

  • I love cooked breakfasts and when on the Atkins diet I feasted on egg and bacon. I didn't miss the toast too much as I was full without it. However I don't have time to cook in the mornings so now for breakfast I put double of this in, whiz it up and it creates 2 smoothies (one for today, one for tomorrow) Linwoods -…
  • Woah. What does that involve?
  • I just had this as a response, which is not that helpful.. "Thank you for your email and I regret to inform you that I will be unable to provide you with the information requested at present. We are currently in the process of having all our core menu dishes nutritionally analysed but unfortunately this information will…
  • Anyone else?
  • At the moment no. Not even much walking as I have fractured my spine. When I start to move around more and do exercise of course I will up my intake. The noodles and crisps were before. I eat a lot of chicken/ham and veggies now. And wholemeal pasta, almonds etc - I'm moving in the right direction. It's hard to compute the…
  • Not at all. If I was hungry I would eat more! It's not like I'm not snacking or not eating.. I've only been on MFP for a week. Before this I used to eat at least one packet of noodles a day, maybe a couple of packets of crisps. All empty carbs. I am eating less now that I'm tracking my food, but not to the point that I'm…
  • I am sat on my bum most of the day doing nothing though because of my injury. I'm finding I don't even need 1100 some days? Should I try and up it to 1200?
  • Yeah I don't quite get it either. My TDEE is 1667 and my BMR is 1295. I'm aiming for 1100 calories a day. Is that too little as I have heard you should aim between the two? 80% of my TDEE would be 1333.
  • I didn't put the code there to benefit myself - it is to benefit those who want to try Graze, as it gives you a box for free. I think I get a pound off my next box, but seeing as I live in Spain I won't actually use it. Only back in the UK for 2 weeks recovering from a back injury and with plenty of time on my hands, sat…
  • There was something on TV recently about only 1 in 8 supermarkets having special offers on healthy food / fruit and veg. It really is a shame that supermarkets don't do this - however if they start taking away specials on the unhealthy stuff then their competitors will make more money. It just needs one supermarket to do…
  • The amount of calories automatically decided for me when I signed up and put my weight/height in - is this to maintain then, or will this help me loose weight?
  • Thanks for all of your advice. I've now changed my goals to 45C 30P 25F from 55C 15P 30F. I feel this is a better balance and I can eat more chicken, ham and eggs :)
  • I have a fractured vertebra at the moment so can't exercise, otherwise this is what I would do. I know if I have one pint I'll want another, and another.. Maybe I'll have one, then have a soft drink, then another.
  • Personally it is one thing that irritates me, especailly living in Spain where it is hot (meaning more chaffing) and there's lots of skinny Spanish girls on the beach. It's not something I have as a set goal to have, but it would be nice..
  • i've gone through all 19 pages and sent messages to a few people, but thought I'd post too. So here's my stats: Female Age 24 Height 5'3.5 SW: 130 CW: 130 GW: 119 UGW: 112 Hour glass shape. I only started MFP yesterday (13th June) so if you're similar I'd love new friends. I can't do any exercise for 3 months due to a back…
  • Actually I don't think shower twister with a fractured vertebrae is such a hot idea, no? Maybe I'll be sitting this out too?
  • How big is your shower?
  • accidentally or on purpose?
  • That's a good question as I thought the same and have put my eggs in as raw, when they're not. I think you should start your own topic on it though, as I don't think many people would look at this 'egg' topic now. Good luck!
  • Thank you susanna, I found it the way you explained. Is there a way to add things like salt and pepper? A code word I'm missing out or something - as it doesn't come up for me. Or do most people leave those things out as they don't count for much?
  • It's just I looved for just the generic '3 eggs' or '1 egg' but most of what it came up with was just recipes. I live in Barcelona so it's hard to search by brand. I didn't even think to look on the box and see what it says on there *facepalm* Thank you :)
  • Do you mean this option - Prepared at Home - 3 Eggs, Scrambled W/ Water, Cooked In Org. Coconut Oil, Salsa ?? I've put in a couple of different options and they all come back completely different. Where would I go if I wanted to get the details for 3 eggs and 1 tsp olive oil so I could create it myself for future use?