


  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Tuesday!! Last night I did P90X CST and ARX. My goal was to maintain an absolute good form during the push ups and weights. I went slower as a result because I didn't want to substitute form with speed which I sometimes do. It was actually a bit tougher to go slower. I didn't have the momentum from the speed to help with the pushups or the lifts. After about 35 minutes and about 10 minutes left on the clock, I was already worn out. BUT I still managed to squeeze out 8 out of the 11 moves from ARX. All in all I was satisfied with the workout. Another victory!

    Keep pushing y'all and don't be slacking!
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    Started Week 8 of P90X Lean yesterday! Second recovery week! I'm feeling awesome and seeing a big difference!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Good job! Tonight is my hybrid workout. I'm going to do Shoulders and Arms and ARX!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Friday team!! I'm glad that the (work) week is almost over but hey it doesn't mean that we can stop working out! LOL

    I had to again work late last night and felt pretty tired by the time I get home. However, I didn't skip the workout! I changed into my workout clothes, drank a bit of BCAA and off I went.

    After I was done with Shoulders/Arms and ARX, I saw that the veins on my arms were ridiculously pumped. I started seeing this during my first round of p90x but there werent as obvious as it's now. I'll be taking my post-insanity pictures pretty soon and hopefully I could win one of the beachbody challenges!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    after yoga tomorrow, i'll have finished my first round of p90x!

    I can't believe how well i did not it really. I also didn't expect to like it as much. I've done A LOT of weight training in the past. i avoided p90x for so long because i figured 'been there, done that'.

    But its honestly significantly different then any lifting i've done. And its honestly hard to catagorize what kind of routine it is, i guess i'd say its perhaps closest to circuit training, but then other aspects of it are not. I felt that the resistance sessions were kind of like marathons and i ended up dreading the resistance workouts more then the cardio ones, which for me is straight up unheard of.

    But if you dont pause the tapes during the resistance workouts, they are almost like cardio, especially the leg disc. If you ask me, even the reistance days are much more about burning calories they building muscle, especially when you consider that they insist you eat at a defecit.

    Well burn calories it did! i hope to post pics over the week end. oddly enough, most of my progress was in the begining i feel. And i attribute most of my success to being very strict on the diet. I used the calendar to track days that i stayed under cal, and i only had one day that i went over. I eat within 100 cals of what it said in the calculation done from the nutrion guide on resistance days, and between 100 and 300 calories less on the nonresistance days.

    I really enjoyed this program. I didn't think i'd like it as much as i did. A lot of my online friends that did insanity seemed to 'Poo-poo' p90x saying insanity was much harder. I dont really know which one is harder, for me they are so different its almost pointless to compare. p90x is certainly a greater time commitment though. I feel as though p90x worked better for me, but that could be because the reduced cardio didnt make me so hungry 24/7.

    I bought myself a bunch of new clothes today and i'm going to make 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies tomorrow to celebrate! i'm really spoiling myself lol.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Congratulations bro! You've earned the cookies for sure!

    I too think 90x is a completely different animal than anything else. For one it's a very balanced program that works your whole body. Second, the weight routines are pretty creative in the sense that it has many different moves to work on the same muscle group. I guess it's good way to not making us feel bored too quickly. Third, like you said, the weight routines are almost like max interval cardio exercise. My heart was pumping steadily and hard the whole time. The breaks were not too long either. While it didn't burn as much calories as it does in Insanity, the muscle burns and recovery continue to consume calories for hours at the very least.

    It's kinda funny that you should mention that you were dreading the weight days. In the past 2 weeks as I've incorporated the weight lifting into insanity, I felt a bit the same way. In the beginning it was like a quick getaway from insanity but as I started doing the weights, I could hardly keep up in the last 15 minutes of the weight workouts. I'm lifting heavier weights nowadays but I dont remember it being this tough in the first round.

    ARX seems tougher nowadays, too. And I thought I was getting stronger lol.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Sunday TEAM! So to combat the sluggishness, I ate a slice of whole wheat bread with almond butter before doing p90X CST and ARX last night. I normally don't take naps but I fell asleep while trying to get the kids to take nap in the afternoon. I felt great afterward and ready to go again!

    I didn't follow the video last night because sometimes I think Tony talks too much LOL. Instead, I did it by looking at the workout sheet. I can pretty much memorize the moves. That's what I've been doing with ARX. There were only 11 moves in ARX and I just do it on my own pace so that I can finish all the reps in every moves.

    Hope you all have been bringing it!

    Today's my REST day. I'll be starting the last week of INSANITY/P90X hybrid tomorrow (Monday).
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Hi all! I am on my last week of P90X. Schedule got messed up a bit with Easter so started today with Yoga X. I will be starting Insanity in 2 weeks.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi all! I am on my last week of P90X. Schedule got messed up a bit with Easter so started today with Yoga X. I will be starting Insanity in 2 weeks.

    fancy meeting you here. unfortunately for you, that means you'll see these twice:




  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    lol great minds think alike and great progress!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @Falenea - That's awesome! Congrats! Please post your before-after pics here!

    @no_finish_line - dude, you're killing it! Good job man!
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Got my Core Syn done. That workout kicks my butt even now at the very end.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Wednesday Team!! As you know for the past couple of weeks I've been doing the Insanity/P90X hybrid. The goal is to burn crazy calories from doing Insanity and at least maintain/condition my muscles doing P90X. So far, in the hybrid routine I've been doing Chest Shoulders Triceps and Shoulders/Arms primarily but I thought I should do my back too!

    So last night I did the back and biceps. I haven't dont B&B, specifically the pullups, for about 2-3 months now. I was surprised that I could do a little more pullups than what I used to. During my first round of P90X, I started off with half a pull-up LOL. I was too heavy to lift myself! Towards the end of the program, I was able to 5 with good form. Last night, I was able to squeeze out 8!

    I didn't do the whole video though. I got home late and it was already 11pm when I started. So I did about 30 minutes B&B and 15 minutes ARX. Overall, it was a great workout!

    Let's bring it and dig deep folks!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    wow thats a nice surprise, must have put a smile on your face (the 8 pull ups!)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yes, it was a pleasant surprise. I want to get better though in my second round :)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Friday! So last night was my hybrid night doing P90X. I chose to do Back and Biceps again because I needed to get better at pull-ups. My arms were slightly sore from the pullup I did a couple of days ago. Thanks to the BCAA I drink during the workout, the soreness was more like a slight discomfort. I never had a real sore since I started using BCAA about a month or 2 ago. Just to experiment a little further, I decided not to drink BCAA during last night's workout to see if that would make a different - if there's no different why pay for it right? (btw, it's not a beachbody product and I'm not endorsing it)

    So this morning I can feel that my back/shoulder area has a slight discomfort. Normally, the soreness don't kick in until after 24 hours so I'll give you guys an update tomorrow :)

    Today's my little girl's 3yo birthday. I 'm going to take a rest day to help prep for the party at the house. Hope you all dig deep and bring it!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    happy birthday to your little girl
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Thanks bro :) Logging out and heading home!
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Last p90x workout for me is today with yoga X. Next week will do light workouts before a round of insanity starts.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Well, my daughter's birthday party was fun last night! The kids had a blast so were the parents and my friends. We invited about 30 something people to my house so it was pretty packed. We catered some southest asian food, got wine and beer so everyone was well fed :) I thought I wasn't going to workout but I was able to squeeze in about 25 minutes doing Chest Shoulders and Tricep before the party started. You gotta work on the glamour muscles right?

    Two more workouts left and I'll be done with Insanity/P90X hybrid!