


  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    My tenant for 8 years have recently moved out of my condo so before the new tenant moves in me and my wife have to clean up the place. We got a contractor to change out the carpet, and fix a few things in the bathrooms but there are still a few things left for us to do. Last night I went and installed some new blinds, did some fillings on the walls and etc. Spent about 2 hours there and I wasn't done. So I have to go back tonight and tomorrow!

    Yesterday was my chest and back and ARX day. After I got back from the condo, which was around 9pm'ish, I jumped straight into the workout. I hadn't had my dinner yet but I still had enough to push through the workout. I was able to get to 10 pullups again (in the first set) and then dropped to 8, then 6. I need to push harder to get to 10 throughout!! :)

    BRING IT y'all!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yesterday was supposed to be my cardio or stretching day but I didn't feel like I've worked the muscles hard enough the day before. So I decided to do shoulders and arms instead. I increased my shoulder press to 45 lbs on each arm. Since it was pretty heavy, I opted to do it in seated position for better support. Oh boy I really struggled to get to 8 reps in the first set. I had to lower it to 6 reps in the subsequent sets. For the tricep kickbacks, I stayed at 25 lbs for 10 reps. For shoulder flys, I used 15 lbs for the first set and then lowered to 10 lbs but increased the reps to 15. 10 lbs was enough because I could really feel the burn big time!!

    My shoulders are a bit sore this morning and I have a feeling that it's going to get more sore later today/tomorrow :)

    BRING IT!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I am doing my pictures and measurements tomorrow and will post the info for everyone! I start Insanity in 1 week.

    i'll be sure to stop in for that ;)
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    I did My pictures, but I have no idea how to post them... Any pointers?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    You can try to post the pictures to other sites like facebook. Get the URL to the images and post the URL in between the img tags.

    e.g. (without the spaces)
    [ img ] URL [/ img ]
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @lsotham - did you get a chance to try that yet?

    I did CST and ARX last night. I was trying to do 30 pushups whenever Tony says to do the max. I was able to do 30+ in chest and back. But the 4 fast and 4 slow in the beginning of CST made my arms somewhat tired so I was only able to do 20 :( And I started to experience complete muscle failure about 35 minutes into the workout. I Wasnt able to pump out any more after 10+ pushups or 5 shoulder presses. Experiencing failure like such is important, though. It means that we've worked the muscle hard enough and that's when the muscle growth is triggered. I felt great afterward!

    I also tried 100% whey isolate protein shake for the first time after the workout last night. I bought the vanilla flavor and normally I would prefer chocolate flavor for any of my supplements but vanilla taste surprisingly good. I was expecting it to be bland but it exceeded my expectation. It dissolved pretty easily also.

    BRING IT!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    for LSotham


    Proton, check out a site called Mass Nutrition. I got a big tub of Iso Pure for much cheaper then i could find it anywhere else, not sure what i paid of the top of my head though. The one i happend to get had a lot of carbs in it (maltodextrin) but i plan on dumping more malto and dextrose in and i'm only using it as a post work out (and using the cheaper concentrate when i don't care how fast it absorbs all other times), so the extra crabs was actually a bonus to me.

    People tell me that a local gym has virtually any suppliment you'd find on bodybuilding.com and much cheaper, tho i haven't checked it out.


    I will say that thier own brand (albanystrength) of protein powder is amoung the cheapest i've seen, and thier vanella IS the best tasting whey protein i've ever had, no joke.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I was mainly looking for high protein and low carb. I looked at Gold Standard which is rather popular and is used by most of my friends. It however only has 24g of protein I think and I bit pricey. The one I bought I believe just came out from the same company a few months back. With 30g of protein and low carb that met my criteria for now.

    Another thing I was looking for is if the supplements have any banned substance and/or have unhealthy metals which are pretty common in protein shakes.

    Cool. I'll check it out. Thanks for sharing!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i think they pretty much all have some kind of unsavory metal in them... to varying degrees

    The isopure comes in many differnt options. they may even have something that is zero carb and zero or near zero fat.

    The one with the malto happend to be the cheapest and suited my needs so it was a no brainer.

    I think iso pure has 50 g of protein per serving... but i think a serving is actually 2 scoops and around 200 cals.

    Banned substance is a plus lol... means it actually does something lol.

    I've gotten into the Mio energy drinks lately. I sometimes pound a cup of coffee before a work out, this is calorie free caffeine in a more stomach friendly form.

    ah caffeine, a proven performance enhancing drug! honestly would make more sense to boot someone from olympic comp for drinking a cup of coffee before you should boot them for smoking a joint (which obviously isn't going to make you more athleteic lol).
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    What is the MIO thingy? Is it one of those flavor liquid that you add to your water? Sorry I've been seeing a lot of those lately but haven't tried yet.

    I too have been drinking a cup or two of Joe a day..I drink it black Cruz I don't want the sugar :)

    I had an excellent workout yesterday. How do I know? Because my body is rather sore today lol. I split my workout into two sessions due to schedule. First I did the biceps at the company gym in the afternoon. There was no pull up bar or equipment so I only did the bicep workouts. I had the worksheet saved on my phone and I just went to town with it :) I cut short the breaks in between and pretty much did the moves one after another. Maybe because of that my muscles got tired faster than usual. I didn't have my bcaa intra workout drink with me so that might have contributed to the soreness today.

    After I got home later last night, I proceeded to do the pull ups and ARX. I broke up ARX with two ab moves and one pull up move in between. I was only able to get to 8 pull ups per set. Not the 10 that I was shooting for. But I ended up doing 50 mason twists with 15 lbs weight lol. Not too shabby after all!

