Help I'm getting married in 9 weeks

I really need help ...... I am a uk size 14 in all my clothes, I ordered my wedding dress but it has turned up I would say one size too small. It is too late to return as I would not get another one in time. I have been dieting for what seems all my life. I am 11st 9lb and 5' 7". I need to lose about a stone to get the dress to fit me. For the last two weeks I have been on 1250 cals and I have not lost one pound !!!!! time is getting on ...... any suggestions ...... I even tried a juice diet and still stayed the same. I am looking for diet to follow which has been tried and tested and works !!!!


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Can you get it taken out by a seamstress

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    wedding dresses are usually cut small... someone should have told you that when you ordered it?

    a calorie deficit WILL work, do you weigh and measure all your food?
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    You will lose weight on 1250 if you log accurately and weigh your food. You might have to take the dress in to a wedding store or seamstress and have it adjusted.
  • leomcdee
    leomcdee Posts: 60 Member
    I lost a stone in 4 weeks before my wedding. Weighed about the same as you and didn't do anything too drastic. I just ate at a deficit and exercised. You have to be very accurate with your logging and weigh all your food.

    And if the dress is still too tight, get it taken out.
  • nicopa
    nicopa Posts: 5 Member
    i will probably get shot for saying this but if you are committed to getting rid of the weight for the 4 weeks and not *cheating* then tried and tested, personally, Keto style diet worked for me. Google it if you dont know much about it - High Fat, Moderate Protein, Low Carb. Cut all bread, pasta, rice etc. Sample day eggs w butter and avocado for breakfast, chicken salad w red onioin, olives, feta, red pepper, olive oil and cider vinegar for dinner, steak and brocolli w sour cream for dinner. Snacks - chicken pieces, avocado, almonds. Keep carbs to under 20g net. Dont be afraid of fat.

    I was similar stats, and lost 11lbs in 9 days - granted a lot of that would be water I still shrunk. You could do it for 2/3 weeks and for the last week slowly reintroduce back in some carbs and keep the exercise up. Again, you asked for tried and tested - tried and tested this worked for me.

    Recently married too - just remember the 4 weeks leading up is usually lots of eating and drinking, so could you realistically do this style right up to D Day? If not, then I would say eat as clean as you can, lots of water and grean tea, cut the bread, minimise other carbs, get lots of exercise, lots of sleep, make good choices when you are eating out and drinking (vodka soda and lime, or vodka and slimline).

    Hope this helps and hope the dress situation isnt stressing you out, this should be an enjoyable time for you :-)
  • nicopa
    nicopa Posts: 5 Member
    **sorry you said 9 weeks not 4 weeks, then I would say defo you have time to do Keto - I would suggest two weeks of keto then introcude back in carbs, lower your fat and just eat clean as possible. best of luck!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Eat reasonable amounts of healthy food and do lots of exercise - swimming and running burn a lot of calories.

    Consider having the dress altered, though.

    Good luck!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Deficit = weight loss. You've got this!
  • sexysexy1
    thank you all for you comments. I will continue to try hard ...... so upset though ! the dress is beautiful - I just cant do the zip up from waste to top of back - the rest fits perfect which is why I thought losing a dress size would do it, I am doing all my own flowers and wedding cake....... eg food for a day ..... porridge with skimmed milk for breakfast - just had cous cous with roasted veg for lunch with 30g feta cheese, and I will be having chicken and salad for dinner. I only drink black coffee and 7 up free - I exercise three times a week but still do 10,000 steps per day ! so you can see where I am coming from as to see why the scales are not moving !!!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    sexysexy1 wrote: »
    thank you all for you comments. I will continue to try hard ...... so upset though ! the dress is beautiful - I just cant do the zip up from waste to top of back - the rest fits perfect which is why I thought losing a dress size would do it, I am doing all my own flowers and wedding cake....... eg food for a day ..... porridge with skimmed milk for breakfast - just had cous cous with roasted veg for lunch with 30g feta cheese, and I will be having chicken and salad for dinner. I only drink black coffee and 7 up free - I exercise three times a week but still do 10,000 steps per day ! so you can see where I am coming from as to see why the scales are not moving !!!!

