching again tomorrow and see where can I go from there. My back…
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0 Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6 Sep 1 - 168.0 Sep 9 - 166.4 Sep 16 - 165.2 Sep 23 - 166.0 Sep 30 - Kathy
  • Morning ladies. It’s 6:00 my time. Just spent time with mom changing her and calming her. She is pretty much bed bound and can’t do anything much herself. It’s really difficult but I can say thank goodness for the strength training. It has made a difference for sure. My aunt (mom’s sister)has been here since Tuesday. It…
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0 Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6 Sep 1 - 168.0 Sep 9 - 166.4 Sep 16 - 165.2 Sep 23 - Sep 30 - Kathy
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0 Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6 Sep 1 - 168.0 Sep 9 - 166.4 Sep 16 - 165.2 Sep 23 - Sep 30 - Kathy
  • Karen beautiful photos thanks for sharing. Chris I can be a night owl as well as I can’t sleep. The good thing is mom sleeps in so I can usually sleep late or at least stay in bed and rest. The mornings here are getting a little chilly and a daytime high of about 80. The Falcons lost but the stadium was fun as always.…
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0 Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6 Sep 1 - 168.0 Sep 9 - 166.4 Sep 16 - Sep 23 - Sep 30 - Kathy
  • My brother is here for the weekend visiting mom. He set up the Blink camera in mom’s room. I can see her now and make sure she’s in bed and not getting up on her own. Now I will not jump up at every sound I hear. I can check the Blink app. Maybe we both can get some sleep at night, My sister is staying with mom tomorrow…
  • Finally fell up to getting in a short workout. I completed 30 minutes on recumbent. Need to get back to consistent workouts Karen hope you get better every day. Sciatica is no joke. Just catching up on posts. Thank goodness Belle was not seriously hurt, Chris glad that Pat is better. Shelley thanks for taking the time and…
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0 Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6 Sep 1 - 168.0 Sep 9 - Sep 16 - Sep 23 - Sep 30 - Kathy
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8 July 31 ending weight - 167.8 Aug 05 - 166.6 Aug 12 - 168.0 😔 Aug 19 - 169.4 😡 Aug 26 - 170.6 😳 Aug 31 - I’ve got this week to get back under 170. Not happy with myself with an almost 3 pound gain. Kathy
  • Sunday I completed a 25 minute total body stretch with emphasis on opening the hips and the lower back. It was great and plan to do it again today. Shelley and Karen I can’t wait to see your finished projects but also love the progress photos…keep them coming. Kathy
  • Shelley Great idea. Going to look for a monitor asap. I always tell mom it’s our turn to take care of her. Never worry that she’s a burden. Thanks lady. Kathy
  • Hi ladies, I’m working on getting a routine together for me and mom. It’s not easy but it is necessary. Mom has to pretty much use a walker all the time.she also is having trouble sleeping so I stay up with her until she can fall asleep. Then I can’t sleep because I’m afraid she’s going to get out of bed and fall. I check…
  • Tuesday was 50 mins on recumbent bike only. Mom isn’t doing well so more of my time is spent with her. And to be honest I’m exhausted. Everyone take care. ❤️ Kathy
  • Paula so happy for you. Keep it up! 💪🏾
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8 July 31 ending weight - 167.8 Aug 05 - 166.6 Aug 12 - 168.0 😔 Aug 19 - 169.4 😡 Aug 26 - Aug 31 - Wrong direction, time to get off my *kitten* and over this depression. Thank goodness I’m still in the 160s but just barely. FitOn here I come. I can’t…
  • Mom had a good day with visitors, flowers and lots of birthday wishes. I made one of her favorites homemade vegetable beef soup with corn muffins. She ate a whole bowl then had a slice of her birthday cake. Kathy
  • Monday was an upper body strength session and 30 minutes on the recumbent. Today I’m preparing for mon’d 88th birthday tomorrow. She seems to have a general feeling of malaise and we’re going to do everything to perk her up and have a wonderful birthday. This is so hard. 😔 Kathy
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8 July 31 ending weight - 167.8 Aug 05 - 166.6 Aug 12 - 168.0 😔 Aug 19 - Aug 26 - Aug 31 - Too much snacking, not enough exercise and a little depression. Kathy
  • I just had to add my two cents. I find it horrific the way politicians are using this issue to demonize and target LBGTQ+ rights and control others bodies. There’s an estimated 1.4 million transgenders and research shows this isn’t a new occurrence. Gender identity issues go back centuries; but we now live in a society…
  • Monday was upper body and full body stretch FitOn workouts. Today mom had a doctor’s appointment but was so physically exhausted that we had to reschedule. It was a rough day for her. I’m wondering if the radiation treatments did more harm than good. I just don’t know. She’s having to use her walker more and for the first…
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8 July 31 ending weight - 167.8 Aug 05 - 166.6 Aug 12 - Aug 19 - Aug 26 - Aug 31 - Home from vacation. We walked around the resort a lot. I was in the pool and in ocean. The food wasn’t that great so I actually didn’t eat a lot and watched the adult…
  • Highest Weight - 248 Ultimate Goal Weight - 148 Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8 July 31 ending weight - 167.8 Aug 05 - Aug 12 - Aug 19 - Aug 26 - Aug 31 -