    Hope you all brought it and dug deep!!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    yeah its the thing you squeeze into water. you just squeeze it and a serving comes out, it stops on its own.

    idk, not normally one for anything gimicky... but when i saw it was more or less just caffine and flavoring i was like what the hell.

    I don't think it actually gives you energy, i mean i don't see how something with zero calories can give your body and useable energy, but i think it can help put you in the right frame of mind to work out... like take you from 'i don't think i wanna do it' to 'ok lets do this' kind of thing.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I'll check it out for sure. I'm "addicted" to carrying a water bottle and drinking water all the time. I might as well add some flare into the water and jazz it up LOL.

    It must have been months since I did the last yogaX. And that's what I did last night. I only did about 50 minutes ago -- mainly because I did the first 30 minutes faster than their pace. I was following more of a yogaX2 pace where they assumed that you already know the poses. My body is much relaxed after that but my upper body is still a little sore. I also put in about 1.5 hours of driving range practice. And guess what it burned about 250 calories!

    Today I'll do my last workout of the week -- legs and back. I'll probably do the legs at the company gym and do ARX and the back workout at home later this evening.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yesterday I did legs and arx at the company gym and didn't get a chance to do the back workout :( today and tomorrow are my rest days but I'll try to squeeze in the back workout and maybe more upper body weight lifting :)

    On the other hand, I've been practicing golf at the driving range quite a bit this past week. I haven't had blisters on my hands from playing golf for many years, well, until this week :) yesterday I hit more straight drives that are more than 270 yds than the past year combined. I was pretty happy about that. The Beachbody workout definitely helped with my stamina, strength, and flexibility!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    HAPPY MONDAY TEAM!! Today I'm starting my week 6 -- almost half way into my hybrid. My weight has been pretty consistent this past few weeks mainly due to my close to maintenance calorie intake. My body fat remains at around 7-8%. I still need to shed some more fat around my waist. I intend to lower my calorie intake by 100-150 and lower my carb from 35% to 30% in the next few weeks to speed up the fat loss. I'm confident that I'll see great result.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Hey TEAM!! How's your workout and diet coming so far?

    Last night I did CST and ARX. I don't know about you but the 3 slow and 3 fast push ups are really the killers LOL. I have no problem pumping out 30+ pushups fast but if I had to first do them slow (count to 4 on the way down and the same on the way up), I could barely do 20 pushups after that. It's not so much that I don't have the strength. It's more of an issue of endurance on the shoulders/arms and the core, I believe.

    I wonder how many and if I could do more than 4 "slow" pushups. There's only one way to find out...

    BRING IT!!

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I got sick since yesterday afternoon :( I've been coughing since Monday due to allergy I believe but that got worse -- I started having sore throat and fever yesterday. On top of that my quads and calves are killing me (from the Insanity workout the day before). This reminds me of my first week of p90x last year where I got a flu when the whole body was still very sore from the first 2-3 days of workout. It wasn't and still is not fun.

    I left work early yesterday and took a quick power nap at home. I felt a little better so I tried to do the biceps and back workout. I only did 20 minutes of it and had to stop and go back to sleep. The body was just aching too bad and I wasn't in the right mindset either. Later in the evening I went to hit some golf balls trying to stretch my body. It helped a little.

    This morning when I woke up my legs are still aching and the fever is still there. I might have to get some more rest. This is frustrating and wish this didn't happen.

    Hope you'll push hard when you can!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    As I've mentioned in the INSANITY thread, I got better the other day. I continued with my week 6 day 5 workout - legs and back last night. It felt so much better finally being able to work the muscles. The L&B routine was the perfect workout to get myself back into the game after being sick for almost a week. Today I'm starting my week 7 day 1 without taking additional rest days since I've taken pretty much 3 days off last week. I'll be doing chest shoulders triceps and ARX tonight.

    BRING IT!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Last night I did chest shoulders triceps and ARX. I nailed most of the moves and pretty much matched my usual reps. I was doing about 2 sets of 10 - 80lbs (40lbs x 2) shoulder press and "attempted" to raise the bar to 90lbs since I got no fear LOL. I guess I was too ambitious. I barely made it to 5 reps and was losing the form. I guess I'll keep trying :) One day I conquer it the same way I upped the weight from 30->35->40.

    The only disappointment I had was that I couldn't do as many sets of pushups last night. I was beat after 3-4 sets. At least I tred :) The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen, right?

    Today is cardio day. I'll try to go run a 3 mile if weather allows. BRING IT folks!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yesterday was my back & biceps and ARX day. I did the weight at the office gym and ARX at home later in the evening. I've observed something interesting. I didn't have my BCAA drink with me (I normally drink that during the weight training at home) so when I did weight like curls and stuff I had a hard time squeezing out as many reps and do as many sets as I would with the BCAA drink. My muscles got fatigue faster also. I've observed this at least a few times when I workout at the office gym. I can now say that BCAA, which I started as an experiment, really have noticeable benefits for my intra-workout effort and performance, as well as preventing muscle soreness. The R&R is still a great recovery drink for post workout but BCAA really brought it during my workout.

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Hey team! how's everyone doing?

    Yesterday was chest shoulders and tricep and ARX for me. I worked out at home and had the BCAA drink with me. What a huge difference it made. I was able to keep going without much fatigue. And most importantly, even pushing myself that hard, I haven't yet felt the same kind of soreness I got last week without the BCAA. Today is cardio day. The weather seems to be pretty decent so I'll try to go for a run.

    BRING IT!!
