

  • I am in the uk. but I now finally have app with new doctor ! thanks everyone
  • the reason I asked on pfp is because I am in the middle of changing dr's so at this time I am not registered with one (moved house so had to move dr's) ..... I just wanted some ideas .... I am not silly enough not to go to dr's its just that I am unable to at this time !
  • lost the 2lb gained plus a further 2lb - must be my body playing tricks with me ! but even so 2lb towards the 14lb I need to lose !
  • I dont always upload my food intake onto mfp but always carry my hand written diary. I take calories off packets and total them and use as quick add calories. as for my exercise I use my heartrate monitor all the time to tell me how many calories I have used. it looks like I will have to alter my dress but I really did not…
  • just to keep you all informed, I do weigh everything, I am not cheating, I am sticking to my calories and I do exercise. This weekend I managed to gain 2lb ! my diet history is that I have been on a diet since I was 9 years old ..... I have been 8 stone and at my heaviest 14 stone. In the last few years I have tried to eat…
  • I NEED HELP !!!!!!!!
  • well its been a week since posting .......I have kept to 1200cals a day ..... measured and weighed everything before popping into my mouth....... exercised ......and what has happened.......NOTHING!!!!! not one pound has come off !!!!!! really really upset !!!!!
  • thank you all for you comments. I will continue to try hard ...... so upset though ! the dress is beautiful - I just cant do the zip up from waste to top of back - the rest fits perfect which is why I thought losing a dress size would do it, I am doing all my own flowers and wedding cake....... eg food for a day .....…
  • by the way I only have 1 takeaway a month and that is chinese. apart from that I cook from scratch. I have no medical problems but my doctor has said to me that as I have dieted for so many years my body has adapted and he said if the bomb went off I would survive as my body uses everything I put in it and can cope and run…
  • as I work out quite a lot I have a polar FT7 which I use everytime so I know my exercise calorie total is correct. as my work day is long I do half a hour monday to friday and hour and half on saturday and sunday. I do boxerise, taebo, high intensity cardio and in the summer I also run. my mid week exercise is generally…
  • I normally at between 1200 and 1300 calories a day. I measure my food and eat lots of veg but limit my fruit to 2 a day I have only dropped to 900 as I saw a feature whilst surfing the net and thought nothing else has worked so I will give it a go