


  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I was planning on starting my second round of p90x today but I figure I should take a week off. I have been going at this non stop for a few months. My body needs to recover and relax so that muscle confusion can work its magic when I start.

    Right now, I'm looking at starting on April the 15th. I'll be adjusting my diet for this new round, namely to increase my calories by 100-200 cal/day, increase carb by 5%, and protein by 5%. I think I'm getting a little skinny so I need to change it up to kick it up a notch.
    I'm already liking the increased carb I have in my meals today :)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    thats when i'll start asylum.

    hooray for eating more!!!!

    take the plunge and eat what he tells you too in the guide! well actually, i eat what he told me too on the resistance days, and upto 300 less on the non resistance days... just to share. :)
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    I started week 10 of P90X yesterday. I have to say, I'm getting pretty bored. I am going to stick it out for the next few weeks to complete the program.

    I'm going to order Insanity next week so I can start it a week after completing P90X. I am scheduled to finish P90X on May 4. I want to start Insanity on May 13.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @nofinishline - Awesome! Even though it's recovery week for me, I'm already feeling like lifting some weight LOL

    @Lsotham - Way to go...3 more weeks left on p90X good job! Have you seen any transformation yet?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    So I was supposed to be in my recovery week before I start another round of p90x/insanity hybrid next week but I couldn't resist the weight liftings LOL I went ahead with ARX and 20 minutes of arms and shoulders last night.

    Since I increased my calorie to 1800 and my carb% to 35, I felt I had more energy especially when I did the ARX. In a few moves, I did 40-50 reps as opposed to the regular 25. I can feel a little sore in my abs this morning.

    I like that feelling!
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    I am definitely noticing a difference in my upper body... I am loving the way my shoulders look. Once I am through the program I will post before and after pictures. The big problem for me is the diet. I am sure I would be seeing more results if I had been more careful with my foods. When I start Insanity I am going to commit myself to the diet for the 60 days.

    4 months until my wedding!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    That's great! Do post your before and after pictures to motivate the rest of us :)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    The "double" ARX I did on Monday is obviously working. They're more sore than yesterday. You know what they say right? If you feel sore that means it's working! I didn't feel sore in the abs area very often during my first round of p90x so this is a great sign.

    A few more days to go before I start my p90x/insanity hybrid. Can't wait!

    Bring it!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    so i've taken 2 weeks off of beach body after i finished p90x... because i just needed a little break and i wanted to get my bench press a little closer to where it used to be.

    some things that are pissing me off:

    - i go to Planet Fitness. They have one and only one flat bench press. Serriously, i can't believe that. They had two when i signed up then they removed one for more machines. Only a few days left of my second week and guess how many times i've gotten access to the bench press? a big fat 0!

    - I'm using MFP to calculate how many calories i eat and trying to eat to maintain my current weight. I set the goal at maintaining weight, and i'm logging my workouts and eating back my calories. This still has me eating LESS calories then i was eating on p90x to lose weight lol. p90x i was eating between 2100-2400. this has me at 2030 plus workout calories.

    - hasn't been that much of a break because the jumprope workouts have been taring up my calves and i funked up my ankle a little. its acutally a good prep for Asylum... if my ankle holds up.

    thanks for listening to me ***** lol
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    You know this is a great place for ranting :) How much do you pay for Planet Fitness? I haven't been to a gym since...umm..like forever so I don't know how much they charge nowadays.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    well, you can get a $10 a month membership. but i used to tan a lot so i sprung for the $20 one. i don't tan much anymore (which is a very good thing lol) but i stick with the $20 because the front desk tells me i need that if i want to go to any planet fitness i want (even though gym members seem to claim otherwise). and thier everywhere. when i went to orlando on vacation there was like 3 different ones close by that i could go to. Thats when i learned your only allowed to visit PFs out of state so many times in one month, or week, can't remember, which they didn't tell me when i signed up, but whatever the limit was seemed pretty adaquet anyway.

    I even end up going to different locations locally if i am really busy and will happy to be close to one that i don't typically go to. so its helped out having the more expensive membership.

