Help I'm getting married in 9 weeks



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    sexysexy1 wrote: »
    I really need help ...... I am a uk size 14 in all my clothes, I ordered my wedding dress but it has turned up I would say one size too small. It is too late to return as I would not get another one in time. I have been dieting for what seems all my life. I am 11st 9lb and 5' 7". I need to lose about a stone to get the dress to fit me. For the last two weeks I have been on 1250 cals and I have not lost one pound !!!!! time is getting on ...... any suggestions ...... I even tried a juice diet and still stayed the same. I am looking for diet to follow which has been tried and tested and works !!!!

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! <3<3

    Two weeks is nothing. You didn't gain weight overnight, therefore it won't come overnight either. Be patient. Take the dress to a seamstress to be taken out.

    I have good new for you too. There is IS a diet that has been tried and works. It's worked for me, it's worked for countless others, and it can work for you to if you follow it to a tee.

    What is it?

    Eat at a calorie deficit. Yep, that's at. How do you ensure you are eating a calorie deficit?

    Learn how many calories you must eat to maintain, cut back say 5% of that to lose .5 pounds a week, and ensure that you stay within your calorie goals.

    You are 5 ft 7 and weight about 164? It sounds like you don't have much to lose.

    If you are not losing right now, I guarantee you that you are eating way more than 1250 calories.

    If you eye portions and use measuring cups, you must stop this now and start weighing your food. Ensure you choose correct entries from the database (see the sticky at the top of the weight loss forum about correct calorie counting for how to do this), and log every single thing that goes into your mouth.

    If you exercise and you eat your exercise calories back- don't trust the calorie burn estimations in MFP, internet sources, Iphone apps, or gym machines. Eat only about 75% of those back, if even that much. Those estimations are way over calculated.

    Finally, as you learn more about your food habits and how to change them to lose the weight you want, enjoy planning your wedding. :)
  • sexysexy1
    well its been a week since posting .......I have kept to 1200cals a day ..... measured and weighed everything before popping into my mouth....... exercised ......and what has happened.......NOTHING!!!!! not one pound has come off !!!!!! really really upset !!!!!
  • sexysexy1
    I NEED HELP !!!!!!!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're eating more than you think and burning less than you think.

    Find a seamstress TODAY!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I was exactly in your spot with NO time! I had a one of a kind dress, and no time to lose it. I had a seamstress alter it...sometimes they can add under the arms to make it fit. I also had a old-school girdle. I couldn't eat or really breathe for half of the wedding, but I LOVED my dress!! I also bought a reception dress that was loose and comfy and allowed me to enjoy it, after all the formalities were done. I think it worked out great!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Did you take measurements

    If you are truly sticking to it ...weighing and logging everything you will be losing's just not linear...sometimes it takes a couple of weeks to show the loss but it will go

    Do not panic and give up

    And seriously find a seamstress as a fall back, because who says it's going to go from your upper back?
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    sexysexy1 wrote: »
    thank you all for you comments. I will continue to try hard ...... so upset though ! the dress is beautiful - I just cant do the zip up from waste to top of back - the rest fits perfect which is why I thought losing a dress size would do it, I am doing all my own flowers and wedding cake....... eg food for a day ..... porridge with skimmed milk for breakfast - just had cous cous with roasted veg for lunch with 30g feta cheese, and I will be having chicken and salad for dinner. I only drink black coffee and 7 up free - I exercise three times a week but still do 10,000 steps per day ! so you can see where I am coming from as to see why the scales are not moving !!!!

    find a seamstress who can put a corset back in?

  • CJsf1t
    CJsf1t Posts: 414 Member
    Give it two more weeks. When I started, I barely lost .5 lbs for two three weeks. But not 7 weeks down and this week I lost nearly 4 lbs in a week. Wait out. You still have time. If not go to a seamstress
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    so basically whats happening here is you may be overestimating dear, cut down cals another 10% and since its urgent I encourage you to start practicing Intermittent fasting, and if nothing and in dire need, cut out all carbs and sodium, and find a sauna, you can lose significant amount of water weight in just a few hours...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    It's only been a week and stress isn't helping. Make sure you're weighing and measuring your food and as mentioned find a seamstress just in case (back-up plan).
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Just break up until you lose the weight
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    nicopa wrote: »
    i will probably get shot for saying this but if you are committed to getting rid of the weight for the 4 weeks and not *cheating* then tried and tested, personally, Keto style diet worked for me. Google it if you dont know much about it - High Fat, Moderate Protein, Low Carb. Cut all bread, pasta, rice etc. Sample day eggs w butter and avocado for breakfast, chicken salad w red onioin, olives, feta, red pepper, olive oil and cider vinegar for dinner, steak and brocolli w sour cream for dinner. Snacks - chicken pieces, avocado, almonds. Keep carbs to under 20g net. Dont be afraid of fat.

    I was similar stats, and lost 11lbs in 9 days - granted a lot of that would be water I still shrunk. You could do it for 2/3 weeks and for the last week slowly reintroduce back in some carbs and keep the exercise up. Again, you asked for tried and tested - tried and tested this worked for me.

    Recently married too - just remember the 4 weeks leading up is usually lots of eating and drinking, so could you realistically do this style right up to D Day? If not, then I would say eat as clean as you can, lots of water and grean tea, cut the bread, minimise other carbs, get lots of exercise, lots of sleep, make good choices when you are eating out and drinking (vodka soda and lime, or vodka and slimline).

