
P90X'er: Post your message here!


  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    I'm on Week 5 of P90X Lean. Today was Day 30. I'm very excited to have made it 1/3 of the way through.

    I'm a Beachbody Coach and am just waiting to receive my first shipment of Shakeology. I can't wait to try it, I've heard such good things. I also just ordered Brazilian Butt Lift and I'm going to add it into my P90X.

    I used to be a major gym goer, but since having my second daughter and becoming a stay at home mom I've found it's easier (and cheaper) to work out at home. I've heard people say that working out at home is lazy... ha... they obviously haven't met Tony.

    I'd love to hear from other people in different stages of the program!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm on Week 5 of P90x Classic :)

    I'm also trying Shakeology (free 7 day trial) for the first time to see how I feel on it. I just recently ordered Les Mills Combat and Brazil Butt Lift and will be doing those following P90x before starting my second round with Tony.

    I love P90x and the intensity of the workouts and love how I feel (regardless of the fact that I've GAINED 12lbs, wtf?)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    How did you get the free 7 day trial? I know that it has a 30-day bottom-of-the-bag guarantee but I wasn't aware of the 7 day trial.

    The 12 lbs might very well be water weight and muscle gain :)
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    Have you been taking your measurements? I'd be interested to see how you measurements change with your weight going up. My measurements have changed, but my weight has not.
    I'm on Week 5 of P90x Classic :)

    I'm also trying Shakeology (free 7 day trial) for the first time to see how I feel on it. I just recently ordered Les Mills Combat and Brazil Butt Lift and will be doing those following P90x before starting my second round with Tony.

    I love P90x and the intensity of the workouts and love how I feel (regardless of the fact that I've GAINED 12lbs, wtf?)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I didn't take measurements because I wasn't sure where to measure so it never seems accurate when I do it. I probably should have though. My arms are defintely more sculpted and muscular (as is my back) but my midsection looks more bloated than ever & my hips aren't changing at all either. I've seen SO many pictures of people doing P90x and their stomachs and love handles shrink in size significantly. Mine have not........at all.

    I'm pretty discouraged but I'm still trying as hard as I can.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    You can try to take measurements of your arms, hips, waist (naval), thighs, chest, and neck. The inches sometimes move faster than the scale and they're more noticeable, too. :)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    3 weeks to go in my first round of p90x classic.

    I've done insanity and asylum before, idk if its just a 'grass is always greener' on the other side thing, but it really seems to be kicking my *kitten* a lot more then insanity. The insanity workouts seemed harder to get through, but my body is hella rundown on p90x.

    One thing i really love about p90x is there is some built in progression. Going up in dumbell weight would be one obvious one, but he gives you a lot of different variations of moves in yoga and even some of the push up exercises. so there is aways room to improve.

    planning on doing asylum 2 next, then another round of p90x classic.

    suprisingly, most of my changes came in the begining. dropped a lot of fat, just seemed like it was ready to come off. I had done a few rounds of asylum and was way over eating just before p90x so maybe that had something to do with it.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I didn't take measurements because I wasn't sure where to measure so it never seems accurate when I do it. I probably should have though. My arms are defintely more sculpted and muscular (as is my back) but my midsection looks more bloated than ever & my hips aren't changing at all either. I've seen SO many pictures of people doing P90x and their stomachs and love handles shrink in size significantly. Mine have not........at all.

    I'm pretty discouraged but I'm still trying as hard as I can.

    all my success in p90x is 100% due to the diet IMO.

    rather then track workouts on the calendar, i track weather or not i came in at my calorie goal. taking the energy and focus I was concentrating on the workout and putting that towards what i'm eating has done wonders.

    Also, eating at 50% protein (phase one of the p90x diet) was quite challenging. It almost was a fun game to try to figure out what i could squeeze in and hit my macros. I knew what eating right was before, but for some reason this really helped me implement it.

    if you haven't done the calc in the nutrition guide and you are frustrated with lack of results, thats where i would go first.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    just finished week two of classic p90x today! I did substitute the insanity pure cardio video instead on kenpo...and will probably sub the insanity plyo video for the p90x plyo. and switch to more of a hybrid program. However, I love tony and I'm LOVING the workouts. My legs are going to be crazy sore tomorrow due to legs/back followed by pure cardio! But I am excited to have a nice *kitten* for the summer!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    But I am excited to have a nice *kitten* for the summer!

    I like the spirit!
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    Started week 6 of P90X Lean yesterday. I did comparison photos from day 1 and 30 and can see a difference in definition in my upper body and abs.

    I keep hearing that being fit is 80% diet and 20% workouts, and I'm beginning to feel like that's completely true. I am bad at the diet part, and I'm sure I would have seen better results inch-wise had I been concentrating on what I am eating. So, the last few days I have committed myself to the diet part. I'm following the online diet guide on Beachbody rather than the actual P90X plan, but they are fairly similar.

    I ordered Brazil Butt Lift to do along with P90X (my family is pear shaped, we store everything from our belly button to our knees). I'm hoping this will help burn some of the extra inches that I'm looking to lose.

    Keep going hard everyone!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Started week 6 of P90X Lean yesterday. I did comparison photos from day 1 and 30 and can see a difference in definition in my upper body and abs.