    find a seamstress who can put a corset back in?
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    sexysexy1 wrote: »
    thank you all for you comments. I will continue to try hard ...... so upset though ! the dress is beautiful - I just cant do the zip up from waste to top of back - the rest fits perfect which is why I thought losing a dress size would do it, I am doing all my own flowers and wedding cake....... eg food for a day ..... porridge with skimmed milk for breakfast - just had cous cous with roasted veg for lunch with 30g feta cheese, and I will be having chicken and salad for dinner. I only drink black coffee and 7 up free - I exercise three times a week but still do 10,000 steps per day ! so you can see where I am coming from as to see why the scales are not moving !!!!

    The food plan sounds OK, but you need to weigh your food and therefore be sure of the calorie intake. Are you weighing the chicken? How much couscous, how much porridge? I know from experience that cereal portions are actually really small compared to what I was having.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    sexysexy1 wrote: »
    thank you all for you comments. I will continue to try hard ...... so upset though ! the dress is beautiful - I just cant do the zip up from waste to top of back - the rest fits perfect which is why I thought losing a dress size would do it, I am doing all my own flowers and wedding cake....... eg food for a day ..... porridge with skimmed milk for breakfast - just had cous cous with roasted veg for lunch with 30g feta cheese, and I will be having chicken and salad for dinner. I only drink black coffee and 7 up free - I exercise three times a week but still do 10,000 steps per day ! so you can see where I am coming from as to see why the scales are not moving !!!!

    find a seamstress who can put a corset back in?

    This is what I did when I got married. I purposefully chose a dress with a corset back and wore shoes just the right height so that I wouldn't need any alterations. I couldn't afford it. I'd suggest getting a corset back put in the dress. It'll still be beautiful, and you won't have to worry.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    sexysexy1 wrote: »
    thank you all for you comments. I will continue to try hard ...... so upset though ! the dress is beautiful - I just cant do the zip up from waste to top of back - the rest fits perfect which is why I thought losing a dress size would do it, I am doing all my own flowers and wedding cake....... eg food for a day ..... porridge with skimmed milk for breakfast - just had cous cous with roasted veg for lunch with 30g feta cheese, and I will be having chicken and salad for dinner. I only drink black coffee and 7 up free - I exercise three times a week but still do 10,000 steps per day ! so you can see where I am coming from as to see why the scales are not moving !!!!

    Everything adds up, I suggest you start weighing your food to ensure you're not over-estimating. Good luck

  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    Sounds like you're looking for a crash diet or magic pill .. Good luck! I would get the dress altered instead of potentially harming my body with a "quick fix". Diet and exercise is the healthy way to do it and it takes time. Weight loss is never on your schedule ;)
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Weddings are overrated. Go on holiday instead. Much more enjoyable.
  • clarey265
    clarey265 Posts: 7 Member
    Perhaps cut out the 7up free, replace that with water as all the sugar free sweetners can't be good for you and may cause bloating
  • Smitten823
    Smitten823 Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! this is such an exciting and fun time :smile:

    There is some great advice already given to you - i would just say a bit of encouragement that if you eat clean and make time to exercise you will def accomplish this goal and will be rockin' that wedding dress!

    Ps. as a backup - can you seamstress possible switch the zipper to a corset type closure so you can control how tight/loose the top of the dress fits?

    I joined MFP for my wedding which was a year ago and it def helped me out a lot - good luck and please keep us updated with some fun wedding pics after the big day.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    My friend and I just finished Cycle 2 of the 17 day diet.. so we are 34 days in.. I've lost 16 pounds and she's lost 18.. and we both feel great! The first 17 days are rough but it worked and we've also broken our sugar addictions.. Just a thought!
  • I also put a corset in the back of my dress because of a surprise baby growing in my belly. lol