30 day shred level 2

Just started level 2 today. Could someone please come put me out of my misery? *laff*

I am finding I can't do all this planking. Arms won't hold that long and I seem to fall over trying to do the leg movements with it. Should I be back doing level 1 or just muddle along the best that I can?

Anybody have any good advice?

On the upside, I didn't have to do much stoppage, just to watch what the move is (I hate that they assume you know what the move is before having to do it) and I modified the planking moves to something I could do and still keep the heart pumping.



  • The planks kill me too, but more in my legs than my arms. I just follow Anita and do the best I can do with it. If I have to stop for 5 seconds, I stop and then get back to it.

    If you feel that the pain is more in your joints than your muscles, maybe you should consider a different modification, but as long as you know it's just muscle pain, I'd just keep going.
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    I had to stop and watch a few moves the first time doing level 2 as well LOL. I got to a point where I knew I needed to move on from level 1, but like you, struggle a bit with the moves in level 2. I decided to keep on with Level 2 and just muddle through the moves I struggle with until I got it, and if that means staying on level 2 longer, then I'm ok with it.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    If the planks are too hard you can go down onto your forearms instead of being on your hands, or be on your knees instead of your toes. Keep at it andkeep trying, that is the most important part. I finished Day 2 of level 3 this morning and it is a lot harder than the other levels. So be sure and be at a place where you are comfortable with level 2 before you go to level 3.

    But so far the results have been very much worth all the soreness and sweat.
  • i am on day 3 of level 2 and struggle with some of the moves, the oblique twists are a nigtmare, but most i find just hard to perform not through fitness its technique (if that makes sense) i am the most uncordinated person and find arms/legs etc in the wrong place at the wrong time. i often wonder if i am getting the most out of level 2 as i seem to spend ages stopping and starting (last abs section esp) but reckon i'll just stick with it and see if i get better

    i hate the way they asume you know what they mean as well, and several times tehy don't show you the modified version until the 2nd time round, like the walking push-up she didn't say it was ok to bend your legs until they were almost finished