    Hope this helps and hope the dress situation isnt stressing you out, this should be an enjoyable time for you :-)
    nicopa wrote: »
    i will probably get shot for saying this but if you are committed to getting rid of the weight for the 4 weeks and not *cheating* then tried and tested, personally, Keto style diet worked for me. Google it if you dont know much about it - High Fat, Moderate Protein, Low Carb. Cut all bread, pasta, rice etc. Sample day eggs w butter and avocado for breakfast, chicken salad w red onioin, olives, feta, red pepper, olive oil and cider vinegar for dinner, steak and brocolli w sour cream for dinner. Snacks - chicken pieces, avocado, almonds. Keep carbs to under 20g net. Dont be afraid of fat.

    I was similar stats, and lost 11lbs in 9 days - granted a lot of that would be water I still shrunk. You could do it for 2/3 weeks and for the last week slowly reintroduce back in some carbs and keep the exercise up. Again, you asked for tried and tested - tried and tested this worked for me.

    Recently married too - just remember the 4 weeks leading up is usually lots of eating and drinking, so could you realistically do this style right up to D Day? If not, then I would say eat as clean as you can, lots of water and grean tea, cut the bread, minimise other carbs, get lots of exercise, lots of sleep, make good choices when you are eating out and drinking (vodka soda and lime, or vodka and slimline).

    Hope this helps and hope the dress situation isnt stressing you out, this should be an enjoyable time for you :-)

    even the keto bashers will probably agree that keto (low carb) will cause you to lose water weight. I dont suggest keto usually (although I do keto) but for your situation, you can lose water weight and some bloat/size quickly with keto. BUT, after the wedding and reintroducing carbs, you will gain it back and then have to find what works for you long term. Good luck.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited October 2014
    Just break up until you lose the weight

    this made me lol! i give it about 36 seconds before it gets flagged...
  • jenversuslife
    jenversuslife Posts: 57 Member
    Consider stress, hormones, TOM etc. the scale might not move but you have to keep motivated! You can do it! I would say

    1. Take measurements: bust, under bust, waist, hips. Take them weekly and see if the numbers are moving.
    2. Make sure you are using a good set of weighing scales for all your food, not using 'generic' items in the tracker to ensure your tracking is accurate as possible
    3. Open your diary if you want feedback on your diet
    4. Share your exercise plan: jogging at a solid comfortable pace for 30 minutes is not going to have the same effect as HIIT workouts whether that is sprint/jogs or other aerobic exercises. There are always threads on MFP about the effectiveness of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - I would do this every other day with something like sprint/jogs or swimming on other days
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    shaun603 wrote: »
    daynerz wrote: »
    so basically whats happening here is you may be overestimating dear, cut down cals another 10% and since its urgent I encourage you to start practicing Intermittent fasting, and if nothing and in dire need, cut out all carbs and sodium, and find a sauna, you can lose significant amount of water weight in just a few hours...

    I hate agree but it is possible to cut a drastic amount of weight in a short period of time. I've been in MMA for quite a few years and a week or so prior to a fight I can drop 10-15 lbs. As stated its water weight mostly. All carbs and foods with sodium are cut out. You can lather your skin in nail polish remover which opens up all your pores and either sit in a sauna or get on a bike or treadmill and start burning calories and sweating. Its extremely unhealthy and you will gain it all back very quickly. I'm sure I'll get shot for this. I would keep going on your current path as you said you have 9 weeks to go. Lose as much as you can with a proper deficit and if it gets drastic then this will work.

    unless you somehow start with a body covered in nail polish, please skip the bold part
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Just break up until you lose the weight
  • shaun603
    Dave198lbs wrote: »
    shaun603 wrote: »
    daynerz wrote: »
    so basically whats happening here is you may be overestimating dear, cut down cals another 10% and since its urgent I encourage you to start practicing Intermittent fasting, and if nothing and in dire need, cut out all carbs and sodium, and find a sauna, you can lose significant amount of water weight in just a few hours...

    I hate agree but it is possible to cut a drastic amount of weight in a short period of time. I've been in MMA for quite a few years and a week or so prior to a fight I can drop 10-15 lbs. As stated its water weight mostly. All carbs and foods with sodium are cut out. You can lather your skin in nail polish remover which opens up all your pores and either sit in a sauna or get on a bike or treadmill and start burning calories and sweating. Its extremely unhealthy and you will gain it all back very quickly. I'm sure I'll get shot for this. I would keep going on your current path as you said you have 9 weeks to go. Lose as much as you can with a proper deficit and if it gets drastic then this will work.

    unless you somehow start with a body covered in nail polish, please skip the bold part

    Actually no.
  • Ash_danielle
    Ash_danielle Posts: 62 Member
    Aren't wedding dresses usually tailored once you get them, just before the wedding? You definitely have time to get it tailored to your needs. Why add additional stress? Eat clean and exercise...but don't put so much stress on yourself at this time.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Move your body. Get into the gym, do 2-3 days lifting and 3-4 days cardio. Eat more protein while staying within your calorie limits (best done with meats, eggs, fish, and protein shakes). You can safely lost a stone within 9 weeks.

    Otherwise, you should always have a seamstress fit your dress to your body- Contact one now and ask him/her when they think the best time for the final alteration would be.

    Deep breath, lady! Your wedding is going to be awesome and your dress will be fabulous. Don't go the way of fad diets; they do more harm than good.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    daynerz wrote: »
    so basically whats happening here is you may be overestimating dear, cut down cals another 10% and since its urgent I encourage you to start practicing Intermittent fasting, and if nothing and in dire need, cut out all carbs and sodium, and find a sauna, you can lose significant amount of water weight in just a few hours...

    so you would say op should cut another 120 cals a day down to 1080 …????

    you really need to stop telling people to keep eating less when they are at already low levels of calories it is totally irresponsible.

    IF has nothing to do with speeding up weight loss…it is all about bone in a calorie deficit…