Jacrech Member


  • Thats gold!!! ...and certAinly not what I had in mind. Apparently cayenne pepper a super good but I'm just not sure how much to have, especially as it's extremely spicy...
  • Unless you are out of breath and maintain a HIGH heartrate for the entire time you are walking - walking is NOT excercise. If you put it down you are only cheating yourself.
  • Wow! Thanks everyone. I appreciate the support.
  • Personally, I try to earn my "cheat day" (I'm not a fan of that phrase). I'm not sure what the experts will think of what I do, but if i know i'm going to go out for dinner on a saturday night and i need to bank a few calories I'll just eat a few calories less in the days before, this way my weekly average is on target. I…
  • I agree with all of the above comments. Fruit are not only high in calories, they are high in Carbs and Sugar. These types of carbs and sugars are healthy, yes, but portion control is a huge issue. I believe the current recommendation where I'm from is 2-3 serves of fruit per day and 5-7 serves of vegies (apparently…