    But i only go to lift and its almost pointless to go to PF for that lol.

    this has inspired me to beef up my home gym... maybe even start a blog and review home fitness products. there is so much stuff out there but its made expensive. I even saw some equipment i couldn't begin to guess how to use lol.

    this is a great resource:

    starting from the ground up i wanted to get some good flooring. I've been doing insanity and asylum on a carpet on a concrete floor. i also sometimes use another piece of carpet, and or my beach body 'jump mat'. these multiple layers make for slightly different elevations that have made me almost roll my ankle a few times.

    its not cutting it anymore so i'm buying those gigantic rubber floor mats you often see at the gym. they are available on fitness websites, 4X6 and 3/4'' thick. they go for 75 bucks! plus shipping. I was worried about getting interlocking ones and i was going to spend a fortune until i realized the mats themselves are almost 100 lbs!!! thats not going to slide anywhere.

    but at the advice of the article above i checked out local farm supply shops. they have horse mats that are made of recycled rubber (just like the finess ones), claim to be antibacteria and odor free and are the exact demensions of the ones on the fitness website. only they cost $34 and i dont have to ship them!!

    i'm excited to start asylum next week with a brand new work out area!!!

    Really, when i first read that article months ago, i thought flooring was the last thing i wanted to spend my money on. now it seems so very vital lol. its werid how pumped i am about this and happy i could do it a relatively cheap way.

    i'm going to get 4 mats and set them up like a diamond. maybe i'll post a pic when i get it together. hope everyone else is excited to train!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    $20 a month for gym membership is pretty cheap. But yeah, if you're just going to lift, you could pretty much do that at home :)

    That's awesome man. Post some pics when you get your new gym area setup. Now you made me thinking about getting one setup myself LOL
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    set up the mats over the weekend, i'll post up a pic soon.

    a little note... apparently not all mats are created equal! the first ones i bought were 100% unacceptable. On the ride home, the car filled with a noxious chemical odor that made me oober sick to my stomach. There was no way i could deal with it. maybe they would have aired out, maybe they wouldn't.

    I went to a different shop the next day and found better ones. they were 4 bucks more a piece, but they smelled like rubber. no different then putting a brand new sneaker up to your nose and taking a whiff lol. maybe not a pleasant smell, but also not offensive and i mean its rubber, its going to smell like rubber lol. Plus the ones i ended up buying said "all purpose, for horses, pets, garages and fitness rooms" right on the packaging so that made me feel better. I think i've acutally seen these mats on gym floors too. they have a slight texturing on the top (where as the ones i returned were perfectly smooth) which is going to make a big difference once i start sweeting all over it.

    They also had 1/2'' matting that was half the price of the 3/4'' matting. if your not going to be doing olympic style lifts where your going to be dropping the weight on the ground you could probably get away with that. and if you not lifting at all and your working out on carpet then you don't even need mats (as i'm sure everyone knows lol).
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member




    I know it looks like i actually gave up some space, but i was only really comfortable working on the blue carpet where i'd have two peices of carpet underneith me... so i really added a lot of room, and in the corner there i left a bit of carpet... because some p90x exercises were just better done on carpet... and sometimes it just nice to get down on carpet lol.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    That's impressive! Thanks for sharing!

    I wish I had a basement where I could turn into a man cave :) I normally workout in the game room on the second floor. And the jumps have been pretty brutal to the floor!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    do you have a garage? if you planned carfully you might be able to make a decent gym and still use it for your car, you can drive right over the mats, wont hurt em.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    That looks awesome. I workout in my living room but maybe i could get small mats to roll out then put away when I am done. Right now I just have a yoga mat
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yeah, I do have a garage but I don't know if I could workout in there in the Texas heat! LOL
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I started my p90x/insanity hybrid last night. Chest and Back and ARX was on the menu :) I probably hadn't done the chest and back dvd for more than a few months and I was glad to see how much I've improved comparing to my day 1 of p90x back in October 2012. I could only do 3 sets of (15-20 reps) push ups and 1 pullup back then. But yesterday, I was able to do all the moves. My pushups were between 35 and went down to 15 due to fatigue :) and I was able to do 8 pullups (then went down to 3 toward the end of the program).

    Before I started yesterday I was dreading a bit because the memory of me almost throwing up back in Oct 2012 sorta haunted me a little. But I came out stronger, happier and was glad that I pushed play!

    Hope you all did your workout! BRING IT!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yesterday was day-3 of my p90x/insanity hybrid. I did shoulders and arms and ARX. My upper body was still sore from the day 1 workout but after the stretching and warmup, I was ready to go! I'm focusing more on building muscles in this round so I did about 8 reps for each moves. Increased the weight to 35lbs for the shoulder presses, 30lbs for curls and 20 lbs for tricep kickbacks.