random questions before starting ct5k

i am getting fitter using 30ds and enjoying it but starting to get bored of the same workouts day after day. i like the idea of alternating it with c25k or similar (the dog would enjoy it as well)
i know there are some great aps for the iphone and android users, are there similar aps for window's phones..
i use my nokia lumia 800 phone as my mp3 and think i will train better listening to decent music, how do people combine timing runs/walks whilst listening to music...(prob a very simple answer i have overlooked)
and can people recommend a uk available HRM that won't give my bank manager a heartattack

thanks in advance and apologies for the probably very daft questions


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I used a free c25k app for my iPhone, called c25kFREE by Zen Labs. It gives you each day's program, and you just press start - it tells you to start the warm up, then prompts you when to run, when to walk, etc, all the way to cool down. You also have the option to run your own playlist of music, which mutes when the prompts comes through. It worked great for me!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    On my andrioid phone I use Simple C25K.. and it literally is that..simple. I pick the day I'm on, hit start and go.. it beeps/vibrates when it's time to run.. and does the same thing when it's time to walk. I pull up my music through my phone and just go. I also use runkeeper to track where/how far I go.

    As far as an HRM goes, look up the Polar FT4.
  • thanks for the answers...looks like i am using the wrong phone lol.will have to havd a better hunt for windows phone apps