    I keep hearing that being fit is 80% diet and 20% workouts, and I'm beginning to feel like that's completely true. I am bad at the diet part, and I'm sure I would have seen better results inch-wise had I been concentrating on what I am eating. So, the last few days I have committed myself to the diet part. I'm following the online diet guide on Beachbody rather than the actual P90X plan, but they are fairly similar.

    I ordered Brazil Butt Lift to do along with P90X (my family is pear shaped, we store everything from our belly button to our knees). I'm hoping this will help burn some of the extra inches that I'm looking to lose.

    Keep going hard everyone!

    That's absolutely correct. Having proper diet is at least 80% of the success. Good job on completing 5 weeks of P90X so far.

    How do you plan on incorporating Brazil Butt Lift into your workout schedule? Are you going to do both back to back?
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    I am going to do them both back to back. I am going to start BBL on Saturday so both my rest days wont fall on the same day. I always work out on my rest days anyways, so this way I will have 2 days per week where I only do one workout - It will feel like a major bonus.

    I have less than 5 months until my wedding (and only 6 weeks until my dress fitting) so I need to bust my butt to get everything in shape.

    I also started my Shakeology 30 day challenge yesterday. I've been having it for breakfast and it's excellent.
    Started week 6 of P90X Lean yesterday. I did comparison photos from day 1 and 30 and can see a difference in definition in my upper body and abs.

    I keep hearing that being fit is 80% diet and 20% workouts, and I'm beginning to feel like that's completely true. I am bad at the diet part, and I'm sure I would have seen better results inch-wise had I been concentrating on what I am eating. So, the last few days I have committed myself to the diet part. I'm following the online diet guide on Beachbody rather than the actual P90X plan, but they are fairly similar.

    I ordered Brazil Butt Lift to do along with P90X (my family is pear shaped, we store everything from our belly button to our knees). I'm hoping this will help burn some of the extra inches that I'm looking to lose.

    Keep going hard everyone!

    That's absolutely correct. Having proper diet is at least 80% of the success. Good job on completing 5 weeks of P90X so far.

    How do you plan on incorporating Brazil Butt Lift into your workout schedule? Are you going to do both back to back?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    That sounds like a great plan! However, if you ever hit a plateau, you might want to take that rest day for your body to heal up.

    I drink the chocolate shakeology every morning too. It taste so great :)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I did chest shoulders and triceps as part of my Insanity/P90X hybrid last night. I haven't done much pushups since I finished my first round of p90x in January and while there were some pushups in Insanity, those weren't max reps and didn't have many sets. So when I did the pushups last night, I felt like I was able to keep good form in all sets but wasn't able to do as many reps as before. I did 30 reps in the first couple of sets but later on I had to either take a break or stop at 15. I don't know if I became weaker since I haven't done much weight training or my body wasn't used to max rep pushups. My plan is to do more weight in the next couple of weeks. we'll see...
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i know the sting of ones max bench press going down lol. it took a gigantic nose dive when i started insanity. its gone up and down since.

    to be honset with you, my numbers in p90x go up and down all the time too. its a constant source of frustration, which in the past, caused me to second guess my nutrition, and lead me to eat more then would support my fat burning goals.

    Always got to check myself and say, whats my goal? to be able to do a lot of push ups? or to look good?

    soon i'll be done cutting and the two will go more hand in hand but until then i'm going to have to let go of a few things.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Thanks for sharing your experience brother! My upper body feels sore this morning so I know it's working :) What's your body fat right now?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    idk. lower then its ever been though.

    I have a caliper and a bf scale. i'm terrible with the caliper, like each reading is like 3% or more off, lol. i should practice more.

    i don't really trust the scale either but its probably more reliable then me on a caliper. I'm just so anti scale, i haven't gotten on it in month.

    serriously considering getting a hand held bf tester that works like the scale, so i can avoid the scale.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I have a bf scale too but it fluctuates so much sometimes that I think it's jacked. The caliper is a much reliable DIY method. I only measure the spot between my naval and hip and have tried the 3-spot measurement. Both are pretty close. I've since been measuring waist spot myself so I don't need someone to help me.

    Anyway, last night I did shoulders and arms and ARX. My arms were still a little sore from 2 days ago and I wore out before I could do the last set. I did up my weight to 35 lbs for the curls, except for the 16-rep in and out I used 20 lbs, and 25 lbs for the tricep kickbacks. For the shoulder presses I kept it at 30 lbs. My shoulders are kinda weak lol.

    ARX still kicked my butt. IMO it's more effective than the Insanity cardio abs. What do you guys think?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I have a bf scale too but it fluctuates so much sometimes that I think it's jacked. The caliper is a much reliable DIY method. I only measure the spot between my naval and hip and have tried the 3-spot measurement. Both are pretty close. I've since been measuring waist spot myself so I don't need someone to help me.

    Anyway, last night I did shoulders and arms and ARX. My arms were still a little sore from 2 days ago and I wore out before I could do the last set. I did up my weight to 35 lbs for the curls, except for the 16-rep in and out I used 20 lbs, and 25 lbs for the tricep kickbacks. For the shoulder presses I kept it at 30 lbs. My shoulders are kinda weak lol.

    ARX still kicked my butt. IMO it's more effective than the Insanity cardio abs. What do you guys think?

    think its probably more effective and building visible results (ARX). Insane abs might build more athletecisim, idk that would be rather difficult to determine i suppose.