

  • Hey there I know what you are going through to the tee! I am married to a wonderful military man, have been through two deployments with him and just being newly weds in that time. It can be very lonely and discouraging, but us women must stick together and stay strong for our men. I have had the scale go up and down when…
  • :sad: Hi everyone I am sorta scared of taking birth control and gaining back any weight I have lost. My doctor perscribed it because me and my husband have been married for four years and because of recent health problems ( a rare heart condition) didn't want me to get pregnant until this is taken care of. I started the…
  • 1. For my self 2. For my health. Been experiencing adverse health problems I have been in the hospital alot this month! 3. So my husband will be proud of me (Even though he says he thinks I look great now they say anything not to get into the dog house hehe) 4. To take a honeymoon with my husband to Hawaii and actually…
  • Thank you all so much for all the wonderful encouragement sorry that I didn't reply sooner my internet here is really really slow and it has been down for two days. Excited today I am off of my heart monitor that I was on (I had to wear it for three weeks to keep track of things it looks like a little beaper) Anyhooo I am…
  • I've just recently been diagnosed with a rare heart condition and this year I know it's time to change my life, body, and health. I have been in and out of the hospital all my life and I know I need to take better care of myself. Wish me luck and good luck to everyone else!
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