

  • Here is the nutrition info on some basic rolls : http://www.sushifaq.com/sushi-calories.htm When I crave it I decide ahead of time how many I'll have, and I stick to salmon nigiri (less rice means less calories, and it's soooo delicious) and california rolls. Stay far, far away from anything with tempura in it, and…
  • It has come down to having five goals I try to meet every day: Eat 1500 calories or fewer. Drink 2 liters of water. Walk 4 miles (hopefully first thing in the day) No food after 8 pm. Stretch. I rarely meet the stretching goal, but the others I do. Keeping it so simple really helps me, and makes it feel so much less…
  • I love to have bloody marys - they are spicy and filling, low on calories, and you get a serving of veggie as a bonus :-) No matter what you drink (since lots of people hate tomato juice) follow one very important rule - one full glass of water between every drink - you end up spending less, drinking less, and stay…
  • Damn! Way to go and in such a short time - that's awesome dedication!!
  • I'm on the chocolate jello pudding snack kick myself, but almonds in general play a big role in helping me lost weight - they are so satisfying! I get the big bag of raw unsalted ones at Costco.
  • I'd say if you are choosing between two levels, choose the more sedentary level so that you aren't thinking you're working toward your goals but actually having too many calories.
  • Timely, because I am feeling super snacky today, and going and having a big glass of water will probably help. BTW, to those who dont like water as much plain, you will grow accustomed to it, i promise, and even come to crave it. At this point I drink a little OJ, the occasional plain latte, and a very rare fresca, the…
  • I am sooo excited about that egg idea in the tomato - am sooo going to try it!
  • Perhaps it's important to remember that this is both the beginning of your wonderful future and also the end of your past as it was. We focus so much on celebrating these kinds of changes (marriage) and tend to forget that we must also grieve the loss of what is. We should be held and embraced by the ones we love during…
  • Me too! Just sent a request your way and would welcome any and all to send me one, too :happy:
  • Too funny! The foods that can't come in my house: eggos, oreos, donuts, peanut butter, regular pasta, white rice, and taco bell. I have no "off" button for ANY of those! Oh yah, and bread, any and all bread.
  • Try to adjust your diet, too - I get a lot of extra fiber by having multigrain wasa crackers with hummus, orowheat double fiber bread, oatmeal, whole spelt, edamame, and other good foods. Ever since I have added these meals in, everything 'works' and I feel waaaay better. Water intake should be high, too!! Supplements are…
  • Great ideas everyone, thanks! I just made myself a cup of tea, and joined Lulabelle's " support group" :smile: The berries idea is great for me and the water is a timely reminder!
  • I am in, as Lulabelle said, there's a support group for everything. Cut off for me will be 8 pm or right after dinner if it's a late night. If I haven't eaten by 10, I just won't. Goal for August, starting on 8/9/10: 20 out of 23 days. That leaves room for late date nights :happy:
  • The main way this works is that you logs *everything* you eat *every* day. Don't kick your self if you miss a day while building the habit, just log in again as soon as you remember. It's a great site, and has helped a lot of us reach goals that bring a smile to our healthier faces :happy:
  • I've been making a yummy lunch lately: I have cooked quinoa in the fridge, so I saute a half cup quinoa, a handful of fresh spinach, a 1/4 c garbanzo beans and a half cup chipotle diced tomatoes (I get the can at PCC) with some pepper in olive oil. I am not strict vegan so sometimes I sprinkle on a tbsp of crumbled feta,…
  • I do the same thing, but I have found a couple things help. First, I eat way more sugar if I am dehydrated. Increase the amount of water you are drinking. Second, look at when you are eating - if I get a little too hungry by havng too few calories or waiting too long, I reach for very quick sugar (donuts and snickers,…
  • I HIGHLY recommend Christina Pirello's cookbook Cooking the Whole Foods Way - it's totally vegan and the butternut squash and mushroom bake is out of this world! For lunches I frequently do a bed of rice with a scoop of cooked red bhutanese rice and any kind of cooked bean, plus I toss in fig balsalmic vinegar and olive…