

  • can i ask those of you who have gone on to level 3, how do you know when you are ready to progress. i will do day 9 of level 2 tomorrow and having watched level 3 i don't think i am ready. i can manage most of level 2 as long as i follow anita, 2 exceptions are oblique twists and the last abs. (last abs i just struggle but…
  • love/hate relationship with jillian here. am on day 8 level 2 of 30day shred. have def got fitter, stamina has got heaps better, strength improved and i can feel my abs underneath the layer of fat. but i HATE jumping jacks.. i love the length of the workouts. can bung it on before work or after work before i plonk my butt…
  • thanks for the answers...looks like i am using the wrong phone lol.will have to havd a better hunt for windows phone apps
  • i am on day 3 of level 2 and struggle with some of the moves, the oblique twists are a nigtmare, but most i find just hard to perform not through fitness its technique (if that makes sense) i am the most uncordinated person and find arms/legs etc in the wrong place at the wrong time. i often wonder if i am getting the most…
  • fantastic x
  • i am on day 13 (3 days in on level 2) never did manage to do all the jumping jacks in level 1...in level 2 the planks kill me but its my legs that give out not upper body, in this level its the co-ordination that gets me. i seem to miss so much of the workout stopping and making sure my arms and legs are going in oppersite…
  • you look fantastic, and i love the dress
  • my 1st nsv is when my OH said he could see my c section scars, when i was flat on my back in bed, 1st time in over 2 yrs (too much belly flab hangng over them) more obvious to me is having to tighten the belt up to keep my jeans up...lower sized jeans needed soon same as above poster, all bras are now uncomfy, but…
  • i am so glad it wasn't just me who had this problem, think the only bit that was worse was going up/ down stairs.. by day 4 i was able to go to the bathroom without that fear. day 9 tomorrow
  • i did 7 days consecutivly, took yesterday as a rest day as i really couldn't be arsed. i ached all over, not just muscle ache, joints etc, i was really tired, still walked for an hour though . carried on with shred today and found it much easier than i did on friday. i think i needed a break so i guess just go with what…
  • maybe i will stick with the blasted things for a bit longer, annoys me that i can mange the other cardio (almost) but waste time trying not to die instead of jumping. am having a day off today, really can't face it, ache in a nasty way (not just muscles) have done 7 consecutive days though, think my body is shocked at the…
  • finished day 7 today, can really feel a difference in stamina, strength etc...but really struggle with those ruddy jumping jacks, can just about mange all the other cardio stuff but these kill me. have wondered if it would really make much difference if i substitute the jumping jacks for any of the other cardio stuff in…
  • day 6 of level one completed, it is really hard but some parts are getting a bit easier, still hate the star jumps/jumping jacks, and the bicycle abs at the end, for some reason its my legs that refuse to co-operate with this exercise. can't see me being ready to progress to level 2 in 4 days, so will prob carry on with…
  • just completed day 5 of level one. it is reasuring to find people still alive after completing the program :laugh: i THINK it is getting slightly easy but i still hate the jumping jacks. the other one i find very hard is the bicycle abs exercise, i am ok with the other abs ones but struggle to keep my legs up at all with…
  • can i ask are people doing 30 days straight or taking odd days break ? i done day 2 today and thighs are in agony, i so wish i lived in a bungalow as stairs are hell.
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