QuakerMom Member


  • Hi All-- rejoining the party here on MFP after nearly 3 years (?) of going it on my own. Fell off the paleo wagon midway through last year mainly due to stress and being robbed of time. Back to it, just did a 21 Day Sugar Detox last month -- about 95% successful -- to jumpstart me back into the land of healthy eating!
  • Good articles, both of these. Love the bit about getting organized -- this is my current priority in my life/home. The more I prioritize cooking/preparing healthy meals for myself and family, the more I realize how organizing everything in my life/home would help in so many ways. And, now I will go straight to bed, since…
  • Thanks for the suggestions and info. It looks like maybe a Tanita would be in my price range... there are a lot of brands out there on Amazon, that's for sure.
  • Yes! Tired of it too. I took a little mini-break from it -- somewhat consciously, but sort of by default, not having time the past few days. It's hard to keep on track but ultimately i need to get used to eating on track w/out counting everything. But, for now, i'm back to counting.
  • I got Make it Paleo from the library this week and am liking it but haven't cooked anything from it yet. The friend I was visiting last week had Nourishing Traditions, and I looked through it while I was there -- definitely some great ideas and recipes in there. And I am ordering Well Fed this weekend!
  • Interesting and timely discussion for me, since I just returned from 6 days of traveling, where I didn't count or measure anything. Getting back to it today is a bit of a drag -- i am about to log my whole day's worth of food but would really rather not. I definitely look forward to the freedom from logging, but until i…
  • I've been doing a modified fast once a week for the past few weeks, and it definitely seems to help the numbers to keep going down. I usually eat breakfast on my fast day, then either some soup broth or nothing but coffee/tea/water (or maybe a bit of fruit or some nuts, as today) until the next day at breakfast. It's been…
  • This is my approach too. I think the longer i am following this way of eating, the less those things will even occur to me to eat, and -- I hope -- the less they will affect me when I do occasionally indulge, e.g., social occasions when I choose to make exceptions. So do we! And I too am not even tempted. Today I looked at…
  • My thoughts exactly. I too have been moving in this direction for over 10 years now, just didn't know this was where it would lead, and finally feel like this is truly a lifestyle change I can live with, long term. In the past I've gone on and off wheat/bread/gluten and sometimes other grains, but always slid back…
  • Mmmm -- this sounds really yummy!
  • This sounds exactly like what I had in mind! Tomorrow's dinner, methinks.
  • Quiche sounds great. Good for you to host a paleo potluck! I would love to do this, but don't know a single other soul who eats this way. How did you find such a group of like-eating folks in your area?
  • Thanks! I'll look for these next time i'm at the store.
  • BTW, for folks who eat pork rinds, where do you buy them? Regular grocery store? I saw some recently at a store I don't usually go to -- in the checkout lane -- and they were loaded w/chemical crap i wouldn't touch even before going paleo. I do most of my shopping at TJ's and our weekly market (and have never seen them) so…
  • Count me in. However, i actually started this 3+ weeks ago, and plan to continue beyond lent. But, yes, added incentive. My lenten addition is going to be to do a partial fast day once a week, prob Thursdays.
  • Yes, yes, true that it's a lifestyle and about eating healthy. But truthfully, if I were not concerned about losing my excess weight, I would not be spending the time it takes to track everything I eat! I would just eat 'approved' foods, until full, without over-indulging. It has gotten easier in the 7 weeks i've now been…
  • My first two weeks going primal I did not give up dairy, was having yogurt or kefir several times a week, small amounts of cheese on occasion, milk in my occasional coffee, and some butter on veggies. Then, after a great first week and totally stalled second week, my third week (4th day today) I decided to cut out nearly…
  • Okay, well, I'm still tracking, but this week has been a huge stall week for me, which is frustrating, since I've been keeping my carbs below 100 g, and calories in a 300-500+ deficit range every day. Starting yesterday I decided to try cutting out all dairy except butter (i'm in love w/Kerrygold butter since last week!),…
  • Thanks! The second website (White Lion) is temporarily on hiatus according to their website. But these look like great recipes and alternatives. I'll definitely check them out.
  • Awesome post! Lots of food for thought. :)
  • Thanks for all the input. Good comments all.
  • Thanks for the link. I thought about this option, and may try it. But the 4-yr old has some very specific expectations regarding what his birthday will bring, and I'm not sure it's worth rocking that boat. Might delay it for another occasion.
  • I hear you. My fat total today was over 50%. Guess that might be a little too high, but I'm not sure it matters for one day.
  • @monkeydharma, thanks for the explanation, that makes sense.
  • I eat Keffir and like it. I get mine at Trader Joe's, and will use it in smoothies or just like regular yogurt. Good stuff.
  • This is true for me too. I was plateau-ing for close to 2 weeks, then got sick and ate some high sodium soup 2 days in a row, and gained a lb back. Following day i dropped sodium considerably, and the lb was gone again. Then, started to restrict carbs a little more (not drastically -- went from around 170 g/day to closer…
  • @chaitrex: This is my 3rd day completely off sugar, so I hear you. It's hard. I wasn't eating much sugar for the past month -- but pretty addicted to my daily snack bar (Cliff Kid Organic ZBar or Luna Bar), and a few other moderately low cal treats when I had the extra calories.
  • I'm 5' 1 1/2" (call it 5'2"). Started at 146 (highest weight ever, i think) Currently: 138 Goal: 128 I would love to be 125, but this is probably not realistic for me -- has been, oh, close to 20 years since i weighed that little for any length of time. (I'm 48) But, we'll see.