LSotham Member


  • I started on May 27, so today is day 16. Yesterday was my 2 week fit test and I was able to improve on all my numbers (except the globe jumps which stayed the same). I have noticed a change in my endurance, and will be doing my month 1 measurements on day 30. I completed P90X on May 4 and loved the results I got from it.…
  • I started Insanity this morning. Just the Fit Test, but WOW. So pumped to get into this routine!
    in INSANITY Comment by LSotham May 2013
  • I did My pictures, but I have no idea how to post them... Any pointers?
    in P90X Comment by LSotham May 2013
  • I completed P90X today! Woohoo! I am doing my pictures and measurements tomorrow and will post the info for everyone! I start Insanity in 1 week.
    in P90X Comment by LSotham May 2013
  • Today is day 83 of P90X Lean. I am so excited that I am so close to finishing. Tomorrow is my rest day, and then I begin my recovery week and I'm done! Insanity arrived in the mail this week. I'm going to take one week off after completing P90X and then begin Insanity. I tried the Fast and Furious workout just for fun, and…
    in P90X Comment by LSotham April 2013
  • 1/3 cup almonds (no added salt) - Approx 200 calories 1/2 medium grapefruit - approx 90 calories 2 eggs - approx 160 calories 1 slice whole wheat toast - approx 100 calories 4 oz of chicken, salmon, halibut, shrimp - approx 180 calories 1/4 cup brown rice - approx 160 calories all the veggies you can pile on 2 slices…
  • I am on Day 66 of P90X Lean. I have noticed a huge difference in my muscle tone, especially in my upper body. I am scheduled to complete P90X on May 4, and then I am going to take a week off before starting Insanity on May 13. I've lost 5 lbs and 9.75" since starting P90X. I think it would have been more if I'd been…
  • I am definitely noticing a difference in my upper body... I am loving the way my shoulders look. Once I am through the program I will post before and after pictures. The big problem for me is the diet. I am sure I would be seeing more results if I had been more careful with my foods. When I start Insanity I am going to…
    in P90X Comment by LSotham April 2013
  • I started week 10 of P90X yesterday. I have to say, I'm getting pretty bored. I am going to stick it out for the next few weeks to complete the program. I'm going to order Insanity next week so I can start it a week after completing P90X. I am scheduled to finish P90X on May 4. I want to start Insanity on May 13.
    in P90X Comment by LSotham April 2013
  • Started Week 8 of P90X Lean yesterday! Second recovery week! I'm feeling awesome and seeing a big difference!
    in P90X Comment by LSotham March 2013
  • I have mine set to 1600, and normally eat back 1/3 or 1/2 of my exercise calories. I was set at 1200 but wasn't seeing any results, so I used a few different calculations, and everything said I needed to be higher based on the amount I am working out. So, I bumped it, and in 10 days lost 2 lbs. Figures.
  • I'm 5'2" and currently sitting at 120.5 lbs. I was 118 lbs before having my last child 2 years ago, but I know that even those 2 lbs won't give me my pre-pregnancy figure. I wanted to be down around 112 as I have a small frame, but now that I am seeing increased muscle definition and the inches are still going down, I'm…
  • I am going to do them both back to back. I am going to start BBL on Saturday so both my rest days wont fall on the same day. I always work out on my rest days anyways, so this way I will have 2 days per week where I only do one workout - It will feel like a major bonus. I have less than 5 months until my wedding (and only…
    in P90X Comment by LSotham March 2013
  • Started week 6 of P90X Lean yesterday. I did comparison photos from day 1 and 30 and can see a difference in definition in my upper body and abs. I keep hearing that being fit is 80% diet and 20% workouts, and I'm beginning to feel like that's completely true. I am bad at the diet part, and I'm sure I would have seen…
    in P90X Comment by LSotham March 2013
  • Have you been taking your measurements? I'd be interested to see how you measurements change with your weight going up. My measurements have changed, but my weight has not.
    in P90X Comment by LSotham March 2013
  • 13.5" in 4 weeks is awesome! Way to go! Keep it up!
  • I'm on Week 5 of P90X Lean. Today was Day 30. I'm very excited to have made it 1/3 of the way through. I'm a Beachbody Coach and am just waiting to receive my first shipment of Shakeology. I can't wait to try it, I've heard such good things. I also just ordered Brazilian Butt Lift and I'm going to add it into my P90X. I…
    in P90X Comment by LSotham March 2013
  • Hi! I'm Lisa! I'm on week 5 of P90X Lean.
  • I started P90X Lean yesterday. :) I don't know if there's a special way to start a group, or if you just add people as friends and go from there. You are welcome toad me as a friend though. I'm logging my cardio workouts as Aerobics - General (under cardio), and tomorrow will log my first strength training. I remember…
  • I started P90X Lean yesterday. I'm 5'2" and 123 lbs. My main goal is to work on lowering my body fat percentage (I've got a lot of jiggles left over from having 2 kids). I had to stop after 6 weeks of P90X Classic in November because of wrist issues. I'm hoping that following the lean program there won't be quite as many…