Why do you want to lose weight??

icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Be honest. Give reasons why.

1. For me
2. To see my kids grow
3. Live a long and healthy life.
4. To show my kids that if you set your mind to something you can succeed.
5. To look hot on the back of my husband Harley. Leather tank tops, tight jeans and chaps, one day I will wear you!!!!


  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Be honest. Give reasons why.

    1. For me
    2. To see my kids grow
    3. Live a long and healthy life.
    4. To show my kids that if you set your mind to something you can succeed.
    5. To look hot on the back of my husband Harley. Leather tank tops, tight jeans and chaps, one day I will wear you!!!!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    1. to not get diabetes (like my mother)
    2. to not get old too soon.
    3. to dance instead of sitting and watching.
  • To control Medical Problems and to eat healthier.
  • wow there are so many to name ...here are just a few

    1. to be heathy
    2. to be able to run around with my son and not get as tired
    3. to feel sexy again
    4. to be a role modle for my son and my sister in law who is 14 and already 100lbs overweight i need to show her if i can do it so can she
    5.to be able to buy clothes without looking for hours for a size 15 for short people

    like i said to just name a few
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member

    1. To stop constantly sweating, especially when meeting people for the first time....embarassing!!
    2. To be fit and healthy-FEEL better!
    3. To look sexy
    4.To fit in my wedding dress again!
    5. To get my body ready for having children in a couple of years!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    The most important reason for me is FOR ME!! I feel if I don't do it for me I will never do it.
  • kris2600
    kris2600 Posts: 149
    To regain confidence in myself
    For my husband
    I have always wanted to live a healthy lifestyle
  • Well my motivation is most definitely coming from my husband. He is deployed right now...and I do want to look great for him when he comes home. Although my size has never been an issue with him before.

    Mostly I'm sick of shopping in the Plus size department....

    I want to be more active, and feel better on a wellness level.

    I am most definitely doing this more me...so I can do the things that I've always wanted to do.
  • RiverCameron
    RiverCameron Posts: 56 Member
    1. To better manage my stress.
    2. To gain more energy
    3. Because I miss turning heads. Who knows, I may be too old for that anyway, but I'm tired of being "she'd be pretty if..." girl, I just want to feel pretty again.
    4. To be able to buy clothes anywhere and to more easily be able to find the cute ones.
    5. For the amazing feeling of accomplishment I'll have when I can say "Wow. Look what I did."

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    1. To be able to compete
    2. To prove to my family that I'm serious (they used to say I was a couch potato lol)
    3. To increase muscle definition (goes along with competing)
    4. To be a good role model for my clients and my children in the future
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    1. To be a good example for my children.
    2. To feel better about myself.
    3. To be fit and active again.
    4. To feel sexier (and have my hubby benefit from it).
    5. And, I'll admit I am a little vain, to look hot again!
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I have got to leave right now but when I get back later tonight I will fill mine in.
    See ya later......
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I am watching my mom wither away and die. She has high blood pressur, diabetes, dimentia, and 3rd stage cervical cancer. She is only 63. I don't want my kids to have to watch me slowly die. I want the 2nd half of my life to be healthy and happy! I only wish my mom would have done the same.

    I want to shop for regular sizes.
    I want to be in the middle of the conversation instead of listening from the corner
    I want to be able to run and play with my grandchildren.

    I just want to live!!!
  • I want to get in shape for the following reasons:
    1. Myself
    2. To impress my Hubby
    3. To be able to do more things with my kids
    4. To feel better.
    5. To be healthier...no more high blood pressure.
    6. To look good.
    7. I'm ready for a major change.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    1. For me
    2. For my boyfriend (future husband) who was concerned about my bad habits (we are now having the greatest time together finding new healthy foods, learning about nutrition and comparing workouts)
    3. For my health. My cholesterol and blood pressure had gone up quite a bit and that is unacceptable. (I recommend everyone have a blood work test done! It should only be about $30 and results in one day)
    4. I DID NOT want to start buying clothes another size larger.
    5. If my parents in their 60's can lose a combined 70 lbs I can lose weight too.
    6. I dont' want to be the slowest person in my group of friends out hiking. I hate being the one that always wants a break.
    7. It was time for a permanent lifestyle change.
    8. I want to be hot for my eventual wedding on a beach somewhere!
  • 1. HEALTH!
    2. Look better next to my hubby
    3. Be able to enjoy shopping again instead of dreading it!
  • If I'm to be honest...
    I really feel like my weight and this battle has controlled me and ruled parts of my life. It has affected me in ways of my not taking risks and doing things I want to do. It's been my excuse for so many things. I'm just ready to remove it in my life and get it out of the way. I'm 42 and I don't want this to rule over the next part of my life the way it has so far.
    Sounds dramatic, but so true.
    Can anyone relate?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    There are countless reasons to exercise and eat healthy, but some of my main motivators are...

    1. I don't want to be "the nice girl" anymore...I want to be "the hot girl"!!! Hey...it can happen!

    2. I would love it for my husband to compliment me on how great I look! And I want to look great for him!

    3. I would love to be able to run...I've never been a runner and it's something that I would like to do!

    4. I hate shopping no matter what, but I would love to fit in more clothes so it would be a little less frustrating and take a little less time!

    5. I would love to feel comfortable in my own skin. I don't right now and I know that I would be an overall happier person if I was. (This is a big one!)

    6. I would love to live a long, happy, and healthy life with my husband...I quit smoking about 5 months ago (as my first life change) and now I want to get down to a healthy weight!

    7. I want to have children. I don't think I should be doing that if my body isn't healthy to start off.

    8. I love the rush of being physically active and I want that to be something that I enjoy in my life permanently!

    9. I want to wear that bikini shoved in the back of my tank top drawer! It's sooooo cute and I just want it to look sooooo cute on me!!

    and 10. I want to be happy and I want to be healthy and I want to motivate others and I want to inspire others! I want to be a role model to my family and friends!

    Did I give enough reasons...? There are many others. These just describe how I'm feeling right now!

  • spacie
    spacie Posts: 82
    1) to be able to share clothes with my friends
    2) to not be embaressed in changing rooms-at the beach
    3) to buy a pair of jeans and know they will fit because they label says your size
    4) to avoid family history of heart attacks,high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • 1. For my self
    2. For my health. Been experiencing adverse health problems I have been in the hospital alot this month!
    3. So my husband will be proud of me (Even though he says he thinks I look great now they say anything not to get into the dog house hehe)
    4. To take a honeymoon with my husband to Hawaii and actually have confidence enough to wear a bikini, my husband was deployed the first year we were married so we didn't get a honeymoon.
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